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Cartridge Filter
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PROFILTER - NA Series Absolute Rated Polypropylene Depth Filter Cartridge

Designed to deliver precision filtration through the patented advanced melt blown CoLDâ„¢ technology structure. Absolute filtration with sharp particle cutoffs deliver precise removal effeciencies. This high purity filter is made of 100% polypropylene and is free of surfactants, binders and adhesives making them ideal for use in food and beverage applications.

Features and Benefits
• Patented fiber technology and melt blown structure provide an outstanding retention effeciency, mechanical strength, and long on-stream life.
• Multi-zone design produces a gradient pore structure to provide pre and post filtration in a single cartridge.
• Absolute filtration with sharp particle cutoffs deliver precise removal efficiencies
• Patented melt blown structure provides outstanding retention efficiency, mechanical strength, and long on-stream life
• High purity, 100% polypropylene construction is free of surfactants, binders and adhesives making these cartridges ideal for use in food and beverage applications
• FDA Listed Materials - Manufactured from materials which are listed for food contact applications in Title 21 of the U.S. Code of Federal Regulations. Product ( 5 micron and higher) in compliance with EU Directive 2002/ 72/ EC for plastic in food contact ( in simulants A, B, C, and D) .
• Toxicity - All polypropylene components meet the specifications for biological safety as per the USP for Class VI-121° C plastics ( gaskets/ O-rings excluded) .

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