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 Katalog Produk:SUNSTOP FOIL PEREDAM PANAS SINAR MATAHARI TEKNOLOGI INSULASI  Katalog Produk:Bahan kimia laboratorium, kimia produksi, kimia pro analysis  Jual:Regulator LPG DESTEC Double Safety System TANPA KETAKUTAN MEMASANG REGULATOR LPG TELAH DIUJI DAN SNI Hemat 30 % Garansi 2 Tahun  Jual:Produk Kromatografi, Media Mikrobiologi, Peralatan Hygiene Monitoring  Jual:Jual Kimia Laboratorium / Test kit / Intrumentasi Analisis / Pro Analys Merck analisis air dan makanan  Katalog Produk:waterproofing membrane, waterproofing coating, waterproofing integral, waterproofing injeksi, floor hardener   aplicator / sole agent  Jual:POLYCARBONATE SHEET / LEMBARAN SUNLOID POLYCARBONATE CLEAR  Jual:WATERPROOFING INTEGRAL PENGERAS BETON DICAMPURKAN KEDALAM CONCRETE BETON, INTEGRAL WATERPROOFING  Jual:WATERPROOFING MEMBRANE TORCH ON SYSTEM, WATERPROOFING MEMBRANE BAKAR, APLIKATOR / PEKERJAAN  Jual:WATERPROOFING COATING CEMENTITOUS BASED, WATERPROOFING PRODUCT, PRODUK WATERPROOFING, APLIKATOR / PEKERJAAN / PENGADAAN WATERPROOFING  Jual:JOINT SEALANT / JOINT FILLER, JOINT FILLER / JOINT SEALANT, JOINT FILLER / JOINT SEALANT, JOINT FILLER, JOINT SEALANT  Jual:PVC WATERSTOPS, WATERSTOPS PVC, WATERSTOP, WATERSTOPS INSTALISATION  Jual:Terminal GSM penghemat biaya telp / pulsa untuk kantor, rumah sakit dll  Jual:Terminal fax pakai cdma fax cdma pengganti line telkom  Jual:Terminal cdma untuk mesin fax pengganti line telkom  Katalog Produk:TERMINAL CDMA U/ MESIN FAX HUAWEI 1201, EVAFAX / TERMINAL CDMA HUAWEI 1200 / TERMNAI GSM EVAFONE, MULTI RUIM PENGHEMAT PULSA  Jual:Terminal CDMA Huawei 1200 
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Acetanilide test substance for elementary analysis
Acetate buffer solution pH 4.66
Acetic acid ( glacial) 100% GR for analysis ACS, ISO
Acetic acid ( glacial) 100% GR for analysis ACS, ISO
Acetic acid ( glacial) 100% GR for analysis ACS, ISO
Acetic acid ( glacial) 100% GR for analysis ACS, ISO
Acetic acid 30%
Acetic acid 96% GR
Acetic acid 96% GR
Acetic acid for 1000 ml
Acetic anhydride GR for analysis ACS, ISO
Acetic anhydride GR for analysis ACS, ISO
Aceton for gas chromatography suprasolv
Aceton for gas chromatography suprasolv
Acetone for liquid chromatography lichrosolv
Acetone for liquid chromatography lichrosolv
Acetone for spectroscopy uvasol
Acetone for spectroscopy uvasol
Acetone for synthesis
Acetone GR or analysis ACS, ISO
Acetone GR or analysis ACS, ISO
Acetone GR or analysis ACS, ISO
Acetonitril HPLC
Acetonitrile for organic analysis of traces Suprasolv
Acetonitrile for prep. chromatography
Acetonitrile for spectroscopy uvasol
Acetonitrile GR For Analysis ACS
Acetonitrile GR For Analysis ACS
Acetonitrile gradien grade for liquid chromatograpy
Acetonitrile gradient grade for liquid chromatography lichrosolv Acetonitrile hypergrade for liquid chromatography
Acetonitrile hypergrade for liquid chromatography
Acetonitrile isocratic grade for liquid chromatography Lichrosolv Acetonitrile isocratic grade for liquid chromatography Lichrosolv Acetonitrile isocratic grade for liquid chromatography Lichrosolv Acetylacetone GR
Acetylacetone GR
Alkali blue indicator
Aluminium ammonium sulfate gr
Aluminium fine powder
Aluminium foil gr
Aluminium nitrate gr
Aluminium oxide fibres for Gooch crucibles ( LAB )
Aluminium potassium sulfate dodecahydrate gr for analysis ACS Alumunium ( ICP1000 mg/ l)

Amidosulfonic acid GR for analysis
Amidosulfonic acid GR for analysis
Ammonia Solution 25% GR For Analysis
Ammonia Solution 25% GR For Analysis
Ammonia solution 25% Suprapur
Ammonia solution 32% extra pure
Ammonia solution 32% extra pure
Ammonium Acetate GR For Analysis ACS
Ammonium Acetate GR For Analysis ACS
Ammonium amidosulfonate GR
Ammonium buffer solution for complexometry
Ammonium carbamate GR
Ammonium carbonate for analysis ACS
Ammonium carbonate for analysis ACS
Ammonium cerium ( IV) nitrate GR
Ammonium cerium ( IV) sulfate GR
Ammonium chloride GR for analysis ACS, ISO
Ammonium chloride GR for analysis ACS, ISO
Ammonium chloride GR for analysis ACS, ISO
Ammonium dihydrogen phosphate 99, 99 suprapur®
Ammonium dihydrogen phosphate GR for analysis ACS
Ammonium fluoride GR
Ammonium fluoride GR
Ammonium iodide GR
Ammonium iron ( II) sulfate hexahydrate GR for analysis ISO
Ammonium iron ( II) sulfate hexahydrate GR for analysis ISO
Ammonium iron ( II) sulfate solution for 250 ml of volumetric solution
Ammonium iron ( III) sulfate GR
Ammonium iron ( III) sulfate GR
Ammonium nitrate GR for analysis ACS, ISO
Ammonium peroxodisulfate GR
Ammonium peroxodisulfate GR
Ammonium peroxodisulfate GR
Ammonium sulfate GR for analysis ACS, ISO
Ammonium sulfate GR for analysis ACS, ISO
Ammonium sulfate GR for analysis ACS, ISO
Ammonium thiocyanate GR
Ammonium thiocyanate sol. Titrisol 0.1 N
Ammonium thiosulfate ( LAB)
Aniline GR
Aniline GR
Antimony ( ICP1000 mg/ l)
Antimony ( III) chloride GR
Antimony ( III) oxide GR
Antimony powder GR
Arsen ( ICP1000 mg/ l)
Arsenic lumps GR
4-( Dimethylamino) azobenzene ( C.I. 11020) indicator
Barbituric acid
Barbituric acid
Barium ( ICP1000 mg/ l)

Barium acetate GR
Barium carbonate GR
Barium carbonate GR
Barium chloride 99, 995 Suprapur
Barium chloride 99, 995 Suprapur
Barium chloride dihydrate GR for analysis ACS, ISO
Barium chloride dihydrate GR for analysis ACS, ISO
Barium hydroxide GR
Barium nitrate GR
Barium sulfate white standart acc to DIN 5033
Benzene EP
Benzene for chromatography lichrosolv
Benzene for GC analysis of traces suprasolv
Benzene GR for analysis ACS, ISO
Benzene GR for analysis ACS, ISO
Benzene-D6 deuteration degree min 99.6% for NMR spectroscopy uvasol
Benzoic acid
Benzoic acid GR
Benzoic acid GR for analysis ACS
Benzyl alcohol GR
Benzyl alcohol GR for analysis
Bismuth ( ICP1000 mg/ l)
Bismuth nitrate basic GR
Bleaching earth
Boiling chips granules ( LAB)
Boiling chips granules ~ 1-2 mm
Boric acid 99, 9999 Suprapur®
Boric acid GR for analysis ACS, ISO
Boric acid GR for analysis ACS, ISO
Boric acid GR for analysis ACS, ISO
Boric acid GR for analysis ACS, ISO
Boron ( ICP1000 mg/ l)
Bromide bromate solution for 1000 ml
Bromine extra pure
Bromine GR
Bromine GR
Bromine GR
Bromocresol green indicator PH 3, 8 - 5, 4 ACS
Bromocresol green indicator PH 3, 8 - 5, 4 ACS
Bromocresol green indicator PH 3, 8 - 5, 4 ACS
Bromocresol green sodium salt indicator water-soluble
Bromocresol purple indicator
Bromocresol purple indicator
Bromophenol blue indicator
Bromophenol blue indicator
Bromophenol blue sodium salt water-soluble indicator
Bromophenol red indicator
Bromothymol blue indicator
Bromothymol Blue Indicator ACS
Bromothymol blue sodium salt
Buffer concentrate for 500 ml buffer solution pH 8

