BROTHER FAX-236S[18 May. 2010, 10:40:19]
Brother Thermal FAX-236S.
Mesin Fax Thermal, untuk Operasional Ringkas, Mudah dan Biaya Ekonomis!
Brother FAX-236S is a direct thermal paper facsimile that comes with unique features like key-lock system, that
enables the machine to cease sending faxes, making a phone call or copying, when the key-lock is activated.It is also
loaded with an automatic paper cutter and anti-curl system that prevents curl problems to the paper.
It has Modem speeds up to 9.6Kbps and comes with 104-Station quick dials for the user' s convenience.
Compared to FAX-235S, it comes with more speed-dials, up to 100 locations! FAX-236S has a built-in automatic
document feeder that loads up to 10 pages. Overall, this fax machine helps to save costs as it is able to accommodate
up to 50m of paper roll capacity.
Fax Thermal dengan Kertas Roll. FAX-TEL-COPY!
• Automatic Paper Cutter. Anti Paper-Jam.
• Key-Lock System
• 10-Page Auto-Document Feeder
• 104-Station Auto Dialling
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