ATAGO Hand-Held Alcohol Refractometer model AL-21Alpha Cat. 2361 ( Alat Ukur Kadar Alkohol dalam Cairan)
ATAGO Hand-Held Alcohol Refractometer model AL-21Alpha Cat. 2361 ( Alat Ukur Kadar Alkohol dalam Cairan)
Atago 2361 AL-21a ( alpha) Handheld Refractometer.
Ethyl Alcohol Concentration 0.0 - 21.0% ( ml/ 100ml) at 15C, 0.2% ( minimum scale 0.1% )
Ambient Temperature 5 to 30 C
The AL-21a refractometer can be used for measuring concentration of ethyl alcohol ( ethanol or grain alcohol) solutions that are used as or in industrial solvent, extraction medium, chemical intermediate, medicine, alcoholic beverages, colognes, cleaning solutions, gasohol and fuel additive.