Buffer concentrate for 500 ml buffer solution pH 9
Buffer concentrate titrisol pH 1.00
Buffer concentrate titrisol pH 10.00
Buffer concentrate titrisol pH 11.00
Buffer concentrate titrisol pH 12.00
Buffer concentrate titrisol pH 13.00
Buffer concentrate titrisol pH 2.00
Buffer concentrate titrisol pH 3.00
Buffer concentrate titrisol pH 4.00
Buffer concentrate titrisol pH 5.00
Buffer concentrate titrisol pH 6.00
Buffer concentrate titrisol pH 7.00
Buffer solution ( boric acid/ potassium chloride/ sodium hydroxide solution) pH
Buffer solution ( boric acid/ potassium chloride/ sodium hydroxide) pH 10
Buffer solution ( boric acid/ potassium chloride/ sodium hydroxide) pH 9
Buffer solution ( citric acid/ sodium hydroxide/ hydrogen chloride) pH 4
Buffer solution ( di-sodium hydrogen phosphate/ potassium dihydrogen phosp
Buffer solution ( di-sodium hydrogen phosphate/ potassium hydrogen phosph
Buffer solution ( di-sodium tetraborate) , traceable to SRM from NIST and PT
Buffer Solution ( potassium dihydrogen phosphate/ di-sodium hydrogen phos
Buffer solution ( potassium dihydrogen phosphate/ di-sodium hydrogen phosp
Buffer solution ( potassium hydrogen phthalate) pH 4.01
Buffer solution ( potassium hydrogen phthalate) pH 4.01
Buffer solution , traceable to SRM from NIST and PTB pH 10.00 ( 20 grad C)
Buffer solution , traceable to SRM from NIST and PTB pH 4.00 ( 20 grad C) c
Buffer Solution , traceable to SRM from NIST and PTB pH 7.00 ( 20 grad C)
Buffer Solution , traceable to SRM from NIST and PTB pH 9.00 ( 20 grad C)
Buffer solution ready for use pH 1.00
Buffer solution ready for use pH 11.00
Buffer solution ready for use pH 2.00
Buffer solution ready for use pH 3.00
Buffer solution ready for use pH 5.00
Buffer solution ready for use pH 6.00
Buffer solution ready for use pH 8.00
Buffer solutions traceable to SRM from NIST and PTB 10 x pH 4.01 ( phthala
1-Butanol for chromatography Lichrosolv
1-Butanol for chromatography Lichrosolv
1-Butanol for spectroscopy Uvasol
2-Butanol GR
2-Butanol GR
1-Butanol GR for analysis ACS, ISO
1-Butanol GR for analysis ACS, ISO
Cadmium ( ICP1000 mg/ l)
Cadmium acetate GR
Cadmium coarse powder GR
Cadmium granular GR
Cadmium standard titrisol
Cadmium sulfate GR
Calcein metal ( pM) indicator
Calcium ( ICP1000 mg/ l)
Calcium carbonate
Calcium carbonate precipated for analysis of silicates

Calcium carbonate precipated GR
Calcium carbonate precipated GR
Calcium carbonate Suprapur
Calcium chloride anhydrous granular 2-6 mm
Calcium chloride anhydrous granular 6-14 mm
Calcium chloride anhydrous powder
Calcium chloride dihydrate cryst. GR for analysis ACS
Calcium chloride dihydrate cryst. GR for analysis ACS
Calcium chloride dihydrate cryst. GR for analysis ACS
Calcium chloride fused granular 0.5-2 mm for elementary analysis
Calcium chloride fused granular 0.5-2 mm for elementary analysis
Calcium chloride granular 1-2 mm ( LAB)
Calcium chloride tetahydrate suprapur
Calcium granular ( LAB)
Calcium granular ( LAB)
Calcium hydrogen phosphate anhydrous GR for analysis
Calcium hydroxide GR for analysis
Calcium hydroxide GR for analysis
Calcium nitrate GR
Calcium oxide from marble, small lumps
Calcium standard dissolved in oil
Calcium sulfate anhydrous, granular 1-5 mm
Calcium sulfate precipated GR
Calcon metal ( pM) indicator
Calconcarboxylic acid metal ( pM) indicator
Calconcarboxylic acid metal ( pM) indicator
Carbon disulfide GR for analysis ACS
Cerium ( IV) sulfate GR
Cerium ( IV) sulfate GR
Cerium ( IV) sulfate GR
Cerium ( IV) sulfate solution 0.1 N
Certified sec. standard reference buffer solution di-sodium tetraborate deca
Certified sec. standard reference buffer solution potassium Hydrogen pH 4.0
Certified sec. standard reference buffer solution potassium hydrogen phosph
Certified sec. standard reference buffer solution potassium hydrogen phosph
Cesium chloride 99, 995 Suprapur
Cesium chloride 99, 995 Suprapur
Cesium chloride GR
Cesium chloride GR
Cesium nitrate ( LAB)
Charcoal activated GR
Charcoal activated GR
Charcoal activated pure
Chemizorb granulate absorbent for spilled liquids
Chemizorb hg absorbent for mercury
Chemizorb OH- absorbent and neutalizer for spilled alkalis, with indicator
Chemizorb powder absorbent for spilled liquids
Chemizorb powder absorbent for spilled liquids
Chloride standard 1000 mg Cl ( hydrogen chloride in water) titrisol®
1-Chlorobutane for liquid chromatography Lichrosolv
Chloroform ( for determ.w. dithizone) GR
Chloroform for chromatography lichrosolv
Chloroform for chromatography lichrosolv
Chloroform for organic analysis of traces suprasolv
Chloroform GR for analysis ISO

Chloroform GR for analysis ISO
Chromazurol S metal ( pM) indicator
Chromium ( ICP1000 mg/ l)
Chromium ( III) nitrate GR
Chromium ( VI) oxide
Chromosulfuric acid ( LAB)
Citric acid monohydrate GR for analysis ACS, ISO
Citric acid monohydrate GR for analysis ACS, ISO
Cobalt ( ICP1000 mg/ l)
Cobalt ( II) acetate GR
Cobalt ( II) nitrate ( max. 0.001% Ni) GR
Cobalt ( II) nitrate GR
Cobalt ( II) nitrate GR
Cobalt ( II) sulfate GR
Cobalt( II) chloride hexahydrate GR for analysis ACS
Cobalt( II) chloride hexahydrate GR for analysis ACS
Cobalt( II) sulfate heptahydrate GR for analysis
CombiSolvent keton solvent for volumetric karl fischer titration with one com
Combititrant 5 keton one component reagent for volumetric karl fischer titrati
Conductivity water test solution for measurement of electrolytic conductivity,
Congo red indicator
Copper ( I) chloride GR
Copper ( ICP1000 mg/ l)
Copper ( ICP10000 mg/ l)
Copper ( II) acetate 1-hydrate GR
Copper ( II) chloride 2-hydrate GR
Copper ( II) nitrate 3-hydrate GR
Copper ( II) nitrate 3-hydrate GR
Copper ( II) oxide powder GR
Copper ( II) sulfate 5-hydrate GR for analysis ACS, ISO
Copper ( II) sulfate 5-hydrate GR for analysis ACS, ISO
Copper ( II) sulfate anhydrous GR
Copper ( II) sulfate anhydrous GR
Copper di-ammonium titriplex solution
Copper fine powder GR
Copper oxide wire fine about 0.65 x 3 mm for elementary analysis
Copper sulfate solution
Cresol red indicator
Crystal violet indicator
Crystal violet indicator
Cyanide standard solution traceable to SRM from NIST K2( Zn( CN) 4) in H2O
Cyclohexane for chromatography lichros
Cyclohexane for organic analysis of traces suprasolv
Cyclohexane for organic analysis of traces suprasolv
Cyclohexane GR for analysis ACS, ISO
Cyclohexane GR for analysis ACS, ISO
Cyclohexanone extra pure
Devarda' s alloy GR for analysis
Di-Ammonium hydrogen citrate GR
Di-Ammonium hydrogen phosphate GR for analysis ACS
Di-Ammonium oxalate GR

Di-Ammonium oxalate GR
1, 2-Dichlorethane for spectroscopy uvasol
Dichlormethane for synthesis
Dichlormethane for synthesis
1, 2-Dichlorobenzene for extraction analysis
1, 2-Dichloroethane extra pure
1, 2-Dichloroethane extra pure
1, 2-Dichloroethane for liquid chromatography
2' , 7' -Dichlorofluorescein fluororescence indicator
Dichloromethane for liquid chromatography LiChrosolv®
Dichloromethane for liquid chromatography LiChrosolv®
Dichloromethane for organic analysis of traces Suprasolv
Dichloromethane for organic analysis of traces Suprasolv
Dichloromethane GR dried ( max. 0.005% H20)
Dichloromethane GR for analysis ACS, ISO
Dichloromethane GR for analysis ACS, ISO
Dichloromethane GR for analysis ACS, ISO
Diethanolamine GR
Diethyl ether GR for analysis ACS, ISO
Diethyl ether GR for analysis ACS, ISO
Di-Iodine pentoxide granular GR
Diisopropyl ether GR
Diisopropyl ether GR
Di-lithium tetraborate GR for analysis
Di-lithium tetraborate GR for analysis
Dimethyl sulfoxide dried GR
Dimethyl sulfoxide extra pure
Dimethyl sulfoxide for spectroscopy
Dimethyl sulfoxide for spectroscopy
Dimethyl sulfoxide for synthesis
Dimethyl sulfoxide for synthesis
Dimethyl sulfoxide GR
Dimethyl sulfoxide GR
Dimidium bromide for surfactant tests
2, 4-Dinitrophenhol indicator
1, 4-Dioxan GR
1, 4-Dioxan GR
1, 4-Dioxan GR
1, 4-Dioxan liquid chromatography
1, 4-Dioxan liquid chromatography
1, 4-Dioxane for spectroscopy Uvasolv
Diphenylamine - 4 - sulfonic acid barium salt redox indicator
Diphenylamine - 4 - sulfonic acid sodium salt redox indicator
Di-phosporous pentoxide extra pure
Di-phosporous pentoxide GR
Di-phosporous pentoxide GR
Di-potassium hydrogen phospate 3 hydrate GR
Di-potassium hydrogen phospate anhydrous GR
Di-potassium hydrogen phospate anhydrous suprapur
Di-potassium hydrogen phosphate trihydrate GR for analysis
Di-potassium oxalate 1-hydrate GR
Di-potassium oxalate 1-hydrate GR
Di-sodium hydrogen phospate 12-hydrate GR
Di-sodium hydrogen phospate 2-hydrate GR
Di-sodium hydrogen phospate anhydrous GR

