Plug-In Pest Free adalah produk Australia yang telah dipatenkan dan 100% diproduksi di Australia sejak 1995.
Produk Pest Free dirancang untuk mengatur gangguan gangguan hama dengan menggunakan teknologi tanpa kimia, tanpa asap, tanpa bau, tidak berantakan, aman bagi keluarga, tidak beracun, ramah lingkungan, dan hemat untuk jangka panjang.
Produk-produk ini juga mendapatkan penghargaan dan pengakuan dari berbagai institusi dan pengguna dan efisien bekerja terhadap tikus dan kecoa.
Pest Free efektif bekerja terhadap tikus dan kecoa dengan menggunakan Electromagnetic Field yang tersedia di dalam gedung anda. Electromagnetic Field yang teratur ini akan mencipatkan lingkungan yang tidak nyaman bagi hama, dan akan memaksa mereka untuk meninggalkan bangunan anda, tetapi alat ini tidak akan mempengaruhi manusia, hewan peliharaan, alat-alat elektronik, komputer dan mesin, atau arus listrik di bangunan anda.
Pest Free adalah solusi yang tepat bagi para pengguna yang mencari cara yang hemat dan tepat guna di jangka panjang, ramah lingkungan, dan yang terpenting bekerja maksimal.
Keunggulan :
~ Tanpa menggunakan bahan kimia berbahaya
~ Hemat dan tepat guna di jangka panjang
~ Aman bagi manusia, hewan peliharaan dan mesin-mesin atau alat elektronika
~ Dijamin bekerja terhadap hama gangguan ( Dibuktikan di Australia Federal Court oleh Australian Competition & Consumer Commision)
~ Didukung oleh University of New England, dan Kementrian Australia melalui proses penelitian dan kajian yang terbukti.
SPESIFIKASI ( Commercial Unit) :
~ Konsumsi Listrik : 220 Volt, 240 Watt
~ Berat : 2.5 Kg
~ Luas Jangkauan : 1000 m2/ unit
~ Ukuran : 25 cm x 15 cm x 7, 5 cm
~ Teknologi : Modulated Electromagnetic Field
~ Listrik : Direct AC power plug in
~ Garansi 1 tahun
~ Jangka waktu penggunaan : 10 tahun
~ Pengguna : Restoran, Pabrik, Hotel, Supermarket, Gudang, Rumah Sakit, Sekolah, Pusat Perbelanjaan dll.
Pest Free telah disahkan sebagai produk yang aman untuk digunakan karena memenuhi persyaratan oleh Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point, HACCP Australia. Produk ini telah memenuhi persyaratan uyang telah ditentukan dan ditetapkan di HACCP Australia Food Safety Accreditation Systems.
Domestic Unit
In simple terms, Pest Free alters the electromagnetic field within your home' s wiring, creating an environment that is uninhabitable for rats, mice and cockroaches. For optimal coverage and protection of your home, we recommend one domestic unit per 150sqm, with 1-2 units being sufficient for an average 3 bedroom home. Units last 10+ years, offering you a long term solution for the control of rodents.
The Pest Free technology will not effect cats, dogs, birds, and is also safe for computers as it works with the normal electricity flow in a building. It is family safe, non-toxic and environmentally responsible, The product offers long term cost effective protection and is maintenance free. Simply plug in and forget. We have had considerable feedback from customers that after installing Plug-In Pest Free, they notice a remarkable reduction in ant activity too.
These units are NOT the ultrasonic units that allege to send a noise out into the room, and they are NOT a fire-hazard, like the supermarket variety plug-in mosquito repellents and aerosols. This product has been certified by the New South Wales Office of Energy ( Safety Standard Certificate Number CS6455-N) and is " C" Tick Approved.
Our Domestic Unit carries an unconditional 60 day money back guarantee and a 2 year warranty on parts and labour.
Quite simply, our customers have been delighted with the results and have finally found the solution to ensure they have a Pest Free home.
Commercial Unit
The Plug-In Pest Free Commercial Unit is designed for heavy use in areas where there is a higher risk of pest infestation or activity, by altering the background of the existing electromagnetic field already contained within a buildings structure. A single commercial unit covers approximately 1000sqm.
It has enjoyed huge success in government departments, councils, restaurants, supermarkets, factories, hospitals, dairies, wineries, hotels and other outlets that demand safe, effective and environmentally friendly pest management without the use of toxic chemicals.
Pest Free Commercial is the only PATENTED unit of its kind in the world today. Being highly advanced in engineering, electronics and design, our commercial unit has been operating successfully throughout Australia and internationally since 1996.
The unit operates by switching a coil across the active and neutral leads of the electrical supply wiring. This produces short bursts of electro motive force at 50Hz, which feeds down the wiring effectively modulating the existing electro-magnetic field created by the 50Hz supply at the frequency of these bursts, as the coil is switched on and off.
The Pest Free technology will not affect cats, dogs, birds, computers or the electricity flow in a building. It is family safe, environmentally responsible, long term cost effective and maintenance free.
Commercial units are $ 1700.00 including GST and last 10 - 15 years, so in real terms cost around $ 130 per annum. Removing the need for ongoing costly pest control methods represents huge savings to many organisations.
If you care about our environment and your staff and customers you need to plug in a Pest Free into your business.