BW Technologies HONEYWELL Portable Single GAS Detektor ( Gas Alert Extreme) PT Sedaya Mitra Sejahtera adalah distributor/ agent/ seller di Indonesia yang menjual berbagai peralatan Safety dan....
PT Sedaya Mitra Sejahtera, perusahaan distribusi di Indonesia : 1) Petro Canada Lubricants/ Oil, a. Food Grade Lubricants b. Automotive Lubricants c. Industrial Lubricants such as Heavy Duty....
PT Sedaya Mitra Sejahtera adalah distributor/ agent/ seller di Indonesia yang menjual berbagai peralatan Safety dan Security, termasuk BW Technologies Honeywell Portable Single GAS DETECTOR ( Gas....
Yellow Safety Cabinets for Flammables Liquids Industry-leading JUSTRITE Safety Cabinet for Flammable Liquids provide the best possible flammable liquid storage and protection. Protect workers, ....
Baju Pemadam Kebakaran / Baju Tahan Api EXCALOR ( Aluminized Fire & Heat Protection Suit) PT Sedaya Mitra Sejahtera adalah Distributor/ Agent di Indonesia yang menjual berbagai macam alat safety, ....
Baju Pemadam Kebakaran / Baju Anti Api EXCALOR ( fire heat protection suit) PT Sedaya Mitra Sejahtera adalah Distributor/ Agent di Indonesia yang menjual berbagai macam alat safety, PPE ( ....
Safety Can for Flammables Go beyond protection and compliance with the added convenience of AccuFlowTM with Safe-Squeeze ® trigger for safe and controlled pouring. Justrite' s patented manifold....
Yellow Safety Cabinets for Flammables Protect workers, reduce fire risks, and improve productivity by storing flammable fuels and chemicals in code-compliant safety cabinets. Designed to meet....
JUSTRITE 26800 - Smokers Cease Fire Cigarette Butt Receptacles Utilizing Justrite' s proven Cease-Fire technology, the Smokers Cease Fire innovative self-extinguishing design safely collects....
MSA 464046 - Comfo Respirator Cartridges The MSA 464046 Comfo organic vapor / acid gas cartridge delivers protection from gases and vapors. When the wearer inhales, contaminated air enteres and....
3M â € “ T 126 Petroleum Sorbent Sweep Sweeps incorporate a rope which is attached to one side of the sorbent material. This allows the sorbent to be drawn across an " on water spill" to recover the....
3M P200 Chemical Sorbent MiniBoom P200 Chemical Sorbent Mini-Booms are typically used to encircle spills and to contain leaks. Rapid to deploy with high liquid holding capacity. Features and....
3Mâ „ ¢ P-212 Chemical Sorbent Mini-Boom Chemical sorbent mini-booms are typically used to encircle spills and to contain leaks. A 3 inches diameter scrim on the outside of a the boom identifies the....
SPC DZ100 - Dri-Zorb ® Loose Granular Dri-Zorb ® is an all natural corncob product that quickly absorbs cutting oils, grease, water, and other liquids. Not for use with aggressive fluids. ....
Beslux Blanco Cadenas - Food Grade Spray Grease ( minyak gemuk semprot) buatan spanyol ini banyak digunakan di pabrik farmasi, pabrik makanan dan minuman. Sangat baik untuk aplikasi rantai conveyor, ....
http: / / PURITY* FG FOOD MACHINARY GREASE PURITY Food Grade ( FG) grease adalah pelumas yang diformulasikan secara khusus untuk memberikan kinerja terbaik dan food grade....