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HI Photometer type HI 83225 & 83215 Nutrient Analysis Photometer for Greenhouses and Hydroponics, Advanced & Basic ( Alat ukur Tingkat Photometer Analisa Nutrisi pada Greenhouse dan Hidroponik)[25 Dec. 2011, 23:13:36]
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HI Photometer type HI 83225 & 83215 Nutrient Analysis Photometer for Greenhouses and Hydroponics, Advanced & Basic ( Alat ukur Tingkat Photometer Analisa Nutrisi pada Greenhouse dan Hidroponik)

HI 83225

Nutrient Analysis Photometer for Greenhouses and Hydroponics, Advanced

• Light blocking cuvette holder
• Backlit LCD
• BEPS ( Battery Error Prevention System) Alerts users in the event a low battery could effect readings
• PC compatible via USB
• Powered by rechargeable batteries or 12 VDC
• Save and recall logged data at the touch of a button.
• On-screen tutorial; with the tutorial function enabled, short guides relating to current operation are displayed.
• HELP button; screen specific help can viewed at the touch of a button.
• Method selection; users can easily select parameters via the Method button.
• Setup button; instrument preferences such as backlight intensity and screen contrast can be changed via the setup button.

Nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium ( NPK) are often the first three factors considered when making recommendations to growers. Compared to the HI 83215, the HI 83225 provides control over three additional important growing factors: sulfur ( most common as sulfates) , calcium and magnesium.

HI 83225 is designed for the hydroponics and greenhouse industries to measure seven nutrients commonly present in fertilizer enriched solutions. It can measure fifteen different methods using specific liquid or powder reagents, and has four measuring channels for a wide range of tests.

The optical system of HI 83225 is based on special subminiature tungsten lamps and narrow-band interference filters to guarantee both high performance and reliable results.
HI 83225 has a powerful interactive user support that assists the user during the analysis process. A full tutorial is available in the Setup Menu, and the Help Menu provides assistance for every step in the measurement process. This meter can be connected to a PC via a USB cable, where the data can be managed with optional HI 92000 Windows® compatible software.

HI 83215

Nutrient Analysis Photometer for Greenhouses and Hydroponics, Basic

• Light blocking cuvette holder
• Backlit LCD
• BEPS ( Battery Error Prevention System) Alerts users in the event a low battery could effect readings
• PC compatible via USB
• Powered by rechargeable batteries or 12 VDC
• Save and recall logged data at the touch of a button.
• On-screen tutorial; with the tutorial function enabled, short guides relating to current operation are displayed.
• HELP button; screen specific help can viewed at the touch of a button.
• Method selection; users can easily select parameters via the Method button.
• Setup button; instrument preferences such as backlight intensity and screen contrast can be changed via the setup button.

Deciding which fertilizer to use can be overwhelming, but with a bit of knowledge you can be sure your garden will get the right amount of nutrients it needs. The first question you’ ll need to answer is, “ What analysis do I need? ” The analysis is actually three numbers you see usually at the middle or bottom of fertilizer packages ( for example 10-20-10) . These numbers represent percentages of the three major nutrients plants need: nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium ( NPK for short) .

HI 83215 is a multiparameter bench meter that measures twelve methods in low, medium and high ranges essential for monitoring greenhouse and hydroponics operations. It’ s three channels allow for a wide range of tests.

The optical system of HI 83215 is based on special subminiature tungsten lamps and narrow-band interference filters to guarantee both high performance and reliable results.
HI 83215 has powerful interactive user support that assists the user during the analysis process. A full tutorial is available in the Setup Menu, and the Help Menu provides assistance for every step in the measurement process. This meter can be connected to a PC via a USB cable, where the data can be managed with optional HI 92000 Windows® compatible software.

