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Menulis tinjauan


Sony ICD-UX400F
Jumlah Pesanan:
Cara PembayaranTransfer Bank (T/T), Tunai

2145-Hours Recording Time with 8GB Internal Memory.

4-in-1 Voice Recorders with ' Stereo Recording ' , MP3 playback,
Data Storage Capabilities and FM Radio ( Recordable) .

Put your pen down, ..and take the notes Digitally!


Compact design for easy transportation, Sony’ s voice recorders are user-friendly and provide high quality audio.
Our digital voice recorders are USB compatible for high-speed transfer rate from recorder to PC, able to increase
volume of the speaker when being recorded at a great distance and digital pitch control for distortion free sounds.
Affordable and simple, Sony’ s analog voice recorder can enhance voice sounds and built-in mic for easy recording.


4-in-1 Stereo Recorder with 8GB Memory Capacity, Built-in Stereo Microphones with 3-Selectable Recording Levels,
Music Playback, Recordable FM Radio, Direct Mic-in / Audio-in Recording and Direct Connectivity into the USB Port
just by Sliding the Lever. Perfect for use in the Office and Classroom.

• 5-line clear dot matrix large LCD screen
• Built-in stereo microphones
• Selectable Microphone Sensitivity ( S-High/ High/ Low)
• 3 selectable recording levels
• Noise Cut / Low Cut Filter / VOR / Dividing
• MP3 / WMA / AAC Music Player with selectable sound effect
• ID3-tag Supported
• MP3 Stereo Recording
• Direct USB connection ( USB Direct PC Link)

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Info Lanjut, Cara Order / Pemesanan dan Penawaran. Kunjungi atau Hubungi kami di :

http: / /
Phone : ( 021) 6882 6710 / ( 021) 7090 5889
SMS : 0816 481 5887 - 0813 87511 835
Email : sales@
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