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Bosch polycom audio video interpreter conference system dealer indonesia distributor
Merancang dan Menjual Sistem Audio Visual, Mikrofon rapat, Alat konferensi video, Sound system, Visual system, Videowall, Tour guide system, Interpreter system, Audio visual Control systems
  • Katalog Produk

    Master Station

    Master Station

    Jumlah Pesanan
    Tambah ke Keranjang
    25 Aug. 2011, 3:32:19
    Kenalkan ke teman Anda Masukan ke Produk Rekanan

    Keterangan :

    Features :

    * One door & two monitors ( 3-1/ 2 inch) ; room to room communication is available
    * Total hands-free communication, auto-voice actuation
    * Built-in picture memory; Record visitor both automatically & manually
    * Streamlined & Thin design, only 27 mm thickness
    * Vandal resistant video door stations are available
    * Pan Tilt and Zoom & Wide camera control
    * Camera position preset
    * Backlight compensation by " ADJUST" button
    * Full color video in low light situations ( even at night) without external illumination
    * White LED illumination turns on in low-light conditions
    * Instant voice call-in with image
    * Visual monitoring with audio for 1 minute
    * Press-to-talk operation available
    * Press-to-talk restriction
    * Talk LED lights in red while speaking
    * Optional audio sub station ( JK-1SD)
    * Option - Option button, press-to-talk setting, video signal output
    * External input

    Harga diskon untuk pembelian paket atau hubungi kami untuk mendapatkan informasi lebih lanjut.

    menampilkan 80 dari 196

    Informasi Kontak

    Tn. Hendra Lim [Penjualan]
    Nomor Ponsel:
    Nomor ponsel Tn. Hendra Lim di Jakarta Utara
    Nomor Telpon:
    Nomor telpon Tn. Hendra Lim di Jakarta Utara
    Nomor Faks:
    Nomor faks Tn. Hendra Lim di Jakarta Utara
    Gading pelangi ungu blok c5b no 25
    Jakarta Utara 14240, Jakarta
    ym: pin bb: 22C49478

    Pesan Instan:
