LUX METER MODEL PCE-172[1 Feb. 2012, 8:53:54]
Made in UK.
Easy to use
� Solid design
� 3A½ position LCD; maximum reading is 1999
� Measurement units can be displayed in lux or footcandles
� Battery level indicator
� � Overload� indication to warn when measurement range is exceeded.
Ranges : 400, 0 / 4000 / lux
40, 00 / 400, 0 klux ( 1klux = 1000 Lux)
40, 00 / 400, 0 / 4000 / fc
40, 00 kfc ( 1kfc = 1000 fc.
Resolution : 0, 1 / 1 / 10 / 100 Lux
0, 01 / 0, 1 / 1 / 10 FootCandle.
Accuracy : ± 5% of reading ± 10 digits ( 10, 000 Lux) .
Repeatability : ± 3% .
Overload indicator : OL = Overload.
Screen refresh rate : 1.5 per second.
Operating conditions : 0 to 40º C / 80% R.H.
Display : 3¾ digit LCD.
Power : 9V battery.
Dimensions : Device: 203 x 75 x 50mm ( w x h x d)
Light sensor: 115 x 60 x 20mm ( w x h x d)
Cable length: 150cm
Standards :
Safety: IEC-1010-1; EN 61010-1
EMV: EN 50081-1; EN 50082-1 corresponding with DIN 5031; DIN 5032
Weight : 280 g
Contents: PCE-172 Lux Meter, Light Sensor with spiral cable, battery and user� s manual.
Rukan Mitra Matraman Blok B-12 , Jl. Matraman Raya 148 � Jakarta 13150
TLP ; 85918154-55 , 8512595 , 85902391 & 70928154
FAX : 85918178