Light Source up to 5 tungsten lamps with different narrow band interference filters.
Light Detector silicon photocell
Power Supply external 12 VDC power adapter or built-in rechargeable battery
Environment 0 to 50° C ( 32 to 122° F) ; max 90% RH non-condensing
Dimensions 235 x 200 x 110 mm ( 9.2 x 7.87 x 4.33" )
Weight 0.9 Kg ( 2 lbs.)
Multi Parameter SpecificationsParameter Range Method Reagent Code
Ammonia HR 0 to 100 mg/ L ( ppm) Nessler HI 93715-01
Ammonia LR 0.0 to 10.0 mg/ L ( ppm) Nessler HI 93715-01
Ammonia MR 0.0 to 50.0 mg/ L ( ppm) Nessler HI 93715-01
Nitrate HR 0 to 300 mg/ L ( ppm) Cadmium Reduction HI 93728-01
Nitrate LR 0.0 to 30.0 mg/ L ( ppm) Cadmium Reduction HI 93728-01
Nitrate MR 0 to 150 mg/ L ( ppm) Cadmium Reduction HI 93728-01
Phosphorus HR 0 to 100 mg/ L ( ppm) Amino Acid HI 93706-01
Phosphorus LR 0.0 to 10.0 mg/ L ( ppm) Amino Acid HI 93706-01
Phosphorus MR 0.0 to 50.0 mg/ L ( ppm) Amino Acid HI 93706-01
Potassium HR 20 to 200 mg/ L ( ppm) Turbidimetric HI 93750-01
Potassium LR 0.0 to 20.0 mg/ L ( ppm) Turbidimetric HI 93750-01
Potassium MR 0 to 100 mg/ L ( ppm) Turbidimetric HI 93750-01

HI 93703-50 Cuvette Cleaning Solution
HI 93703-54 Dried Resin, 100 g
HI 93703-55 Active Carbon
HI 93750-01 Potassium, Turbidimetric Method ( 100 Tests)
HI 731318 Cuvette Cleaning Cloth
HI 731321 Glass Cuvette Set
HI 731325W Cap Set for Glass Cuvettes
HI 740034P 100 mL Plastic Beaker Cap Set
HI 740036P Plastic Beaker Set, 100 mL
HI 740038 Glass Bottle and Stopper, 60 mL
HI 740143 Graduated Syringe Set ( 6) , 1 mL
HI 740144 Syringe Tip Set
HI 740220 Glass Cylinder Set, 25 mL
HI 740223 Plastic Beaker, 170 mL
HI 740224 Plastic Beaker Set ( 12) , 170 mL
HI 740225 Syringe, 60 mL
HI 740226 Graduated Syringe, 5 mL
HI 740227 Filter Assembly
HI 740228 Filter Set ( 25)
HI 740229 Polypropylene Cylinder, 100 mL
HI 740230 Demineralized Bottle, 230 mL
HI 92000 Windows® Compatible Software
HI 920013 USB Cable
Reagents & Standards
HI 93750-03 Potassium, Turbidimetric Method ( 300 Tests)
HI 93715-01 Ammonia MR, Nessler Method ( 100 Tests)
HI 93715-03 Ammonia MR, Nessler Method ( 300 Tests)
HI 93728-01 Nitrate, Cadmium Reduction Method ( 100 Tests)
HI 93728-03 Nitrate, Cadmium Reduction Method ( 300 Tests)
HI 93706-01 Phosphorous, amino acid method ( 100 Tests)
HI 93706-03 Phosphorous, amino acid method ( 300 Tests)

HI 83215-01 ( 115V) and HI 83215-02 ( 230V) is supplied with sample cuvettes and caps ( 4 ea.) , sample preparation kit, cloth for wiping cuvettes ( 1) , scissors, AC/ DC power adapter and instruction manual
HI 83215C-100 kit includes 10 mL cuvettes with caps ( 4 ea.) , 100 mL plastic beaker, 170 mL plastic beaker, 100 mL graduated cylinder, 60 mL syringe with screw rim, 5 mL syringe, funnel, filter discs ( 25) , spoon, pipettes ( 2) , carbon powder packets ( 50) , and demineralizer bottle with filter cap for approximately 12 liters of deionized water.
Manual: ( Download)

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