ANALYTICAL BALANCE OHAUS MODEL PAJ 1003 Made in - USA. Special Features : - Easy to Clean Analytical Draftshield - PAJ draftshield is designed with all glass panels, including three sliding....
PERUSAHAAN KAMI BERDIRI SEJAK TAHUN 2008 , TERLETAK DI JL. MATRAMAN RAYA NO. 148 ( Rukan mitra matraman Blok B-12) JAKARTA 13150 Bergerak dalam bidang Peralatan laboratorium. Produk unggulan dari....
Applikasi : Horizontal dan vertikal Laminar Air Flow model di desain untuk aplikasi : - Bioteknologi - Agrikultur - Pharmacy - Microbiologi - Area Industri - Elektronik Yang memerlukan....
LEMARI ASAM LOKAL GALVANIZE STEEL - Buatan Lokal Lemari Asam merupakan salah satu sarana pendukung yang paling penting untuk melindungi personil laboratorium dari paparan gas bahan kimia....
LEMARI ASAM/ FUME HOOD LOKAL Rangka : Multipleks 18 mm Lapis HPL Soft finished Meja kerja : lapis phenolic resin Pintu : sliding/ kaca Dilengkapi dengan Lampu TL 1x 20 Watt , Swich Lampu dan....
BOD INCUBATOR MASCOTTE Buatan Lokal Dimensi : 1600 x 620 x 510 mm Volume : 275 Liter Digital displai , dan di seting pada suhu 20' C dengan ketelitian 2% Dilengkapi tombol lampu , power dan....
SK-620PH PORTABLE PH METER Features : Large LCD for easy reading The pH value and the temperature are indicated on a large LCD. Auto Power-Off The " auto power-off " function turns off the....
DIAL PENETROMETER Made in Koehler - USA Ready Stock ! ! ! Test Method Penetration tests are performed on petroleum products to determine consistency and shear stability ( lubricating greases....
AD-12 WATERPROOF PH METER , ADWA INSTRUMENT Hungary AD11 and AD12 are the most advanced microprocessor based IP67 Waterproof pH/ Temp pocket testers in the market. Fast, stable and precise, ....
HEATING MANTLE Made in Korea All items are NON-ASBESTOS. - Most durable and mantle for almost all vessels especially well suitable made for any shape instrument. - The only practical type of....
PH ON-LINE ( PH ANALYZER) MODEL 910 Made in Soutn Korea. â € ¢ Microprocessor based on single chip * Programmable dialogue-Menu for easy operation * Convenient LCD, LED display ( Measure, ....
PH METER MODEL AD-1000 BENCH TOP MADE IN HUNGARY ( DIGITAL PH METER ) Model AD-1000 is a professional bench meter for pH, ORP ( Oxidation Reduction Potential) and temperature measurements.....
EXTRACTION MANTLE 6 X 250 ML Made in South Korea. Specially designed for Soxlet and other extraction tests, Various sizes of Flasks and Beakers with multi[ le holes are available. All models....
PH METER BENCH TOP MODEL 1030 Made in Hungary ( DIGITAL PH METER ) Professional pH-ORP-Temp. Bench Meter AD1030 is a professional bench meter for pH, ORP ( Oxidation Reduction Potential) and....
PH METER MODEL AD-110 & AD-111 Made in - Hungary AD110 and AD111 are compact pH meters featuring automatic pH calibration, HOLD function, low battery indication, temperature measurement and....
CONDUCTIVITY EC-40N Portable Made in Istek Inc â € “ Korea Extremely short response time and easy-to use â € ¢ Clear Custom LCD illuminated â € ¢ Two-way RS232C communication â € ¢ 100 Points Internal....