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ATAGO Digital Refractometers Palette ( Aklat Ukur Kadar Zat Terlarut / Brix dalam beberapa sampel)
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ATAGO Digital Refractometers Palette ( Aklat Ukur Kadar Zat Terlarut / Brix dalam beberapa sampel)

Digital Refractometer PR-RI

A new Refractive Index model has been added to the popular long-selling " Palette Series" ! ! When the start key is pressed after placing some droplets of sample on the prism, the refractive index ( resolution 0.0001 ) and temperature 1° C of the measurement will be displayed continuously like an electric newsboard. It is also equipped with ... more

Digital Refractometer PR-32± ( alpha )

The PR-32 a ( alpha ) is an upgraded model of the current PR-32 with improved measurement accuracy based on the new technology development. The PR-32 a ( alpha ) has been modified to have a high measurement accuracy at Brix ± 0.1% . The PR-32 a ( alpha ) is designed to cover low concentration of Brix 0.0 to 32.0% . It can measure Brix values ... more

Digital Refractometer PR-101± ( alpha )

The PR-101 a ( alpha ) is an upgraded model of the current PR-101 with improved measurement accuracy based on the new technology development. It has the measurement range of 0.0 to 45.0% of Brix that can be used in many samples. It can measure Brix values of fruits juice, food and beverage as well as chemicals and industrial solutions such as ... more

Digital Refractometer PR-201±

The PR-201 a ( alpha ) is an upgraded model of the current PR-201 with improved measurement accuracy based on the new technology development. The PR-201 a ( alpha ) is designed to cover low and intermediate concentration of Brix 0.0 to 60.0% . It can measure Brix values of jams, concentrated juices, coolants and other samples which cannot be ... more

Digital Refractometer PR-301±

The PR-301 a( alpha ) is an upgraded model of the current PR-301 with improved measurement accuracy based on the new technology development. The PR-301 a ( alpha ) is designed to cover high concentration of Brix 45.0 to 90.0% . It is most suited for the measurements of jellies, raw liquid sugar, etc. New functions are equipped as well as the PR-32 ... more

Digital Refractometer for Isopropyl alcohol PR-60PA

The concentration of isopropyl alcohol used for cleaning, wetting in printout and other uses can be measured with only a small quantity of sample and with a simple procedure. The temperature is automatically corrected, so that it is not necessary to worry about the temperature at which the measurements were taken. Equipped with a new technology ... more

Digital Refractometer for a Water Solution of Hydrogen Peroxide PR-50HO

The concentration of a water solution of hydrogen peroxide used as a disinfecting solution for cartons for soft drinks and milk-based drinks can be measured with only a small quantity of sample and with a simple procedure. The temperature is automatically corrected, so that it is not necessary to worry about the temperature at which the ... more

Digital Refractometer for Ethyl Alcohol PET-109

The concentration of ethyl alcohol used for foods, cleaning, cooling and other purposes can be measured with only a small quantity of sample and with a simple procedure.The temperature is automatically corrected, so that it is not necessary to worry about the temperature at which the measurements were taken. Equipped with a new technology ... more

Digital Refractometer for Salinity PR-100SA

The salinity per mill ( ° ) of seawater can be measured with only a small quantity of sample and with a simple procedure. The temperature is automatically corrected, so that it is not necessary to worry about the temperature of samples. The PR-100SA is used in the aquaculture industry to measure the salinity per mill ( ° ) of seawater or ... more

Digital Refractometer for Dimethylformamide PR-40DMF

The concentration of dimethylformamide used as a solvent for synthetic leather/ fiber and gas refinement can be measured with only a small quantity of sample and with a simple procedure.The temperature is automatically corrected, so that it is not necessary to worry about the temperature of samples. Equipped with a new technology ... more

Digital Butyro Refractometer PR-BUTYRO

New PR-BUTYRO perfect for Butter, Ghee & Edible Oil industry for checking purity / adulteration. PR-BUTYRO has dual scales of Butyro and Refractive Index ( resolution 0.0001) . The temperature is automatically corrected, so that it is not necessary to worry about the temperature of samples. Equipped with a new technology ... more

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