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    Byru Marine FR 190 GM Satellite Phone

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    Opportunity to communicate can now be enjoyed by everyone. By using SURE, telecommunication barriers that formerly were a major barrier can easily be overcome. Now even though you are on top of the mountain, in the middle of a forest or even on a desert island. You can still have a phone and communicates with you wherever you want.

    Ease SURE

    Without Blankspot
    As long as you still are in our coverage area, then you can phone anywhere, too.

    Bring Direct Pay
    No application required a phone plug, live pay-phone device and MUST be brought home immediately.

    Direct Connect Kring
    Installation of the device MUST so easy that you can do it yourself and directly connected instantly.

    Prepay Scheme
    No registration is required and cost of connection and telephone expenses can be adjusted at will.

    Free Communication
    With SURE you are free to communicate to contact and be contacted by phone from another carrier.

    Fixed Phone
    GM Marine BYRU FR190 provides communications solutions with capabilities in the Sea Area coverage ( Coverage Area) Asia-Pacific region. GM Marine BYRU FR 190 is designed for users of Telecommunications at sea with waterproff antenna design provides resistance to sea water conditions BYRU Marine Type FR190 GM is more widely used by the Company which is engaged in Shipping, Marine BYRU FR 190 GM become an alternative communication solution that can be used in the waters to see Indonesia as an archipelago which is very broad waters. GM Marine BYRU FR190 is equipped with modern facilities so that users can transmit data via the Internet atanra ( speed 2.4 kbps) .
    Download Brochure
    price: call

    Fixed User Terminal Features:

    1. Interactive LCD showing network features and terminal controls
    2. Small and lightweight
    3. DC / DC adapter powered or Battery powered terminal
    4. Include Data Modem ( 2.4 kbps)

    Main Unit Dimension - 60 x 150 x 210 mm
    Weight - 400 g approx
    Frequency - L-Band
    Voltage - 10.5 - 24.0 VDC
    Current - 1A ( max.)
    Temperature 0 ° C / + 50 ° C
    Humidity - 5% - 95% non condensing
    SIM Card Size - ISO / Credit Card Size
    Phone Interface - DB 9
    Dialing - DTMF
    Width Beam Antenna - 70 °