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Vibrasindo ( Reliability Services & Condition Monitoring)
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Monitoring System ï ¿ ½ Model ï ¿ ½ 7200A Portable Balancer

- Tracking filter type balancer also available as a stroboscopic balance without a photo sensor
- Equipped with a FFT function and an automatic sampling function as afrequency analyzer and printable on the built-in printer
- Balancer Model-7200A
- Extension cable for the pickup 30 meters long ( with a cable drum)
- Electro-dynamic pickup ( selectable from S2037F-100, B9200, I-544)
ï ¿ ½ Carrying bag
ï ¿ ½ Stroboscope
ï ¿ ½ Reflective type photosensor ( optional)
Applicable vibration pickup : electro-dynamic vibration velocity pickup ( Three types of pickup below are selectable by a trim switch.)

ï ¿ ½ MODEL-2009 : Sensitivity; 10mV/ mm/ sInput impedance; 10kï ¿ ½

ï ¿ ½ B-9200 : Sensitivity; 19.7mV/ mm/ sInput impedance; 10kï ¿ ½

ï ¿ ½ I-544 : Sensitivity; 2.5mV/ mm/ sInput impedance; 1Mï ¿ ½

Vibration pickup input : Channel A or Channel B ( selectable)
Rotational signal input : 0-5V rise-up signal of 1 pulse per revolution
For indication of revolution and phase reference of the tracking filter.

AC OUT : Vibration waveform output ï ¿ ½ 2V/ FSOutput impedance 100ï ¿ ½
Stroboscope output : for the attached stroboscope ( turned on and off by a switch)
Display : Digital LED display and indicators
ï ¿ ½ r.p.m. Indication / 500-10, 000rpm Resolution 1rpm
ï ¿ ½ Indication of FIL OUT vibration value / Overall vibration value
ï ¿ ½ Indication of FIL IN vibration value / Filter pass value in Tracking or Man. Tune mode
ï ¿ ½ Phase angle indication / 0 to 359 degrees angle between the rise of a revolution pulse and a positive peak of the vibration waveform of the component of revolution
ï ¿ ½ LOCK indicator: Lights when the balancer is in synchronism with the revolution signal or the internal oscillator.
ï ¿ ½ INPUT SEL indicator / Shows an input channel that is under measurement
ï ¿ ½ Unit indicator: Lights to indicate an acceleration, velocity, or displacement

Analog meter : 0-1 scale over 0-3 scale
ï ¿ ½ FIL IN mode : Shows the filter pass value in the Tracking or Man.Tune mode

ï ¿ ½ FIL OUT mode : Shows an overall vibration value
Printer : A built- in thermal printer

ï ¿ ½ PRINT : Prints out the result of current measurement at any timing
ï ¿ ½ ANALYZE : Captures vibration waveforms, performs FFT on them, and prints out the resulting graph and a list of up to five peaks.
ï ¿ ½ AUTO LOG : Prints out the result of measurement of a selected channel under the specified conditions.
Range of vibration measuring frequency : 10Hz~ 200Hz( ï ¿ ½ 0.5dB) Full scale range ( 10 dB step)
ï ¿ ½ Displacement : 1, 3.16, 10, 31.6, 100 ï ¿ ½ 1/ 100mm( P-P) FS
ï ¿ ½ Velocity : 1, 3.16, 10, 31.6, 100 mm/ s ( Peak) Full scale
ï ¿ ½ Acceleration : 1, 3.16, 10, 31.6 , 100 m/ s2( Peak) Full scale

Stroboscopic balancer function : Flashes at a vibration phase filtered with a
( FILTER: MAN.TUNE) frequency of theinternal oscillator as the central frequency. ( 500-10, 000rpm) .
Automatic capture and print function : Automatically captures vibration data according to OR of an r.p.m. change pitch and a time lapse pitch and prints out it together with time data.
Tracking filter function : Automatic tuning with the signal from the revolution sensor by the tracking filter
Power supply : AC100Vï ¿ ½ 10V, Normally 1A or less, 2A fuse
Dimensions and weight : ( W) 300ï ¿ ½ ( H) 123ï ¿ ½ ( D) 230mm, 4.5kg.

