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Tn. Burhan Saleh [Pemasaran]

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Office : * Jakarta - Jl. Yos Sudarso Sunter Jakarta Utara. Warehouse & Office : * Bekasi - Taman Duta Indah 2 Blok A 35 Taruma Jaya
Jakarta & Bekasi 17218, Jawa Barat

Pembayaran : Bank Mandiri cab. Sunter Jakarta Utara No.Rek: 120-00-07555167 a/ n: Burhan Saleh, Bank BCA Cab. Sunter Jakarta Utara No. Rek. 6590309280 a.n. Burhan Saleh
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Sheen Coating Thickness Wet Film ( alat Ukur Ketebalan Cat pada permukaan material basah)[30 Jul. 2011, 0:09:02]
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Sheen Coating Thickness Wet Film ( alat Ukur Ketebalan Cat pada permukaan material basah)

Wet Film Thickness Wheel

An accurate gauge to check the wet film thickness of a paint film on application.This is a simple instrument which performs a very important job. The thickness of any paint film is a critical factor affecting the eventual performance of the finished scheme and must be carefully controlled. Too little paint will result in premature breakdown of the film whilst too much paint would be expensive.

Wet Film Comb Gauges

These simple inexpensive comb gauges provide a useful aid to checking the depth of a coating of paint, enamel, laquer, adhesive or other material that has been applied to a smooth surface. They are precision-ground in stainless steel, supplied in a credit-card size wallet and are easily cleaned. Complies with ASTM D4414; BS 3900: C5; IS0 2808

Calling Card Wet Film Gauge

A precision made wet film thickness gauge to check wet film thicknesses from 25 – 2000 microns Directions For Use Select one of the four sides of the gauge according to the approximate wet film thickness, if known. Hold the gauge perpendicular to surface and press it into the wet coating until the gauge rests squarely on the metal base ( substrate ) .

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