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    Great Books of The Western World: A Lifetime of Inspiring Reading ( DISKON 10% s/ d Akhir Bulan)

    Great Books of The Western World: A Lifetime of Inspiring Reading ( DISKON 10% s/ d Akhir Bulan)

    Jumlah Pesanan:
    Cara Pembayaran:
    60 Jilid

    Keterangan :

    The greatest collection of written thought since the beginning of western history enciclopaedia Britannica is proud to offer one of the most acclaimed publishing achievement of the 20th century, Great Books of The Western World.

    This monumental collection compiles history’ s greatest written works, from the ancient classic to masterpieces of the 20th century, which have shaped our culture and society. Great Books of The Western World contains 517 complete and unabridged works from 130 authors.

    Revised and Expanded
    With 45 twentieth century authors, this magnificent 60 volumes set brings you centuries of celebrated writing from the greatest minds of all time, including Plato, Shakespeare, Swift, Freud, Hemingway, and Twain. Carefully researched and compiled under the editorial leadership of noted scholar Dr. Mortimer J. Adler, each finely crafted volume reflects the quality workmanship, accuracy, and detail that have made Britannica one of the world’ s most respected names in publishing since 1768.
    The new Great Books provide a well rounded, liberal arts education in many fields of study. Philosophy, religion, mathematics, psychology, astronomy, politics, and anthropology are just a few of areas you can explore, from the ancient Greeks to such 20th century greats such as Sigmund Freud, Franz Kafka, and T.S. Eliot. You will find Great Books useful for practical, everyday needs, too, like speech writing and business presentations.

    • 60 volumes
    • 517 complete and unabridged works
    • 130 authors
    • 60 authors previously unpublished
    • Each volumes is color coded according to the four subject areas
    • Also included is The Great Conversation

    Product Detailed:
    • Binding : Hardcover
    • Volumes : 60 ( 240 x 165 x 1550 mm)
    • Pages : 37, 844
    • ISBN : 0-1-85229-531-6
    • Weight : 49 kg

    Harga Jabodetabek: Rp. 26.000.000, -*
    Harga Luar Jabodetabek: Rp. 31.200.000, -*

    * Harga sudah termasuk ongkos kirim. Untuk wilayah Jabodetabek buku akan diantar sampai tempat tujuan dan bayar di tempat ( Cash on Delivery) . Untuk luar jabodetabek buku akan dikirim setelah pembayaran melalui transfer kami terima. Pemesanan bisa melalui telp/ sms ke 0812 1919 874 dengan menyebutkan nama dan alamat lengkap

    Untuk pemesanan, hubungi:
    Marketing Executive
    PT. Lentera Abadi
    0812 1919 874 ( telp/ sms)

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