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3M MP180 Pocket Projector - Proyektor Saku - Mini Projector
Jumlah Pesanan:
Cara PembayaranTransfer Bank (T/T), Tunai
3M MP180 PocketProjector
3M MP-180 Mini Projector


Your Office on-the-Go ! ! ! The World in Your Pocket .
The 3M Pocket Projector MP180 was designed with the on-the-go professional in mind.

Introducing a whole new world of projecting. Brighter. Lasts longer. SVGA. Support for Microsoft Office and Adobe
PDF. It even has bonus features of Bluetooth and Wi-Fi. And it’ s called the 3M™ PocketProjector MP180.

Share Videos - Photos - and Presentations .

It' s a Web-Powered Portable Projector

• Complete Presentations
• Full Length Movies
• Thousands of Pictures
• Millions of Opportunities
• ~ One Projector ~

You can truly leave the laptop at home with this portable office, which allows you to share Power Point presentations,
files, photos, and MS-Office files including Word documents and XLS spreadsheets. With a full , two hour battery life
at 30 lumens, full color gamut and SVGA resolution, the 3M Pocket Projector MP180 produces a sharp, vivid display
and battery length to get you through any presentation. New features include wireless ( Wi-Fi) and Bluetooth
compatibility, making it easy to transfer files from laptop or PDF or stream content from the Internet. The Pocket
Projector MP180 has 4GB of built-in memory , as well as a micro SD card for additional storage.


The 3M® PocketProjector MP180 is like nothing you' ve seen before, with stunning image quality backed by brilliant
technology. This mobile projector was created from ground-breaking 3M technology to deliver the brightest on battery
viewing experience.

The MP180 from 3M is perfect for:

• Business owners
• Frequent fliers or
• Anyone on-th-go

Use it on:

• Coffee shops
• Conference rooms
• Living rooms
• Restaurants
• etc

• 30 lumens brightness on a full 2-hour battery
• With it' s 4GB of internal memory and microSD® card compatibility, never leave a file behind
• Works with laptops, computers, MP3 players, DVD players, Digital cameras, Camcorders and Smartphones
• Easy-to-Use ' Touch Screen'
• Bluetooth® for file transfer
• Wi-Fi™ Compatible

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SMS : 0816 481 5887 - 0813 87511 835
BBM : 26271aba
Email : sales@
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