Di-sodium hydrogen phosphate dihydrate GR for analysis
Di-sodium hydrogen phosphate dodecahydrate GR for analysis iso
Di-sodium hydrogen phosphate dodecahydrate GR for analysis iso
Di-sodium oxalate
Di-sodium oxalate GR
Di-sodium oxalate GR
Di-sodium tartrate 2-hydrate GR
Di-sodium tetraborate anhydrous GR for analysis
Di-sodium tetraborate anhydrous GR for analysis
Di-sodium tetraborate anhydrous suprapur®
Di-sodium tetraborate decahydrate GR ACS, ISO
Di-sodium tetraborate decahydrate GR ACS, ISO
Di-sodium tetraborate GR for analysis ( 85% Na2B4O7)
Disulfine blue VN 150 for tenside tests
Eriochrome black t metal indicator
Eriochrome black t metal indicator
Eriochrome blue black metal indicator
Ethanol absolute for synthesis
Ethanol absolute GR for analysis ACS, ISO
Ethanol absolute GR for analysis ACS, ISO
Ethanol absolute GR for analysis ACS, ISO
Ethanol denatured with about 1 % methyl ethyl ketone GR for analysis.
Ethanol dried ( max. 0.02% h2o) seccosolv
Ethanol for spectroscopy uvasol
Ethanol for spectroscopy uvasol
Ethanol gradient grade for liquid chromatography lichrosolv
Ethanolamine GR
Ethyl acetate for liquid chromatography
Ethyl acetate for liquid chromatography
Ethyl acetate for organic analyst of traces suprasolv
Ethyl acetate GR
Ethyl acetate GR for analysis ACS, ISO
Ethyl methyl ketone ( 2-butanone) extra pure
Ethyl methyl ketone ( 2-butanone) extra pure
Ethyl methyl ketone for synthesis
Ethyl methyl ketone z.a. ACS
Ethyl methyl ketone z.a. ACS
Ethylene glycol ep
Ethylene glycol GR
Ethylene glycol GR for analysis
Ethylene glycol monomethyl ether GR
Ethylenedinitrilotetraacetic acid dipotassium salt dihydrate
Ethylenedinitrilotetraacetic acid disodium salt dihydrate
2-Ethylhexanoic acid GR
Extran AP 11 mildly alkaline
Extran AP 21 acidic with phosporic acid
Extran AP 31 anti-foaming agent
Extran MA 01 alkaline
Extran MA 01 alkaline
Extran MA 02 neutral
Extran MA 02 neutral
Extran MA 03 phospate-free
Ferroin indicator solution for waste water analysis
1/ 40 M Ferroin solution redox indicator
1/ 40 M Ferroin solution redox indicator
Fluorescent indicator f254 for tlc

Formaldehyde solution min 37% stabilized with about 10 % methanol Ph Eu
Formaldehyde solution min 37% stabilized with about 10 % methanol Ph Eu
Formamide GR for analysis ACS, BP, USP
Formic acid 89% -91%
Formic acid 98-100% GR
Formic acid 98-100% GR
Formic acid 98-100% suprapur
Glass beads 3 mm
Glass wool ( lab)
Glass wool ( lab)
Glycerol about 87% GR for analysis
Glycerol about 87% GR for analysis
Glycerol about 87% GR for analysis
Glycerol GR
Glycerol GR for analysis ACS
Glycollic acid GR
Graphite fine powder
Hanus solution for determination of iodine value
Hexachloroplatinic ( IV) acid sol 10% GR
Hexachloroplatinic ( IV) acid sol 10% GR
Hoechst wax c micropowder tabletting aid for x-ray fluorescence analysis
Holmium perchlorate standard solution for the calibration of spectrophotome
Hyamine 1622-solution for the determination of anionic tensides 0.004 mol/ l
Hydriodic acid 57% GR for analysis
Hydriodic acid 57% GR for analysis
Hydrobromic acid 47% GR
Hydrobromic acid 47% GR
Hydrochloric acid C( HCL) = 0, 1 mol/ l ( 0, 1 n)
Hydrochloric acid 25% GR for analysis
Hydrochloric acid 25% GR for analysis
Hydrochloric acid 30% ultrapur®
Hydrochloric acid 32% GR for analysis
Hydrochloric acid 32% GR for analysis
Hydrochloric acid C( HCL) = 0, 5 mol/ l ( 0, 5 n)
Hydrochloric acid C( HCL) = 1 mol/ l ( 1 n)
Hydrochloric acid C( HCL) = 1 mol/ l ( 1 n)
Hydrochloric acid C( HCL) = 2 mol/ l ( 2 n)
Hydrochloric acid for 1000 ml C( HCL) = 0, 01 mol/ l ( 0, 01 n) titrisol
Hydrochloric acid for 1000 ml C( HCl) = 0, 1 mol / l ( 0, 1n) titrisol
Hydrochloric acid for 1000 ml C( HCL) = 0, 5 mol / l ( 0, 5n) titrisol
Hydrochloric acid for 1000 ml C( HCL) = 1 mol / l ( 1n) titrisol
Hydrochloric acid fuming 37% GR for analysis iso
Hydrochloric acid fuming 37% GR for analysis iso
Hydrochloric acid fuming 37% GR for analysis iso
Hydrochloric acid fuming 37% GR for analysis max 0, 005 ppm hg
Hydrochloric acid in 2-propanol
Hydroflouric acid 48 % GR
Hydroflouric acid 48 % GR
Hydroflouric acid 48 % GR
Hydrofluoric acid
Hydrofluoric acid 40% GR for analysis iso
Hydrofluoric acid 40% GR for analysis iso
Hydrofluoric acid 40% GR for analysis iso
Hydrofluoric acid 48% ultrapur

Hydroxylammonium chloride GR for analysis
Hypophosphorous acid 50 % GR
Icp multti-element standard solution XI for sludge testing certipur
Indicator buffer tablets
Indicator buffer tablets
Indicator solution pH 0-5
Iodine 99, 999 suprapur
Iodine 99, 999 suprapur
Iodine indicator
Iodine resublimed GR for analysis ACS, ISO
Iodine resublimed GR for analysis ACS, ISO
Iodine solution 0.05 mol/ l
Iodine solution 0.5 mol/ l
Iodine solution for 1000 ml C( I2) = 0, 05 mol/ l ( 0, 1 n) titrisol
Iron ( ICP1000 mg/ l)
Iron ( ICP10000 mg/ l)
Iron ( II) chloride GR
Iron ( II) chloride GR
Iron ( II) sulfate 7-hydrate GR
Iron ( II) sulfate 7-hydrate GR
Iron ( II) sulfate 7-hydrate GR
Iron ( II) sulfide fused sticks
Iron ( III) chloride GR hexahydrate GR for analysis ACS
Iron ( III) chloride GR hexahydrate GR for analysis ACS
Iron ( III) chloride solution ( 10% fe) GR
Iron ( III) nitrate GR
Iron ( III) nitrate GR
Iron ( III) oxide GR
Iron ( III) oxide GR
Iron reduced GR
Iron reduced GR
Isoamyl acetate extra pure
Isoamyl alcohol for determination of fat gerber, suprasolv
Isoamyl alcohol GR
Isoamyl alcohol GR
Isobutanol GR
Isobutanol GR
Isobutyl methyl ketone for extraction analysis ACS
Isobutyl methyl ketone for extraction analysis ACS
Isobutyl methyl ketone for synthesis
Isooctane for chromatography li-chrosolv
Isooctane for chromatography li-chrosolv
Isooctane for gas chromatography suprasolv
Isooctane for spectrscopy uvasol
Isooctane for spectrscopy uvasol
Isooctane GR for analysis ACS
Isooctane GR for analysis ACS
Karl fischer reagent 5 single component reagent, with pyridine 1ml = 5mg H2
Karl fischer reagent 5 single component reagent, with pyridine 1ml = 5mg H2
Karl fischer solution a with pyridine
Karl fischer solution b free pyridine
Karl fischer titration 1 ml = ca. 5 mg H2O apura
Karl fischer titration 1 ml = ca. 5 mg H2O apura

Kf apura combisolvent methanol free
Kf apura combititrant 1
Kf apura combititrant 2
Kf apura sodium tartrate water standard
Kf apura water standard 0, 1%
Kf apura water standard 1%
Kf combicoulumat frit apura for cell with diaphragm
Kf combicoulumat frit apura for cell without diaphragm
Kf combisolvent fats
Kf solvent apura
Kf titrant 2 apura
Kf titrant 5 apura
Kf titrant 5 apura
L( + ) - tartaric acid GR
L( + ) - tartaric acid GR
Lacose standard 5% solid water standard for coulometric/ volumetric karl fisc
Lanthanum ( ICP1000 mg/ l)
Lanthanum ( III) chloride ( lab)
Lanthanum ( III) chloride ( lab)
Lanthanum ( III) oxide ( lab)
Lanthanum ( III) oxide for atomic absorption spectroscopy
Lanthanum nitrate hexahydrate GR for analysis
Lead ( icp1000 mg/ l)
Lead ( II) acetate GR
Lead ( II) acetate GR
Lead ( II) carbonate GR
Lead ( II) hydroxide acetate anhydrous for sugar ACC.
Lead ( II) nitrate GR
Lead ( II) nitrate GR
Lead ( II) oxide GR
Lead ( IV) oxide GR
Lead foil GR
Lithium carbonate GR
Lithium fluoride GR
Lithium hydroxide about 98% lioh ( lab)
Lithium hydroxide about 98% lioh ( lab)
Lithium sulfate GR
Litihum chloride GR
Litihum chloride GR
Litmus extra pure indicator
Litmus extra pure indicator
Magnesia rods ( lab)
Magnesium ( icp1000 mg/ l)
Magnesium acetate GR
Magnesium acetate GR
Magnesium chloride GR
Magnesium chloride GR
Magnesium chloride GR
Magnesium foil ( 25 - g reel )
Magnesium hydroxide carbonate GR
Magnesium matrix modifier for graphite furnace aas

