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Kontak Perusahaan
Nama:Ibu Alfiyanti B.burnalis [Direktur/CEO/Manajer Umum]
E-mail:Kirim Pesan
Nomor Ponsel:Nomor ponsel Ibu Alfiyanti B.burnalis di Jakarta Selatan
Nomor Telpon:Nomor telpon Ibu Alfiyanti B.burnalis di Jakarta Selatan
Nomor Faks:Nomor faks Ibu Alfiyanti B.burnalis di Jakarta Selatan
Alamat:Jl.Kesehatan Raya No.24 Organon Bintaro Jakarta 12330
Jakarta Selatan 12330, Jakarta
Rata-rata Tinjauan PemakaiTidak ada ulasan untuk perusahaan ini - Menulis tinjauan
Tanggal Bergabung:24 May. 2023
Terakhir Diperbarui:3 Feb. 2012
Sifat Dasar Usaha:Pabrikan, Dagang, Jasa dari kategori Makanan & Minuman

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PT.ULTRA BUANA AGRITAMA is a company engaged in the field of agribusiness, particularly the dairy farm with an integrated agribusiness komsep created on an area of 700 ha, with
references from the founding of this business is business and social oriented, where the company wishes to benefit from the business and help accelerate economic community by doing community economic methods. In addition, the basic pattern of the business as a preserver of the ecosystem. That is, the preservation of ecosystems, then the chain of the business will remain intact and continuous with each other so that the business opportunities from upstream to downstream can be maintained and developed to the optimum.
From the business side, companies divide the market into four sections intended to include the market with premier consumer groups ( consumers who have very large funds) , the market with high consumer group ( consumers who have a big budget) , the market with middle class consumers ( consumer who have sufficient funds) , and the market with low consumer groups ( consumers who have little money) . The Company believes that each group needs products made by companies. Therefore, in addition to segment the market, the company did market differentiation. Thus, the product issued by companies can be precisely targeted and profitable and beneficial for the wider community.
Community needs for pure milk products and beef are very large, giving rise to a tendency to lack of compliance requirement ( quota) . This can be an excellent business opportunities and prospective, so that the projections the company to become partners for other ventures and forming a franchise business ( franchise) that developed and developing countries can not be terpungkiri. This pattern will make a positive sense in the community, because the company is able to contribute positively to reduce unemployment and raise enterpreuner-enterpreuner ( entrepreneurs) that can progress and develop so as to boost the economy and society at large to promote the nation' s economy.
In addition, the company also would diversify the business so that the flow of business is not stagnant but ever changing and increasingly rewarding ride. This can happen with a variety of products that will be developed and form a plasma-plasma business with the principle of mutual benefit and create a cooperative as a means to buffer the economy as a whole is ultimately more prosperous communities in both rural and urban environments, so as to suppress the level of urbanization because the company able to empower existing resources, especially community resources as a way peragaman product diversification, and expansion of business lines to areas with projections in 2014, the company is able to expand to all regions in the territory of the Unitary Republic of Indonesia.
Given the number of products that will be developed, then the company is optimistic for any future ( 2014) Indonesia self-sufficient in food, industrial raw material self-sufficient, and self-sufficient in the sea without the use of natural resources that exist in the bowels of the earth Indonesia and to import raw materials from abroad. The company also believes, if the method which we apply a more or less developed by the community to participate each type of business, then the people' s economy will spin the wheels faster and lower even able to eliminate the suffering and evil because the people will have more than enough income for their consumption.
These businesses are professionally managed and supported by young workers who are experts, creative and skilled in the art and never stop to the innovations to create the best for the nation and the state indonesi.
From this summary, the company hopes that if people can enjoy the freedom to live decent, quiet, and peaceful. So that the progress of the nation will soon be realized and the rise of the nation' s economy can be quickly met. Because a great nation is a nation that desire and determination to achieve success with social care, culture, economy eventually will lead to the conception of the Deity state and nation.

we respectfully


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