Sheen Moisture Meter Protimeter Timbermaster ( alat Ukur Kadar Air pada Kayu untuk Industri Kayu)[30 Jul. 2011, 1:08:47]
Sheen Moisture Meter Protimeter Timbermaster ( alat Ukur Kadar Air pada Kayu untuk Industri Kayu)
Protimeter Timbermaster
simple to use wood moisture meter specifically designed for the timber industry
The Timbermaster is the instrument of choice for quality control applications across the wood industries, from the sawmill to finished products.
Large LCD shows moisture content and temperature.
Moisture values are automatically corrected for temperature when the temperature probe is used.
May be used with optional hammer electrodes for sub-surface measurement.
Supplied with pouch, moisture probe, temperature probe, ‘ calcheck’ and wood calibration table.