Magnesium nitrate GR
Magnesium nitrate hexahydrate suprapur
Magnesium oxide GR
Magnesium oxide GR
Magnesium oxyde ( max. 0.001% so4) GR
Magnesium perchlorate GR
Magnesium perchlorate GR
Magnesium powder particle size about 0.06 - 0.3 mm
Magnesium sulfate 7-hydrate GR for analysis
Magnesium sulfate 7-hydrate GR for analysis
Magnesium sulfate anhydrous GR for analysis
Magnesium titriplex( r) dihydrate GR for analysis
Magnesium titriplex( r) dihydrate GR for analysis
Manganese ( ICP1000 mg/ l)
Manganese ( II) chloride 2-hydrate GR
Manganese ( II) chloride 4-hydrate GR
Manganese ( II) chloride 4-hydrate GR
Manganese ( II) nitrate 4-hydrate GR
Manganese ( II) sulfate 4-hydrate GR for analysis
Manganese ( II) sulfate monohydrate spray-dried GR for analysis ACS
Manganese ( IV) oxyde powdered ( lab)
Marble granular for producing co2
Marble granular for producing co2
Mercury ( I) chloride GR
Mercury ( I) chloride GR
Mercury ( I) nitrate 2-hydrate GR
Mercury ( I) nitrate 2-hydrate GR
Mercury ( icp1000 mg/ l)
Mercury ( II) acetate GR
Mercury ( II) acetate GR
Mercury ( II) bromide GR
Mercury ( II) bromide GR
Mercury ( II) chloride ep
Mercury ( II) chloride ep
Mercury ( II) chloride GR
Mercury ( II) chloride GR
Mercury ( II) chloride GR
Mercury ( II) iodide red GR
Mercury ( II) iodide red GR
Mercury ( II) nitrate 1-hydrate GR
Mercury ( II) nitrate 1-hydrate GR
Mercury ( II) oxide red GR
Mercury ( II) oxide red GR
Mercury ( II) sulfate extra pure
Mercury ( II) sulfate GR for analysis ACS
Mercury ( II) sulfate GR for analysis ACS
Mercury ( II) thiocyanate GR
Mercury ( II) thiocyanate GR
Mercury extra pure
Mercury extra pure
Mercury GR for analysis and polarography

Mercury GR for analysis and polarography
Mercury nitrate solution 0.05 mol/ l 0.1n
Meta-phosphoric acid pieces GR for analysis ( stabilized with sodium metaph
Meta-phosphoric acid pieces GR for analysis ( stabilized with sodium metaph
Methanol dried ( max. 0, 005% H2O) seccosolv
Methanol dried GR ( max. 0.005% H2O)
Methanol for hplc
Methanol for hplc
Methanol for hplc
Methanol for organic analysis of traces suprasolv
Methanol for organic analysis of traces suprasolv
Methanol for preparative chromatography prepsolv
Methanol for spectroscopy uvasol
Methanol for spectroscopy uvasol
Methanol GR for analysis ACS, ISO
Methanol GR for analysis ACS, ISO
Methanol GR for analysis ACS, ISO
Methanol GR for analysis ACS, ISO
Methanol GR for analysis ACS, ISO
Methanol gradient grade for chromatography lichrosolv
Methanol hplc
1-Methoxy-2-propanol extra pure
Methyl benzoate extra pure
Methyl orange ( C.I.13025) indicator ACS
Methyl orange ( C.I.13025) indicator ACS
Methyl red indicator
Methyl red indicator
Methyl red sodium salt soluble in water indicator
Methyl red sodium salt soluble in water indicator
Methyl violet indicator
1-Methyl-2-pyrrolidone for synthesis
1-Methyl-2-pyrrolidone for synthesis
Methylene blue Ph.Eur.
Methylene blue Ph.Eur.
1-Methylimidazole GR for analysis buffer substance
Methylthymol blue sodium salt metal indicator
Mixed indicator 5 for ammonia titration
Molecular sieve 0.3 nm beads abt 2 mm
Molecular sieve 0.4 nm powder
Molybdatophosporic acid GR
Molybdatophosporic acid GR
Molybdenum ( ICP1000 mg/ l)
Molybdenum ( VI) oxide GR
Molybdic acid about 85% moo3
Multi element standard I 19 elements, different concentration
Multi element standard IV 23 elements, 1000 mg/ l
Multi element standard V 26 elements, design for maxim
Multi element standard VI calibration in ICP ms, 30 elements
Multi element standard VIII similar to multi IV, but no silver
Multi element standard XIII trace metals
Multi element standard XVIII for calibration
Multi element standard XX to setup plasma
Multi element standard XXI set, contains 274473 and 108623
Multi element standard XXIi for testing ICP ms instruments
Multi-element standard II dissolved in oil 100 ppm

Murexide ( ammonium purpurate) metal indicator ACS
Murexide ( ammonium purpurate) metal indicator ACS
N, N - dimethyformamide GR
N, N - dimethyformamide GR
N, N - dimethylformamide ( lab)
N, N - dimethylformamide ( lab)
N, N-dimethylformamide for gc
N, N-dimethylformamide for synthesis
N, N-dimethylformamide spectroscopy uvasol
N-amyl alcohol GR for analysis
N-amyl alcohol GR for analysis
1-( 2-Pyridylazo) -2-naphtho ( PAN)
Naphthol green b indicator
1-Naphtholbenzein indicator
1-Naphtholphthalein indicator
Natrium ICP std. 1000 mg/ l
N-butyl acetate GR
N-butyl acetate GR for analysis
N-cetyl-N, N, N-trimethylammonium bromide GR
N-cetyl-N, N, N-trimethylammonium bromide GR
Neutral red indicator & for microbiology
N-heptane extra pure
N-heptane for chromatography
N-heptane for chromatography
N-heptane GR
N-heptane GR
N-hexane dried ( max. 0.005% H2O) seccosolv
N-hexane extra pure
N-hexane extra pure
N-hexane for chromatography lichrosolv
N-hexane for chromatography lichrosolv
N-hexane for organic analysis of traces supra solv
N-hexane for organic analysis of traces supra solv
N-hexane for organic trace analysis unisolv
N-hexane for spectroscopy uvasol
N-hexane for spectroscopy uvasol
N-hexane GR
N-hexane GR
N-hexane GR for analysis ACS
Nickel ( II) chloride GR
Nickel ( II) nitrate GR
Nickel ( II) sulfate GR
Nikel ( ICP1000 mg/ l)
Niobium ( ICP1000 mg/ l)
Nitric acid 60% ultrapur
Nitric acid 60% ultrapur
Nitric acid 65% ( max. 0.0000005% hg) GR
Nitric acid 65% GR
Nitric acid 65% GR
Nitric acid 65% suprapur
Nitric acid fuming 100% GR
Nitric acid titrisol 0.1 n
Nitric acid titrisol 1 n
Nitrilotriacetic acid trisodium salt monohydrate

Nitrite standard 1000 mg NO2- titrisol
Nitrite standard solution, certipur®
4-Nitrophenol indicator
4-Nitrophenol indicator
N-pentane about 95% extra pure
N-pentane for gc
N-pentane for spectroscopy uvasol
N-pentane for synthesis
N-pentane GR for analysis
N-pentane GR for analysis
N-undecane GR for analysis
1-Octanol extra pure
Oil bath filling for oil baths up to about 250 ° C lab
Oracet blue 2r indicator
Ortho-phosphoric acid 85% GR for analysis ISO
Ortho-phosphoric acid 85% GR for analysis ISO
Ortho-phosporic acid 99% cryst GR
Oxalic acid 2-hydrate extra pure
Oxalic acid dihydrate GR for analysis ACS, ISO
Oxalic acid dihydrate GR for analysis ACS, ISO
Oxalic acid dihydrate GR for analysis ACS, ISO
Oxalic acid solution titrisol 0.1 n
Palladium modifier aas
Palladium powder ( lab)
Paraffin 50-52, in powder form
Paraffin 56-58, in pastille form
Paraffin block 42-44 C
Paraffin block 46-48 C
Paraffin liquid for spectroscopy uvasol®
Paraffin liquid reag. Ph Eur
Paraffin non caking 57-60 C
Paraffin viscous Ph Eur, BP, USP
Paraformaldehyde tablets 1 g
Perchloric acid 0.1 n
Perchloric acid 60% GR for analysis
Perchloric acid 60% GR for analysis
Perchloric acid 60% GR for analysis
Perchloric acid 60% GR for analysis
Perchloric acid 70-72 % GR
Perchloric acid 70-72 % GR
Perchloric acid 70-72 % GR
Perchloric acid 70-72 % GR
Perhydrol 30% H2O2 GR
Perhydrol 30% H2O2 GR
Perhydrol 30% H2O2 GR ( for higher storage temperature )
Periodic acid GR
Periodic acid GR
Petroleum benzine 100-140 c extra pure
Petroleum benzine 30-50 ° C GR
Petroleum benzine 40-60 ° C for gc
Petroleum benzine 40-60 ° C GR
Petroleum benzine 60-80 ° C GR
Petroleum benzine boiling range 100-120° C GR for analysis
Petroleum benzine boiling range 40-80° C extra pure
Petroleum benzine boiling range 60-80° C GR for analysis

