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Sheen Moisture Meter Protimeter Mini ( Alat Ukur Kadar Air/ Kelembaban pada building material bangunan seperti Kayu, bangunan batu, Dinding Kering, Plester and Beton)[30 Jul. 2011, 1:04:10]
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Sheen Moisture Meter Protimeter Mini ( Alat Ukur Kadar Air/ Kelembaban pada building material bangunan seperti Kayu, bangunan batu, Dinding Kering, Plester and Beton)

Protimeter Mini

The choice for thousands of users across the world for more than 30 years

The Protimeter Mini is a compact, general purpose pin type moisture meter used for assessing moisture conditions in buildings.

The Protimeter Mini can be used for making rapid moisture assessments in a wide range of building materials including wood, masonry, drywall, plaster and concrete. The instrument measuring pins are small and sharp which means measurements can be taken at the surface with virtually no mark left behind.

The numerical values represent the actual percent moisture content of wood ( % MC) and the wood moisture equivalent ( WME) of other materials. The Protimeter Mini can be used to determine if the fabric of a building is in a dry, borderline or damp condition.

When taking readings in awkward positions, the Protimeter Mini can be used with the moisture probe and lead, supplied as standard with the instrument. The optional Protimeter Hammer Electrode can also be used with the Protimeter Mini for determining moisture gradients in wood.

Optional Deep Wall Probes can be used with Protimeter Mini to measure the moisture level at depth in a wall, irrespective of the surface condition. Deep Wall Probes are very useful accessories when investigating the cause of the moisture problems within buildings.

Bright LED display for clarity
Durable and rugged design.
Color coded moisture scale for simple classification of dry, borderline or damp conditions in materials.
Comfortable to hold and easy to use.
Auto shut off for increased battery life.
The Mini moisture meter series has been the choice for thousands of users across the world for more than 30 years. The enduring popularity and success of these instruments is attributable to their versatility, simple design, robust construction and ease of use.
Typical users include:

Home inspectors
Flooring contractors
Termite pest control officers
Wood product manufacturers and traders
Cleaning and floor restoration professionals

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