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SPEAKER MONITOR RECORDING MACKIE HR624mk2[17 Dec. 2011, 7:05:10]
Jumlah Pesanan: Tambah ke Keranjang
Back in the � 90s, our HR Series studio reference monitors revolutionized studio monitoring. With their incredible sound quality and affordability, they earned a wide and loyal following, fast becoming the industry standard. It was through our innovation, and commitment to great sound, that we managed to redefine the studio monitor. With that same ingenuity at work, we� ve reinvented our HR Series to bring you the new studio standard: the HRmk2 High Resolution Active Studio Reference Monitors.

The HRmk2s surpass the legendary performance of our classic HRs to deliver even better sound quality, in a stunning new package. The precisely engineered contours of the cast aluminum Zero Edge Baffle� minimize diffraction for a crystal clear image of your mix, and control sound waves so you get detailed lows, full, articulate mids, and shimmering highs� whether you� re on axis or off. Working in concert with the baffle� s contours, the unique passive radiator design delivers astonishing bass extension that� s super-tight and always distortion-free. Wide, even dispersion of all frequencies, as well as incredible depth of field, allow you to accurately hear your mix, transforming your studio� s sweet spot into a full-on sweet zone. And the high-gloss piano black wood cabinet not only looks hot, but adds just enough warmth so your sound is true, not sterile.

Our HRmk2s were created with High Definition audio in mind� with such unbelievable sound quality, there� s little wonder why the HRmk2 Series was approved for THX pm3 compliance on its initial trial. THX pm3 Certification means that the HRmk2s have met the stringent standards set by THX Ltd.for outstanding performance, and that these monitors can be used with confidence by anyone seeking THX Certification for their studio, or striving to maintain THX standards.

We thought of every last detail, from consistency in sound from one HRmk2 monitor to the next, to an aesthetic design that unifies the whole HRmk2 family. Building on� and evolving from� our classic HR monitors' legacy of excellence, HRmk2s deliver superior performance and design, making them a truly pro monitoring solution for today' s studio.

High resolution Active studio reference monitor
Ultra-linear frequency response for accurate mix translation
6.7-inch high-precision, low-distortion LF transducer
1-inch titanium dome, ferrofluid cooled tweeter
Optimized Waveguide for wide, even sweet zone
Twin FR Series amps � 100W for LF / 40W for HF
Cast aluminum Zero Edge Baffle� minimizes diffraction
Full internal damping eliminates midrange artifacts
Passive radiator provides tight, articulate bass extension down to 45Hz
Acoustic Space, LF roll-off, and HF controls
Balanced XLR, TRS, and unbalanced RCA inputs
OmniMount� ready for easy wall/ ceiling placement
THX pm3� certified for surround sound applications
Perfect for High-Definition audio, cinema and gaming systems


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