Petroleum benzine boiling range 80-100° C GR for analysis
Petroleum benzine GR for analysis boiling range 40-60 grad C ACS, ISO
Petroleum benzine GR for analysis boiling range 40-60 grad C ACS, ISO
Petroleum ether boiling range 50-70° C reag. Ph Eur
Petroleum ether for denaturation
Petroleum ether for denaturation
Ph indicator solution universal with colour card Ph 4.0, 4.5, 5.0, 5.5, 6.0, 6.5, 7
Ph indicator solution universal with colour card Ph 4.0, 4.5, 5.0, 5.5, 6.0, 6.5, 7
Phenol red ( PhenolsulfonPhthalein)
Phenol red indicator
Phenol red indicator
Phenol red indicator
Phenol red solution
PhenolPhthalein indicator Ph 8, 2 - 9, 8 ( S. NR. 879) ACS
PhenolPhthalein indicator Ph 8, 2 - 9, 8 ( S. NR. 879) ACS
PhenolPhthalein solution 1% in ethanol
PhenolPhthalein solution 1% in ethanol
Phenylhydrazinium chloride GR
PhosPhate modifier for graPhite furnace aas nh4h2po4 100 ± 2 g/ l in h2o
PhosPhoric acid-d3 85% solution in d2o deuteration degree min 99% for nm
PhosPhorous acid about 30% GR
Phosporous ( icp1000 mg/ l)
Piperidin GR for analysis
Polivynilpyrorolidone ( lab)
Polivynilpyrorolidone ( lab)
Polyvinyl alcohol protective colloid for argentometric titration
Potasium hydroxide solutionin ethanol
Potassium ( ICP1000 mg/ l)
Potassium bromate GR
Potassium bromate GR
Potassium bromide 99, 999 suprapur
Potassium bromide for ir spectroscopy uvasol
Potassium bromide for spectroscopy uvasol
Potassium bromide GR
Potassium carbonate GR
Potassium carbonate GR
Potassium chlorate GR
Potassium chloride ( max..005% br) GR
Potassium chloride 99, 999 suprapur®
Potassium chloride GR for analysis
Potassium chloride GR for analysis
Potassium chloride GR for analysis
Potassium chloride GR for analysis
Potassium chloride sol saturated with silver chloride 3 mol/ l
Potassium chloride solution ( 0.001 mol/ l) ; 0.147 ms/ cm
Potassium chloride solution ( 0.01 mol/ l) ; 1.41 ms/ cm
Potassium chloride solution ( 0.1 mol/ l) ; 12.8 ms/ cm
Potassium chloride solution 3 mol/ l
Potassium chromate GR for analysis
Potassium chromate GR for analysis
Potassium cyanide GR for analysis ACS, ISO
Potassium cyanide GR for analysis ACS, ISO

Potassium cyanide GR for analysis ACS, ISO
Potassium dichromate
Potassium dichromate GR for analysis
Potassium dichromate GR for analysis ACS, ISO
Potassium dichromate GR for analysis ACS, ISO
Potassium dichromate sol. titrisol 0.1 n
Potassium dichromate standard solution in sulfuric acid test set for calibratin
Potassium dihydrogen phospate anhydrous suprapur
Potassium dihydrogen phospate anhydrous suprapur
Potassium dihydrogen phospate ISO
Potassium dihydrogen phospate solution
Potassium dihydrogen phosphate GR for analysis ISO
Potassium dihydrogen phosphate GR for analysis ISO
Potassium dihydrogen phosphate GR for analysis ISO
Potassium disulfate GR
Potassium disulfite GR
Potassium disulfite GR
Potassium fluoride GR
Potassium fluoride GR
Potassium hexachloroplatinate ( IV) ( lab)
Potassium hexacyanoferrate ( II) trihydrate GR for analysis
Potassium hexacyanoferrate ( II) trihydrate GR for analysis
Potassium hexacyanoferrate ( III) GR for analysis ACS, ISO
Potassium hexacyanoferrate ( III) GR for analysis ACS, ISO
Potassium hexacyanoferrate ( III) GR for analysis ACS, ISO
Potassium hexahydroxoantimonate GR
Potassium hydrogen carbonate GR
Potassium hydrogen diiodate GR
Potassium hydrogen phthalate certified secondary standard reference mater
Potassium hydrogen phthalate GR for analysis
Potassium hydrogen sulfate GR
Potassium hydrogen tartrate certified secondary reference material for ph m
Potassium hydrogene phthalate
Potassium hydroxide pellets ( max. 0.002% na) GR
Potassium hydroxide pellets ( max. 0.002% na) GR
Potassium hydroxide pellets GR for analysis
Potassium hydroxide pellets GR for analysis
Potassium hydroxide pellets GR for analysis
Potassium hydroxide pellets GR for analysis ( max.0, 05% Na)
Potassium hydroxide pellets pure
Potassium hydroxide pellets pure
Potassium hydroxide sol titrisol 1 n
Potassium hydroxide sol. titrisol 0.1 n
Potassium hydroxide sol. titrisol 0.5 n
Potassium hydroxide solution in ethanol 0.1 mol/ l
Potassium hydroxide solution in isopropanol
Potassium hydroxide solution in methanol 05mol/ l 0.5n
Potassium iodate
Potassium iodate GR for analysis ACS, ISO
Potassium iodate GR for analysis ACS, ISO
Potassium iodate solution for 1000 ml
Potassium iodide GR for analysis ISO
Potassium iodide GR for analysis ISO
Potassium iodide GR for analysis ISO
Potassium iodide GR for analysis ISO
Potassium nitrate 99, 995 suprapur

Potassium nitrate GR
Potassium nitrate GR for analysis ISO
Potassium nitrite cryst. GR
Potassium perchlorate GR
Potassium perchlorate GR
Potassium permanganate ( max. 0.000005% hg) GR
Potassium permanganate GR for analysis ACS
Potassium permanganate GR for analysis ACS
Potassium permanganate solution for 1000 ml c( kmno4) = 0, 02 mol/ l ( 0, 1 n)
Potassium permanganate solution standardised against oxalate c( kmno4) = 0
Potassium permanganate solution standardised against sodium thiosulfate c
Potassium peroxidesulfate ( max. 0.001% n ) GR
Potassium peroxodisulfate GR
Potassium peroxodisulfate GR
Potassium sodium tartrate GR
Potassium sodium tartrate GR
Potassium sodium tartrate GR
Potassium sulfate GR for analysis ACS, ISO
Potassium sulfate GR for analysis ACS, ISO
Potassium sulfate GR for analysis ACS, ISO
Potassium sulfide about 44% GR
Potassium tetraoxalate dihydrate certified secondary standard reference ma
Potassium thiocyanate GR
Potassium thiocyanate GR
Precision cell, 100-qs for calibration [ hellma]
1, 2-Propanediol for synthesis
1-Propanol extra pure
1-Propanol extra pure
1-Propanol for liquid chromatography LiChrosolv
2-Propanol for organic analysis of traces suprasolv
2-Propanol for organic analysis of traces suprasolv
1-Propanol GR
1-Propanol GR
2-Propanol GR
2-propanol GR for analysis ACS, ISO
2-propanol GR for analysis ACS, ISO
2-propanol gradient grade for liquid chromatography lichrosolv
Pththalein purple indicator
P-xylene-d10 deuteration degree min 99.5% for nmr spectroscopy
Pyridine dried GR
Pyridine ep
Pyridine GR
Pyridine GR for analysis ACS
Pyridine GR for analysis ACS
Pyridine-d5 deuteration degree min 99.8% for nmr spectroscopy uvasol
3, 5-Pyrocatecholdisulfonic acid dIsodium salt ( Tiron )
Quartz fine granular washed and calcined GR
Quinaldine red indicator
Reference colour solution B for testing the colour intensity
Reference colour solution BY for testing the colour intensity
Reference colour solution GY for testing the colour intensity
Reference colour solution R for testing the colour intensity
Reference colour solution Y for testing the colour intensity
4-( 2' -Pyridylazo) resorcinol monosodium salt ( PAR)
Rubidium chloride GR for analysis
Rubidium ICP standard traceable to srm from nist certipur®

Scandium ICP standard traceable to srm from nist
Scapent with indicator ( lab)
Scapent with indicator ( lab)
Sea sand extra pure
Sea sand extra pure
Selenium ( ICP1000 mg/ l)
Selenium black ( lab)
Selenium black ( lab)
Silica gel ( drying agent) ( lab)
Silica gel granules, desiccant ~ 2-5 mm
Silica gel with moisture indicator ( blue gel) desiccant ~ 0.2-1 mm ACS
Silica gel with moisture indicator ( blue gel) desiccant ~ 0.2-1 mm ACS
Silica gel with moisture indicator ( lab)
Silica gel with moisture indicator ( lab)
Silica gel with moisture indicator ( orange gel) dessicant ~ 1-3 mm
Silicic acid extra pure light dab
Silicon ( ICP1000 mg/ l)
Silicon anti-foaming agent ( lab)
Silicon grease ( lab)
Silicon high vacuum grease medium ( lab)
Silicon oil for oil bths up to 250 grad C
Silicon standard for aqueous
Silicone high vacuum grease heavy lab
Silver chloride ( lab)
Silver diethyldithiocarbamate GR
Silver icp standard traceable to srm from nist agno3 in hno3 2-3% 1000 mg/ l
Silver nitrate GR for analySis ACS, ISO
Silver nitrate GR for analySis ACS, ISO
Silver nitrate GR for analySis ACS, ISO
Silver nitrate solution 0.1 mol/ l
Silver nitrate solution titrisol 0.1 n
Silver oxide ( lab)
Soda lime pellets with indicator GR
Sodalime with indicator, granules ~ 1- 2.5 mm
Sodium acetate 3-hydrate GR
Sodium acetate 3-hydrate GR
Sodium acetate anhydrous 99, 99 suprapur
Sodium acetate anhydrous GR
Sodium acetate anhydrous GR for analysis ACS
Sodium ammonium hydrogen phospate GR
Sodium arsenic solution
Sodium bismuthate GR
Sodium borohydride GR
Sodium carbonate
Sodium carbonate 10-hydrate GR
Sodium carbonate anhydrous 99, 999 suprapur
Sodium carbonate anhydrous GR for analysis ISO
Sodium carbonate anhydrous GR for analysis ISO

