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"DGTQF": MULTI-PRODUCT DOSAGE[14 Dec. 2008, 23:04:37]
Jumlah Pesanan: Tambah ke Keranjang
Cara PembayaranTransfer Bank (T/T)
Kemas & PengirimanBox
Configuration which allows the dosage of various products, in loading or unloading, the mixing and the formulation, with the possibility of managing mixers, burners or vibrators using dedicated contacts.


Clearing, tare and weight printing functions.
Database of 16 selectable products/phases which may be:
- Automatic dosage.
- Manual dosage, with possibility of managing a control light.
- Complete or partial unloading.
- Fractioned unloading, for dividing all the dosed material in equal quantities.
- Timer, for enabling mixers, burners, or stirrers for a preestablished time period.
- Pause, for allowing the manual operations of the operator.
- Manual weight, for adding pre-weighed quantities to the dosage.