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Water testing analysis
- Spectrophotometers and Colorimeters
- Test Kits and Portable systems
- Microbiological Testing Products
- Laboratory and Portable Turbidimeter
- On....
HargaRp. 2.737.500/box
Negara AsalAmerika Serikat
Bila diperlukan untuk melindungi sampel dari cahaya, WhirlPak Black Bag dirancang khusus untuk aplikasi ini. Film polietilen terbuat dari resin pigmen sehingga warna hitam....
Negara AsalAmerika Serikat
NASCO Whirl-Pak adalah kantong plastik steril yang telah banyak digunakan di laboratorium sebagai sarana pengambilan sampel dan penyimpan sampel selama di proses di laboratorium.....
Negara AsalAmerika Serikat
For over 100 years, Welch has been supplying pumps for your vacuum applications. Welch has developed an in-depth knowledge from these years of experience on selecting the correct....
Negara AsalJerman
Ovens - Waterbaths - Oilbaths
Millions of users all over the world rediscover their passion for Research and Development in Memmert appliances: ovens, incubators, special ovens....
Negara AsalJerman
MACHEREY-NAGEL has been known for high quality filter papers. Today we also supply customers worldwide with a variety of special products for specific applications.

Negara AsalJerman
BRAND GMBH + CO KG is commited to providing the highest quality products and customer service. BRAND was one of the first companies in industry to earn ISO 9001 certification for....
Negara AsalAmerika Serikat
Inorganic Ventures manufactures custom standards and more. We' ll create the perfect Certified Reference Material for your application. We' re fast, we' re credible and our technical....
Negara AsalChina
Coal and Mineral Testing Instrument
1. Bomb calorimeter
2. Sulfur Analyzers
3. Proximate Analyzer ( Thermal Gravimetric Analyzer, TGA)
4. Moisture Tester
5. Muffle Furnace
6. Ash....
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Negara AsalItalia

â € ¢ Ideal for transferring and dispensing liquids safely in all types of laboratories ( Blood Bank, Haematology, Bacteriology, Urinalysis, etc.) ....
Negara AsalAmerika Serikat
Eutech offers a comprehensive range of laboratory and field instrumentation for water analysis and continuous online process instruments for:
- monitoring and control of pH,
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Negara AsalAmerika Serikat
Our instruments are made to uphold the CANNON tradition of excellence â € “ engineered to take on both the simplest and most challenging applications with equal ease. Theyâ € ™ re....
Negara AsalAmerika Serikat
BioControl offering proven choices in food safety testing.
We help our customers determine which tests best suit their needs. Developing rapid tests for the microbiology community....
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