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Timbangan Indonesia
Timbangan Indonesia

Timbangan Weighing Scales

Timbangan Weighing ScalesMerupakan timbangan dengan Model FX-FX-120i 200i 300i FX-FX-FX-2000i 1200i FX-3000i
Beratnya 122g 220g 320g
Kapasitas 1220g 2200g 3200g
Nilai minimum beratnya 0.001g 0.01g
Cara Menghitung massa unit Minimum 0.001g 0.01g
Jumlah sampel 5, 10, 25, 50 atau 100 keping
Cara Persen Minimum 100% massa referensi 0.100g 1.00g
menampilkan Minimum 100% 0,01%, 0,1%, 1% (tergantung pada massa referensi tersimpan)
Beratnya pan (diameter) 130mm 150mm

Informasi Lengkap Silahkan Kunjungi Website Kami di:
Contact Person Adi: Firo, Ibu Sri (08159072797,087883976262,081387428586,085883946322)
Alamat: Jl. Pahlawan Revolusi No 22B.
Tel. +62-21-8611 131, 8611 259, 8611 444, 8611449
Faks: +62-21-8611 207.
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6kg / 12Lb * 2g/ 0.005lb ~ 60kg/ 240Lb * 10g/ 0.02lb.
1/ 15, 000Display resolution
1/ 60, 000 programable resolution
Stainless steel weighing pan
Meet IP65....
Dynamic Check Weigher
Dynamic Check Weigher Compact, reliable and accurate + / - weight checking systems, , suitable to be integrated with production and/ or shipping conveyor lines for a weight check....
Weighing Scale With Dot Matrix Printer :PRR-30-TE

Harga : -

* Cap . 1.2kg / 3kg / 6kg / 12kg / 30kg
* Super bright 0.6" high red LED display
* 1/ 6000 display resolution
* Resists static electricity and interference
* Auto calibration & set....
Weighing Scale With Thrmal Line Printer :PRR-30-TD

Harga : -

* Cap. 1.2kg / 3kg / 6kg / 12kg / 30kg
* Super bright 0.6" high red LED display
* 1/ 6000 display resolution
* Resists static electricity and interference
* Auto calibration & set....
Weighing Bench Scale With Dot Matrix Printer : PRR-302-TE

Harga : -

* Cap.60 kg / 150kg / 300kg
* Super bright 0.6" high red LED display
* 1/ 6000 display resolution
* Resists static electricity and interference
* Auto calibration & set up function....
Weighing Scale With Thermal Line Printer :PRR-302-TD

Harga : -

* Cap. 60kg / 150kg
* Super bright 0.6" high red LED display
* 1/ 6000 display resolution
* Resists static electricity and interference
* Auto calibration & set up function
* Auto....