Prioritas IndotradeTahun ke-15
Features : * One door & two monitors ( 3-1/ 2 inch) ; room to room communication is available * Total hands-free communication, auto-voice actuation * Built-in picture memory; Record visitor both automatically & manually * Streamlined & Thin design, only 27 mm thickness * Vandal resistant video door stations are available * Pan Tilt and Zoom & Wide camera control * Camera position preset * Backlight compensation by " ADJUST" button * Full color video in low light situations ( even at night) without external illumination * White LED illumination turns on in low-light conditions * Instant voice call-in with image * Visual monitoring with audio for 1 minute * Press-to-talk operation available * Press-to-talk restriction * Talk LED lights in red while speaking * Optional audio sub station ( JK-1SD) * Option - Option button, press-to-talk setting, video signal output * External input Harga diskon untuk pembelian paket atau hubungi kami untuk mendapatkan informasi lebih lanjut.