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Tn. Burhan Saleh [Pemasaran]

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Office : * Jakarta - Jl. Yos Sudarso Sunter Jakarta Utara. Warehouse & Office : * Bekasi - Taman Duta Indah 2 Blok A 35 Taruma Jaya
Jakarta & Bekasi 17218, Jawa Barat

Pembayaran : Bank Mandiri cab. Sunter Jakarta Utara No.Rek: 120-00-07555167 a/ n: Burhan Saleh, Bank BCA Cab. Sunter Jakarta Utara No. Rek. 6590309280 a.n. Burhan Saleh
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WTW inoLab ( Alat Ukur kadar pH and ORP, Oxygen, conductivity and temperature/ pH ORP or ISE, dissolved oxygen, conductivity, TDS, or salinity)
Jumlah Pesanan:
Cara PembayaranTransfer Bank (T/T)
Kemas & PengirimanKardus
Negara AsalJerman


WTW inoLab ( Alat Ukur kadar pH and ORP, Oxygen, conductivity and temperature/ pH ORP or ISE, dissolved oxygen, conductivity, TDS, or salinity)

inoLab® 720

Large, bright display, Easy-to-clean surface and simple operation

Simple and reliable measurements. Ideal for measuring pH and ORP, Oxygen, conductivity and temperature. A routine instrument at an excelent price. Simple All inoLab® function keys are well-laid-out. Automatic calibration and AutoRead functions ensure stable and ... more

inoLab® 730

Compact and precise

No matter wheter pH ORP or ISE, dissolved oxygen, conductivity, TDS, or salinity : it is the perfect system for all standard measurements. Supports anyone who needs to perform documentation : AQS, GLP, according to ISO 9000. Safe The built-in printer ( optional) with its high quality thermal paper is guaranteed ... more

inoLab® 740/ 750

Flexible and powerful

Communicative inoLab® 740 can be connected directly to a PC. The included " Multilab® pilot" software package communicates with the instrument. Configuration, calibration, measurement : all functions are controlled by means of pull-down menus on a clearly arranged user interface. Similar to data base ... more

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