SPRINKLER TYPE MIRAGE COCEALED. Hub: Mia 0856 9139 8333, 021-40911748 Email : mia_ brsinaga@ yahoo.com[13 Dec. 2011, 0:29:30]
Viking Mirage® Standard and Quick Response Concealed Pendent Sprinkler VK462 and
HP Sprinkler VK463 are thermosensitive glass-bulb spray sprinklers designed for installation
on concealed pipe systems where the appearance of a smooth ceiling is desired.
The sprinkler is pre-assembled with a threaded adapter for installation with a low-profile
cover assembly that provides up to ½ ” ( 12.7 mm) of vertical adjustment. The two-piece
design allows installation and testing of the sprinkler prior to installation of the cover plate.
The “ push-on” , “ thread-off” design of the concealed cover plate assembly allows easy
installation of the cover plate after the system has been tested and the ceiling finish has
been applied. The cover assembly can be removed and reinstalled, allowing temporary
removal of ceiling panels without taking the sprinkler system out of service or removing
the sprinkler.
Brand: Viking
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Hub: mia_brsinaga@ yahoo.com ph 085691398333, 021 40911748