Sodium carbonate anhydrous GR for analysis ISO
Sodium chloride
Sodium chloride GR
Sodium chloride GR
Sodium chloride GR
Sodium chloride suprapur
Sodium chloride suprapur
Sodium chloridesolution titrisol
Sodium dichromate 2 hydrate GR
Sodium dihydrogen phospate 1-hydrate GR
Sodium dihydrogen phospate 1-hydrate GR
Sodium dihydrogen phosphate anhydrous
Sodium dihydrogen phosphate dihydrate
Sodium disulfite ( sodium metabisulfite) GR for analysis ACS
Sodium disulfite ( sodium metabisulfite) GR for analysis ACS
Sodium disulfite ( sodium metabisulfite) GR for analysis ACS
Sodium disulfite ( sodium metabisulfite) GR for analysis ACS
Sodium dithionite ( lab)
Sodium dithionite ( lab)
Sodium fluoride 99, 99 suprapur
Sodium fluoride GR
Sodium fluoride GR
Sodium formate GR
Sodium GR
Sodium hexanitrocobaltate ( III) GR
Sodium hexanitrocobaltate ( III) GR
Sodium hydrogen carbonate GR
Sodium hydrogen carbonate GR
Sodium hydrogen carbonate GR
Sodium hydrogen phosphate heptahydrate GR
Sodium hydrogen sulfate 1-hydrate GR
Sodium hydroxide on support granulated 0.8-1.6 mm
Sodium hydroxide on support, granulated about 1.6-3 mm, for elementary an
Sodium hydroxide pellets ( max.0.0002% k) GR
Sodium hydroxide pellets ( max.0.0002% k) GR
Sodium hydroxide pellets ( max.0.02% k) GR
Sodium hydroxide pellets GR for analysis ISO
Sodium hydroxide pellets GR for analysis ISO
Sodium hydroxide pellets GR for analysis ISO
Sodium hydroxide pellets pure
Sodium hydroxide pellets pure
Sodium hydroxide pellets pure
Sodium hydroxide solution 0.1 mol/ l 0.1 n
Sodium hydroxide solution 1 mol/ l 1n
Sodium hydroxide solution 1 mol/ l 1n
Sodium hydroxide solution 4 mol/ l 4n
Sodium hydroxide solution min 32% GR
Sodium hydroxide solution min 32% GR
Sodium hydroxide solution min 50% GR
Sodium hydroxide solution titrisol 0.01 n
Sodium hydroxide solution titrisol 0.1 n
Sodium hydroxide solution titrisol 0.25 n
Sodium hydroxide solution titrisol 0.5 n
Sodium hydroxide solution titrisol 1 n
Sodium hypochlorite solution
Sodium iodate GR

Sodium iodide GR for analysis
Sodium iodide GR for analysis
Sodium metaperiodate GR for analysis ACS
Sodium metaperiodate GR for analysis ACS
Sodium metaperiodate GR for analysis ACS
Sodium molybdate 2-hydrate GR
Sodium molybdate dihydrate GR for analysis
Sodium molybdate dihydrate GR for analysis
Sodium nitrate GR
Sodium nitrate GR
Sodium nitrite GR
Sodium nitrite GR
Sodium perborate 3-hydrate pure
Sodium perchlorate 1-hydrate GR
Sodium perchlorate 1-hydrate GR
Sodium peroxide granular GR
Sodium peroxide granular GR
Sodium peroxide granular GR
Sodium peroxidisulfate GR for analysis
Sodium peroxidisulfate GR for analysis
Sodium salicylate GR
Sodium standard solution traceable to srm from nist nano3
Sodium sulfate 10-hydrate GR
Sodium sulfate anhydrous 99, 99 suprapur
Sodium sulfate anhydrous GR
Sodium sulfate anhydrous GR
Sodium sulfate anhydrous GR
Sodium sulfate anhydrous GR
Sodium sulfate anhydrous granulated for residue analysis suprasolv
Sodium sulfate anhydrous, coarse granules GR for analysis 0.63 - 2.0 mm A
Sodium sulfite anhydrous GR
Sodium sulfite anhydrous GR for analysis ACS
Sodium sulfite anhydrous GR for analysis ACS
Sodium thiosulfate pentahydrate GR for analysis ACS, ISO
Sodium thiosulfate pentahydrate GR for analysis ACS, ISO
Sodium thiosulfate pentahydrate GR for analysis ACS, ISO
Sodium thiosulfate solution 0.1 mol/ l 0.1n
Sodium thiosulfate solution for 1000 ml C( Na2S2O3) = 0, 1 mol/ l ( 0, 1 n) titris
Sodium thiosulfate solution titrisol 0.01 n
Sodium tungstate 2 - hydrate GR
Sodium tungstate 2 - hydrate GR
Spectromelt a 1000 Li2B4O7 + 0.07% libr
Spectromelt® a 20 lithium metaborate
Standard solution amonium
Standard solution chloride
Standard solution chromate
Standard solution fluoride
Standard solution nitrate
Standard solution phospate
Standard solution sulfate
Stopcock grease melting point 45-53° C lab
Strontium chloride for atomic absorption spectroscopy
Strontium chloride GR
Strontium chloride GR
Strontium ICP standard traceable to SRM from NIST, certipur®

Strontium nitrate anhydrous GR
Succinic acid GR
Sudan III lab
Sulfanilic acid standard for elemental analysis gr for analysis
Sulfate standard 1000 mg SO42- ( H2SO4 in H2O) titrisol®
Sulfur ICP standard
Sulfuric acid ( H2SO4) = 0, 05 mol/ l ( 0, 1n)
Sulfuric acid 1, 000 l for the preparation of dilute volumetric solutions or for di
Sulfuric acid 100% for conductivity meaSurements lab
Sulfuric acid 25% GR for analysis
Sulfuric acid 90-91% for gerber fat determination
Sulfuric acid 90-91% for gerber fat determination
Sulfuric acid 95-97% GR for analysis ( max. 0, 0000005% hg) ACS ISO
Sulfuric acid 95-97% GR for analysis ISO
Sulfuric acid 95-97% GR for analysis ISO
Sulfuric acid 98% for the determination of nitrogen
Sulfuric acid 98% for the determination of nitrogen
Sulfuric acid for 1000 ml C( H2SO4) = 0, 05 mol/ l ( 0, 1n) titrisol
Sulfuric acid for 1000 ml C( H2SO4) = 0, 5 mol/ l ( 1n) titrisol
Sulfurous acid 5 -6 % SO2 GR
Tantalum ( ICP1000 mg/ l)
Tert-amyl alcohol for synthesis
Tert-butanol for synthesis
Tert-butanol for synthesis
Tert-butanol GR
Tert-butyl methyl ether
Tert-butyl methyl ether
Tert-butyl methyl ether for gc
Tert-butyl methyl ether for liquid chromatography
Tert-butyl methyl ether for synthesis
Tetra - n - butylammonium hydroxide solution 0.1 n
Tetra - n - butylammonium hydroxide solution 0.1 n
Tetrachloroethylene extra pure
Tetrachloroethylene extra pure
Tetrachloroethylene for spectroscopy uvasol
Tetrahydrofuran for chromotagraphy lichrosolv
Tetrahydrofuran for liquid chromatography lichrosolv
Tetrahydrofuran GR
Tetrahydrofuran GR
Tetramethylammonium hydroxide solution 0.1 n
Tetra-sodium diphosphate decahydrate GR for analysis ACS
Tetra-sodium diphosphate decahydrate GR for analysis ACS
Thymol blue indicator
Thymol blue indicator
Tin ( ICP1000 mg/ l)
Tin ( II) chloride GR
Tin ( II) chloride GR
Tin ( II) chloride GR
Tin ( II) chloride ( max. 0.000001% hg) GR
Tin ( II) sulfate GR
Tin ( IV) oxide extra pure
Tin coarse powder ( particle size 0.1-0.8 mm)

Tin fine powder pure
Tin foil ( lab)
Tin granulated GR
Tisab solution for fluoride determination
Tisab-iii solution for fluoride determination
Titan yellow GR
Titanium ( ICP1000 mg/ l)
Titanium ( IV) oxyde ( lab)
Titriplex I GR
Titriplex II GR
Titriplex II GR
Titriplex II GR
Titriplex III GR
Titriplex III GR for analysis ( ethylenedinitrilotetraacetic acid, disodium salt di
Titriplex III GR for analysis ( ethylenedinitrilotetraacetic acid, disodium salt di
Titriplex III solution for 1000 ml
Titriplex III solution for metal titration 0.1 mol/ l
Titriplex III solution Titrisol 0.1m
Titriplex IV GR
Titriplex solution b
Titriplex V GR
Titrisol standard solution aluminium
Titrisol standard solution antimony
Titrisol standard solution arsenic
Titrisol standard solution barium
Titrisol standard solution chromium
Titrisol standard solution cobalt
Titrisol standard solution copper
Titrisol standard solution fluoride
Titrisol standard solution gold
Titrisol standard solution iron
Titrisol standard solution Lead
Titrisol standard solution magnesium
Titrisol standard solution manganese
Titrisol standard solution molybdenum
Titrisol standard solution nickel
Titrisol standard solution phospate
Titrisol standard solution Potassium
Titrisol standard solution selenium
Titrisol standard solution silver
Titrisol standard solution sodium
Titrisol standard solution strontium
Titrisol standard solution tin ( IV)
Titrisol standard solution titanium
Titrisol standard solution vanadium
Titrisol standard solution zinc
Titrisol standard solutioncalcium
Toc standart solution ACC. to en 1484 / din 38409-h3 as potassium hydroge
Toluene for gas chromatography suprasolv
Toluene for gas chromatography suprasolv
Toluene for liquid chromatography lichrosolv
Toluene for liquid chromatography lichrosolv
Toluene for spectroscopy uvasol
Toluene GR for analysis ACS, ISO
Toluene-4-sulfonic acid GR

