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Kayak Tanggo TA200[2 Nov. 2011, 1:44:48]
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Kayak Tanggo TA200
The Tango TA200 is our most popular kayak. This is probably because it is light enough and short
enough to be easily paddled and handled by one person, yet it is still large enough for two people
and a lot of gear. It is very easy to inflate and deflate using our deluxe H3 valve that is removable, replaceable, reliable and airtight . The Tango TA200 tracks better and paddles faster when using our skeg. Because the bottom floor and bottom 1/ 3 of the side tubes are made with 1000 denier supported fabric , this kayak is as strong as other supported fabric kayaks. The Tango TA200 is designed and constructed for use in rough water, on lakes, rivers or the ocean.

à Deluxe H3 valve: removable, replaceable, reliable and airtight
à Directional skeg: better tracking and easy paddling
à V-shaped bottom floor: sharp looking and increased stability
à 1000 denier super tough supported fabric used on the bottom floor and bottom one third of the side tubes: strong enough to use in rough water

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em ail: aliarief.fadillah@

Hub : Ali arief

Tlp : 021-34191199
Hp : 0812-88179349 / 085880534449
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