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Tn. Burhan Saleh [Pemasaran]

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Office : * Jakarta - Jl. Yos Sudarso Sunter Jakarta Utara. Warehouse & Office : * Bekasi - Taman Duta Indah 2 Blok A 35 Taruma Jaya
Jakarta & Bekasi 17218, Jawa Barat

Pembayaran : Bank Mandiri cab. Sunter Jakarta Utara No.Rek: 120-00-07555167 a/ n: Burhan Saleh, Bank BCA Cab. Sunter Jakarta Utara No. Rek. 6590309280 a.n. Burhan Saleh
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ATAGO Digital pH Meter and EC Meter ( Alat Ukur Kadar PH dan Electric Conductivity)
Jumlah Pesanan:
Cara PembayaranTransfer Bank (T/T)
Kemas & PengirimanKardus
Negara AsalJepang


ATAGO Digital pH Meter and EC Meter ( Alat Ukur Kadar PH dan Electric Conductivity)

Digital EC Meter DEC-2

Introducing the DEC-2, ATAGO' s new low Priced Electric Conductivity Meter. The compact, easy to use design makes the DEC-2 the ideal instrument to take anywhere you need to measure conductivity. The unit is water resistant ( IP67) . The DEC-2 also features Automatic Temperature Compensation from 0 to 50° C. For soil and hydroponics, industrial ... more

Digital pH Meter DPH-2

ATAGO is proud to introduce our new digital pH meter, DPH-2. Like all ATAGO products, the DPH-2 is extremely easy to use. It has a compact, portable design and is water resistant ( IP67 ) , so it can be cleaned under running water and submersed into water without any negative effects. It has an Automatic Temperature Compensation mechanism that ... more

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