Trichloroacetic acid GR
Trichloroacetic acid GR for analysis ACS
Trichloroacetic acid GR for analysis ACS
Trichloroethylene extra pure
Trichloroethylene GR
Trichloroethylene GR
Trifluoroacetic acid ( 25% solution in water) for protein sequenation
Trifluoroacetic for spectroscopy
Trifluoromethanesulfonic acid in anhydrous acetic acid 0.1 mol/ l
Tris( hydroxymethyl) -amino methane
Tri-sodium citrate 2-hydrate GR
Tri-sodium citrate dihydrate GR for analysis ACS, ISO
Tri-sodium citrate dihydrate GR for analysis ACS, ISO
Tri-sodium phospate 12-hydrate GR
Tri-sodium phospate 12-hydrate GR
Tri-sodium phosphate dodecahydrate GR for analysis
Triton x-100 GR
Tungstophosporic acid hydrate GR for analysis
Tungstophosporic acid hydrate GR for analysis
Tungstosilicic acid GR
Tymolpthalein indicator
Tymolpthalein indicator
Uv/ vis standard 1, potassium dichromate solution for the absorbance ACC. t
Uv/ vis standard 2, sodium nitrite solution for straylight testing ACC. to dab a
Uv/ vis standard 5, toluene sol. in hexane for testingthe spectral resolution po
Vanadium ( V) oxide extra pure
Water detection paste n
Water for chromatography lichrosolv
Water for chromatography lichrosolv
Water GR
Water standard 0.01% standard for coulometric karl fischer titration 1g 0.
Water standard 5 mg/ ml apura
Water standard oven 1% solid standard for kf oven method apura
Water ultrapur
Wijs solution for determination of the iodine number c( ICI) = 0, 1 mol/ l
Wijs solution for determination of the iodine number c( ICI) = 0, 1 mol/ l
Wirthdrawal system for solvents with manual pressure buil-up for 10 l and 25
Xylene ( mixture of isomers) for synthesis
Xylene GR for analysis ACS, ISO
Xylene GR for analysis ACS, ISO
Xylenol orange tetrasodium salt metal ( pm) indicator ACS
Xylenol orange tetrasodium salt metal indicator
Yttrium oxide lab
Zinc ( ICP1000 mg/ l)
Zinc acetate GR
Zinc acetate GR
Zinc chloride GR
Zinc chloride GR
Zinc coarse powder GR

Zinc coarse powder GR
Zinc granular GR
Zinc granular GR
Zinc nitrate GR
Zinc oxide GR
Zinc oxide GR
Zinc powder GR
Zinc powder GR
Zinc sulfate 7-hydrate GR
Zinc sulfate heptahydrate GR for analysis ACS, ISO
Zinc sulfate heptahydrate GR for analysis ACS, ISO
Zinc sulfate heptahydrate GR for analysis ACS, ISO
Zinc sulfate solution 0.1 mol/ l
Zinc sulfate solution titrisol 0.1m
Zirconium ( IV) oxide chloride GR
1, 4-Dithiothreitol for biochemistry
1, 4-Dithiothreitol for biochemistry
1, 4-Dithiothreitol for biochemistry
1-Fluoro-2, 4-dinitrobenzene GR
1-Naphthylacetic acid for biochemistry ( NAA)
1-Naphthylacetic acid for biochemistry ( NAA)
2-( Cyclohexylamino) ethanesulfonic acid, buffer substance, CHES
2-( Cyclohexylamino) ethanesulfonic acid, buffer substance, CHES
2, 2-Bis( hydroxyethyl) -( iminotris) -( hydroxymethyl) -methane BIS TRIS
2, 2-Bis( hydroxyethyl) -( iminotris) -( hydroxymethyl) -methane BIS TRIS
2, 2-Dinitro-5, 5-dithiodibenzoid acid for biochemistry
2, 2-Dinitro-5, 5-dithiodibenzoid acid for biochemistry
2, 2-Dinitro-5, 5-dithiodibenzoid acid for biochemistry
2, 2-Dithioerythritol for biochemistry
2, 2-Dithioerythritol for biochemistry
2-[ 4-( 2-hydroxyethyl) -1-piperazinyl] -ethanesulfonic acid sodium salt, buffer s
2-[ 4-( 2-hydroxyethyl) -1-piperazinyl] -ethanesulfonic acid sodium salt, buffer s
2-Morpholinoethanesulfonic acid monohydrate buffer substance MES
2-Morpholinoethanesulfonic acid monohydrate buffer substance MES
2-Morpholinoethanesulfonic acid monohydrate buffer substance MES
2-Oxoglutaric acid for biochemistry
2-Oxoglutaric acid for biochemistry
2-Oxoglutaric acid for biochemistry
3-( 4, 5-Dimethyl-2-thiazolyl) -2, 5-diphenyl-2H-tetrazolim bromide for biochemi
3-( 4, 5-Dimethyl-2-thiazolyl) -2, 5-diphenyl-2H-tetrazolim bromide for biochemi
3, 5-Dinitrobenzoic for determination of creatinine
3-[ 4-( 2-hydroxyethyl) -1-piperazinyl] -pr opanesulfonic acid, buffer substance,
3-[ 4-( 2-hydroxyethyl) -1-piperazinyl] -propanesulfonic acid, buffer substance,
3-Morpholinopropane sulfonic acid
3-Morpholinopropane sulfonic acid
3-Morpholinopropane sulfonic acid
4-Aminohippuric acid for biochemistry
4-Aminohippuric acid for biochemistry
5-Aminolevulinic acid hydrochloride for biochemistry
5-Aminolevulinic acid hydrochloride for biochemistry

5-Dimethylaminoaphthalene-1-sylfonyl chloride for biochemistry
5-Dimethylaminoaphthalene-1-sylfonyl chloride for biochemistry
6-Furfurylaminopurine for biochemistry
Acrylamide for electrophoresis
Acrylamide for electrophoresis
Acrylamide for electrophoresis special quality for molecular biology
Acrylamide Ready to use solution 40% for electrophoresis
Acrylamide-Bis Ready to use solution 40% ( 37.5: 1) for electrophoresis
Acrylamide-Bis Ready-to-use sol. 30% ( 37.5: 1) for electrophoresis
Acrylamide-Bis Ready-to-use sol. 40% ( 19.1: 0.9) for electrophoresis
Acrylamide-Bis Ready-to-use sol. 40% ( 19: 1) for electrophoresis
AEBSF for biochemistry
AEBSF for biochemistry
Agarose ( low electroendoosmosis) for electrophoresis
Agarose ( low electroendoosmosis) for electrophoresis
Agarose ( medium electroendoosmosis) for electrophoresis
Agarose ( medium electroendoosmosis) for electrophoresis
Agarose for Analytical Nucleic Acid electrophoresis
Agarose for Analytical Nucleic Acid electrophoresis
Agarose for nucleic acid electrophoresis ( range of mw < 1 kbp)
Agarose for nucleic acid electrophoresis ( range of mw < 1 kbp)
Agarose for Preparative Nucleic Acid electrophoresis
Albumin fraction V ( from bovine serum) for biochemistry
Albumin fraction V ( from bovine serum) for biochemistry
Albumin fraction V ( from bovine serum) for biochemistry
Aldehyde dehydrogenase for biochemistry
Alpha-Amylase ( porcine pancreas) for biochemistry
Alpha-Chymotrypsin ( bovine pancreas) for biochemistry
Alpha-Chymotrypsin ( bovine pancreas) for biochemistry
Alpha-Cyclodextrine for biochemistry
Ammonium Sulfate for biochemistry
Ammonium Sulfate for biochemistry
Ammonium Sulfate for biochemistry
B-Alanine for biochemistry
B-Alanine for biochemistry
B-amylase ( from Barley Malt) lyophilized 28U/ mg for biochem
Barbital Sodium Buffer Substance ( 5, 5-diethylbarbituric acid sodium salt)
Barbital Sodium Buffer Substance ( 5, 5-diethylbarbituric acid sodium salt)
b-Glucuronidase/ aryl sulfatase for biochemistry
Brij 35 for biochemistry
Brij 35 for biochemistry
Bromelain ( from pinapples) 2mansion U/ mg fro biochem
Bromelain ( from pinapples) 2mansion U/ mg fro biochem
Cacodylic acid sodium salt trihydrate, buffer substance for biochemistry
Cacodylic acid sodium salt trihydrate, buffer substance for biochemistry
Cellobiose for biochemistry
Cellulase Onozuka R-10 ( from Tricoderma viride) for biochemistry
Cellulase Onozuka R-10 ( from Tricoderma viride) for biochemistry
CHAPS for biochemistry
CHAPS for biochemistry
Cholinesterase ( horse serum) for biochemistry
Coomassie Brilliant blue G 250 for electrophoresis
Coomassie Brilliant blue R 250 for electrophoresis
Creatinine for biochemistry
Creatinine for biochemistry

D( -) - Ribose for biochemistry
D( -) Mannose for biochemistry
D( -) Mannose for biochemistry
D( -) -Sorbitol for biochemistry
D( -) -Sorbitol for biochemistry
D( -) -Fructose for biochemistry
D( -) -Fructose for biochemistry
D( + ) Galactose for biochemistry
D( + ) Galactose for biochemistry
D( + ) -Glucose 1-Hydrate for biochemistry
D( + ) -Glucose 1-Hydrate for biochemistry
D( + ) -Glucose 1-Hydrate for biochemistry
D( + ) -Glucose anhydrous for biochemistry
D( + ) -Glucose anhydrous for biochemistry
D( + ) -Glucose anhydrous for biochemistry
D( + ) -Xylose for biochemistry
D( + ) -Xylose for biochemistry
Diastase ( from Fungi) for biochemistry
Dichlorodimethylsilane ( sol 2% inb 1, 1, 1-Trichloroethane)
Dihydronicotinamide adenine dinucleotide disodium salt for biochemistry, NA
Dihydronicotinamide adenine dinucleotide disodium salt for biochemistry, NA
DL-Alanine for biochemistry
DL-Alanine for biochemistry
DL-Malic acid for biochemistry
DL-Malic acid for biochemistry
DL-Phenylalanine for biochemistry
DL-Phenylalanine for biochemistry
DL-Tryptophan for biochemistry
DL-Tryptophan for biochemistry
Dodecyl sulfate sodium for biochemistry
Dodecyl sulfate sodium for biochemistry
Dodecyl sulfate sodium for biochemistry
Dodecyl sulfate sodium salt ( LAB)
Dodecyl sulfate sodium salt ( LAB)
Dodecyl sulfate sodium salt ( LAB)
Dodecyl Sulfate Sodium Salt for biochem 10% in H2O
Ethidium bromide ( 1% solution in water) for electrophoresis
Ethidium bromide for biochemistry
Ethidium bromide for biochemistry
Ethylene glycol monomethyl ether for amino acid
Ethylene glycol monomethyl ether for amino acid
Glucose dehydrogenase ( Bacillus megaterium recombinant) for biochemistry
Glycerol triacetate for biochemistry
Glycine GR
Glycine GR
Glycine GR
Glycine GR
Glycine GR
Glycine, buffer substance for electrophoresis
Glycine, buffer substance for electrophoresis
Glycylglycine Buffer Substance
Glycylglycine Buffer Substance
Glycylglycine Buffer Substance