Kunjungi Web kami juga di : http: / /
Kontak Person: Fikri ( 0815 614 1954, 0811 893 101) .
Alamat: Jl. Pahlawan Revolusi No. 22B.
Telp. + 62-21-8611 131, 8611 259, 8611 444, 8611449
Fax: + 62-21-8611 207.
Email: sales@
Website: Monitoring System ï ¿ ½ Model ï ¿ ½ 7200A Portable Balancer

- Tracking filter type balancer also available as a stroboscopic balance without a photo sensor.
- Equipped with a FFT function and an automatic sampling function as afrequency analyzer and printable on the built-in printer.
- Balancer Model-7200A.
- Extension cable for the pickup 30 meters long ( with a cable drum) .
- Electro-dynamic pickup ( selectable from S2037F-100, B9200, I-544)
ï ¿ ½ Carrying bag
ï ¿ ½ Stroboscope
ï ¿ ½ Reflective type photosensor ( optional)
Applicable vibration pickup : electro-dynamic vibration velocity pickup ( Three types of pickup below are selectable by a trim switch.)

ï ¿ ½ MODEL-2009 : Sensitivity; 10mV/ mm/ sInput impedance; 10kï ¿ ½

ï ¿ ½ B-9200 : Sensitivity; 19.7mV/ mm/ sInput impedance; 10kï ¿ ½

ï ¿ ½ I-544 : Sensitivity; 2.5mV/ mm/ sInput impedance; 1Mï ¿ ½

Vibration pickup input : Channel A or Channel B ( selectable)
Rotational signal input : 0-5V rise-up signal of 1 pulse per revolution
For indication of revolution and phase reference of the tracking filter.

AC OUT : Vibration waveform output ï ¿ ½ 2V/ FSOutput impedance 100ï ¿ ½
Stroboscope output : for the attached stroboscope ( turned on and off by a switch)
Display : Digital LED display and indicators
ï ¿ ½ r.p.m. Indication / 500-10, 000rpm Resolution 1rpm
ï ¿ ½ Indication of FIL OUT vibration value / Overall vibration value
ï ¿ ½ Indication of FIL IN vibration value / Filter pass value in Tracking or Man. Tune mode
ï ¿ ½ Phase angle indication / 0 to 359 degrees angle between the rise of a revolution pulse and a positive peak of the vibration waveform of the component of revolution
ï ¿ ½ LOCK indicator: Lights when the balancer is in synchronism with the revolution signal or the internal oscillator.
ï ¿ ½ INPUT SEL indicator / Shows an input channel that is under measurement
ï ¿ ½ Unit indicator: Lights to indicate an acceleration, velocity, or displacement

Analog meter : 0-1 scale over 0-3 scale
ï ¿ ½ FIL IN mode : Shows the filter pass value in the Tracking or Man.Tune mode

ï ¿ ½ FIL OUT mode : Shows an overall vibration value
Printer : A built- in thermal printer

ï ¿ ½ PRINT : Prints out the result of current measurement at any timing
ï ¿ ½ ANALYZE : Captures vibration waveforms, performs FFT on them, and prints out the resulting graph and a list of up to five peaks.
ï ¿ ½ AUTO LOG : Prints out the result of measurement of a selected channel under the specified conditions.
Range of vibration measuring frequency : 10Hz~ 200Hz( ï ¿ ½ 0.5dB) Full scale range ( 10 dB step)
ï ¿ ½ Displacement : 1, 3.16, 10, 31.6, 100 ï ¿ ½ 1/ 100mm( P-P) FS
ï ¿ ½ Velocity : 1, 3.16, 10, 31.6, 100 mm/ s ( Peak) Full scale
ï ¿ ½ Acceleration : 1, 3.16, 10, 31.6 , 100 m/ s2( Peak) Full scale

Stroboscopic balancer function : Flashes at a vibration phase filtered with a
( FILTER: MAN.TUNE) frequency of theinternal oscillator as the central frequency. ( 500-10, 000rpm) .
Automatic capture and print function : Automatically captures vibration data according to OR of an r.p.m. change pitch and a time lapse pitch and prints out it together with time data.
Tracking filter function : Automatic tuning with the signal from the revolution sensor by the tracking filter
Power supply : AC100Vï ¿ ½ 10V, Normally 1A or less, 2A fuse
Dimensions and weight : ( W) 300ï ¿ ½ ( H) 123ï ¿ ½ ( D) 230mm, 4.5kg.

