PH/ CONDUCTIVITY/ TDS METER, PT 146 PALINTEST Alat untuk analisa air Hub 021 9600 4947, 0815 7477 4384
Specifications :
pH Range : 0.00 to 14.00
Resolution : 0.01 pH
Accuracy : ± 0.01 pH
Conductivity Range : 0 to 19.99, 199.9, 1999 µ S/ cm; 19.99, 199.9 mS/ cm
TDS Range : 0 to 9.99, 99.9, 999 ppm; 9.99, 99.9, 199.9 ppt ( depending
on factor setting)
Resolution & Accuracy : 0.05% Full Scale & ± 1% Full Scale or ± 1Digit
Temperature Range : 0.0 to 100.0 ° C; 32.0 to 212 ° F
Resolution & Accuracy : 0.1 ° C/ ° F & ± 0.3 ° C ( 0.5 ° F) ATC Yes ( 0 to 80 ° C)
25° C ( Selectable 15 to 30 ° C)
Temperature Coefficient : 2.1% ( Selectable ( 0.0 to 10.0% / ° C)
TDS Factor : 0.67 ( Selectable ( 0.40 to 1.00)