Guanidiu m Chloride LAB
Guanidium Chloride LAB
Guanidium Chloride LAB
Guanidium Chloride LAB
Guanidium Chloride LAB
Guanidium Thiocyanate
Hygromycin B solution for biochemistry
Imidazole buffer substance
Imidazole buffer substance
Imidazole buffer substance
Indole-3 acetic acid ( LAB)
Indole-3 acetic acid ( LAB)
Indole-3 butyric acid ( LAB)
Indole-3 butyric acid ( LAB)
Indole-3 butyric acid ( LAB)
Indole-3 butyric acid ( LAB)
L( + ) -Rhamnose for biochemistry
L( + ) -Rhamnose for biochemistry
Lactose monohydrate for biochemistry
Lactose monohydrate for biochemistry
L-Alanine for biochemistry
L-Alanine for biochemistry
L-Alanine for biochemistry
L-Arginine for biochemistry
L-Arginine for biochemistry
L-Arginine Monochloride for biochemistry
L-Arginine Monochloride for biochemistry
L-Arginine Monochloride for biochemistry
L-Aspargnine for biochemistry
L-Aspargnine for biochemistry
L-Aspartic acid for biochemistry
L-Aspartic acid for biochemistry
L-Aspartic acid monosodium salt
L-Aspartic acid monosodium salt
L-Citrullin for biochemistry
L-Citrullin for biochemistry
L-Cysteine for biochemistry
L-Cysteine for biochemistry
L-Cysteine for biochemistry
L-Cysteinium chloride for biochemistry
L-Cysteinium chloride for biochemistry
L-Cysteinium chloride for biochemistry
L-Cystine for biochemistry
L-Cystine for biochemistry
L-Cystine for biochemistry
L-Glutamic acid for biochemistry

L-Glutamic acid for biochemistry
L-Glutamine for biochemistry
L-Glutamine for biochemistry
L-Glutamine for biochemistry
L-Histidine for biochemistry
L-Histidine for biochemistry
L-Histidine for biochemistry
L-Histidine monohydrochloride for bioch
L-Histidine monohydrochloride for bioch
L-Histidine monohydrochloride for bioch
L-Hydroxyproline for biochemistry
L-Hydroxyproline for biochemistry
L-isoleucine for biochemistry
L-isoleucine for biochemistry
L-isoleucine for biochemistry
L-Leucine for biochemistry
L-Leucine for biochemistry
L-lysine monohydrate for biochemistry
L-lysine monohydrate for biochemistry
L-Lysine monohydrochloride for biochemistry
L-Lysine monohydrochloride for biochemistry
L-Methionine for biochemistry
L-Methionine for biochemistry
L-Methionine for biochemistry
L-Ornithine monohydrochloride for biochemistry
L-Ornithine monohydrochloride for biochemistry
L-Ornithine monohydrochloride for biochemistry
L-Phenyllalanine for biochemistry
L-Phenyllalanine for biochemistry
L-Phenyllalanine for biochemistry
L-Proline for biochemistry
L-Proline for biochemistry
L-Proline for biochemistry
L-Serine for biochemistry
L-Serine for biochemistry
L-Serine for biochemistry
L-Threonine for biochemistry
L-Threonine for biochemistry
L-Threonine for biochemistry
L-Tryptophan for biochemistry
L-Tryptophan for biochemistry
L-Tryptophan for biochemistry

L-Tyrosine for biochemistry
L-Tyrosine for biochemistry
L-Tyrosine for biochemistry
L-valine for biochemistry
L-valine for biochemistry
L-valine for biochemistry
Magnet for particles separation
Magprep Silica Particles
Magprep Streptavidin Beads
Magprep Streptavidin Beads
Maltose 1-hydrate for biochemistry
Maltose 1-hydrate for biochemistry
Melibiose 1-hydrate for biochemistry
Melibiose 1-hydrate for biochemistry
myo-Inositol for Biochemistry
myo-Inositol for Biochemistry
N-( 2-Acetamido) iminodiacetic acid, buffer substance, ADA
N-( 2-Acetamido) -s-aminoethanesulfonic acid, buffer substance, ACES
N-( 2-Acetamido) -s-aminoethanesulfonic acid, buffer substance, ACES
N, N, N' , N' - Tetramethylethylenediamine ( Temmed ) GR
N, N-Bis( 2-hydroxyethyl) -2-aminoethansulfonic acid, buffer substance, BES
N, N-Bis( 2-hydroxyethyl) -2-aminoethansulfonic acid, buffer substance, BES
N, N' -Methylenebisacrylamide for electrophoreses, special grade for molecula
N, N' -Methylenebisacrylamide Ready-to-use sol. " BIS" 2% for electrophorese
N, N' -Methylenediacrylamide for electrophoresis
N, N' -Methylenediacrylamide for electrophoresis
N.N-Bis( 2-Hydroxyethyl) glycine
N.N-Bis( 2-Hydroxyethyl) glycine
N-[ Tris( hydroxymethyl) methyl] Glycine buffer substance Tricin
N-[ Tris( hydroxymethyl) methyl] Glycine buffer substance Tricin
N-[ Tris( hydroxymethyl) methyl] -2-aminoethane sulfonic acid buffer substance
N-[ Tris( hydroxymethyl) methyl] -2-aminoethane sulfonic acid buffer substance
N-[ Tris( hydroxymethyl) methyl] -3-aminopropanesulfonic acid buffer substanc
N-[ Tris( hydroxymethyl) methyl] -3-aminopropanesulfonic acid buffer substanc
N6-benzyladenine for biochemistry
N6-benzyladenine for biochemistry
N-Acetyl-L-cysteine for biochemistry
N-Acetyl-L-cysteine for biochemistry
N-Acetyl-L-cysteine for biochemistry
Neomycin Sulfate for biochemistry
Papain water-soluble for biochemistry
Pepsin ( porcine gastric mucosa) for biochemistry
Pepsin ( porcine gastric mucosa) lyophylized for biochemistry
Peroxidase ( horse radish) for biochemistry
Piperazine Buffer Substance Pipes
Piperazine Buffer Substance Pipes

Piperazine Buffer Substance Pipes
Piperazine-1, 4-bis( 2-ethanesulfonic acid) buffer s
Ponceau S for electrophoresis
Pronase E ( Streptomyces griseus) for biochemistry
Pronase E ( Streptomyces griseus) for biochemistry
Protamine silfate for biochemistry
Protamine silfate for biochemistry
Protein standard mixture IV for SDS polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis
Protein standard mixture VII for isoelectric focussing
Proteinase K ( from Tritirachium album) solution
Proteinase K ( from Tritirachium album) solution
Pthaldialdehyde for fluorometry
Pthaldialdehyde for fluorometry
Pyruvic acid sodium salt for biochemistry
Pyruvic acid sodium salt for biochemistry
Pyruvic acid sodium salt for biochemistry
Raffinose for bichemistry
Starch ( from wheat) for biochemistry
Starch ( from wheat) for biochemistry
Starch soluble Zulkowsky GR
Starch soluble Zulkowsky GR
Starch soluble Zulkowsky GR
Starch soluble GR
Starch soluble GR
Starch soluble GR extra fine powder extra pure Ph Eur, BP
Starch soluble GR extra fine powder extra pure, Ph Eur, BP, USP, FCC
Sucrose ( saccharose) for biochemistry
Sucrose ( saccharose) for biochemistry
Sucrose ( saccharose) for biochemistry
TAE Buffer 10x pH 8.3 TRIS-Acetate-EDTA Buffer
TAE Buffer 50x pH 8.3 TRIS-Acetate-EDTA Buffer
TBE Buffer 10xpH 8.3 TRIS-Borate-EDTA Buffer
Thiamine chloride hydrochloride for biochemistry
Thiamine chloride hydrochloride for biochemistry
Thrombin ( bovine plasma) for biochemistry
Titanium ( III) chloride solution abt. 15% for amino acids analysis
tri-Calcium Phosphate Dried E.P. Ph Eur, BP, E341
Triethanolamine GR
Triethanolamine GR for analysis
Triethanolamine hydrochloride GR
Triethanolamine hydrochloride GR
Tris ( hydroxymethyl ) aminomethane GR
Tris ( hydroxymethyl ) aminomethane GR
Tris ( hydroxymethyl ) aminomethane GR
Tris ( hydroxymethyl ) aminomethane GR
Tris ( hydroxymethyl ) aminomethane GR
Tris( hydroxymethyl ) aminomethane TRIS, LAB
Tris( hydroxymethyl ) aminomethane TRIS, LAB
Trypsin ( pancreas protease)
Trypsin ( porcine pancreas) lyophylized for protein sequence analysis
Urea for biochemistry
Urea for biochemistry
Urea for biochemistry
Urea for biochemistry
Urease ( from Jack beans) lyophilized 5U/ mg
Urease ( from Jack beans) lyophilized 5U/ mg

Urease ( jack beans) solution for biochemistry
Vitamin B12 for biochemistry
Xylene cyanol for electrophoresis
4-Amino-2, 3-dimethyl-1-phenyl-3-

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