Kunjungi Web kami juga di : http: / /
Kontak Person: Fikri ( 0815 614 1954, 0811 893 101) .
Alamat: Jl. Pahlawan Revolusi No. 22B.
Telp. + 62-21-8611 131, 8611 259, 8611 444, 8611449
Fax: + 62-21-8611 207.
Email: sales@
Website: Monitoring System ï ¿ ½ Model ï ¿ ½ 7200A Portable Balancer

- Tracking filter type balancer also available as a stroboscopic balance without a photo sensor.
- Equipped with a FFT function and an automatic sampling function as afrequency analyzer and printable on the built-in printer.
- Balancer Model-7200A.
- Extension cable for the pickup 30 meters long ( with a cable drum) .
- Electro-dynamic pickup ( selectable from S2037F-100, B9200, I-544)
ï ¿ ½ Carrying bag
ï ¿ ½ Stroboscope
ï ¿ ½ Reflective type photosensor ( optional)
Applicable vibration pickup : electro-dynamic vibration velocity pickup ( Three types of pickup below are selectable by a trim switch.)

ï ¿ ½ MODEL-2009 : Sensitivity; 10mV/ mm/ sInput impedance; 10kï ¿ ½

ï ¿ ½ B-9200 : Sensitivity; 19.7mV/ mm/ sInput impedance; 10kï ¿ ½

ï ¿ ½ I-544 : Sensitivity; 2.5mV/ mm/ sInput impedance; 1Mï ¿ ½

Vibration pickup input : Channel A or Channel B ( selectable)
Rotational signal input : 0-5V rise-up signal of 1 pulse per revolution
For indication of revolution and phase reference of the tracking filter.

AC OUT : Vibration waveform output ï ¿ ½ 2V/ FSOutput impedance 100ï ¿ ½
Stroboscope output : for the attached stroboscope ( turned on and off by a switch)
Display : Digital LED display and indicators
ï ¿ ½ r.p.m. Indication / 500-10, 000rpm Resolution 1rpm
ï ¿ ½ Indication of FIL OUT vibration value / Overall vibration value
ï ¿ ½ Indication of FIL IN vibration value / Filter pass value in Tracking or Man. Tune mode
ï ¿ ½ Phase angle indication / 0 to 359 degrees angle between the rise of a revolution pulse and a positive peak of the vibration waveform of the component of revolution
ï ¿ ½ LOCK indicator: Lights when the balancer is in synchronism with the revolution signal or the internal oscillator.
ï ¿ ½ INPUT SEL indicator / Shows an input channel that is under measurement
ï ¿ ½ Unit indicator: Lights to indicate an acceleration, velocity, or displacement

Analog meter : 0-1 scale over 0-3 scale
ï ¿ ½ FIL IN mode : Shows the filter pass value in the Tracking or Man.Tune mode

ï ¿ ½ FIL OUT mode : Shows an overall vibration value
Printer : A built- in thermal printer

ï ¿ ½ PRINT : Prints out the result of current measurement at any timing
ï ¿ ½ ANALYZE : Captures vibration waveforms, performs FFT on them, and prints out the resulting graph and a list of up to five peaks.
ï ¿ ½ AUTO LOG : Prints out the result of measurement of a selected channel under the specified conditions.
Range of vibration measuring frequency : 10Hz~ 200Hz( ï ¿ ½ 0.5dB) Full scale range ( 10 dB step)
ï ¿ ½ Displacement : 1, 3.16, 10, 31.6, 100 ï ¿ ½ 1/ 100mm( P-P) FS
ï ¿ ½ Velocity : 1, 3.16, 10, 31.6, 100 mm/ s ( Peak) Full scale
ï ¿ ½ Acceleration : 1, 3.16, 10, 31.6 , 100 m/ s2( Peak) Full scale

Stroboscopic balancer function : Flashes at a vibration phase filtered with a
( FILTER: MAN.TUNE) frequency of theinternal oscillator as the central frequency. ( 500-10, 000rpm) .
Automatic capture and print function : Automatically captures vibration data according to OR of an r.p.m. change pitch and a time lapse pitch and prints out it together with time data.
Tracking filter function : Automatic tuning with the signal from the revolution sensor by the tracking filter
Power supply : AC100Vï ¿ ½ 10V, Normally 1A or less, 2A fuse
Dimensions and weight : ( W) 300ï ¿ ½ ( H) 123ï ¿ ½ ( D) 230mm, 4.5kg.

Kunjungi Web kami juga di : http: / /
Kontak Person: Fikri ( 0815 614 1954, 0811 893 101) .
Alamat: Jl. Pahlawan Revolusi No. 22B.
Telp. + 62-21-8611 131, 8611 259, 8611 444, 8611449
Fax: + 62-21-8611 207.
Email: sales@
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