clear cast sg 45 / su 50 / sc 45 penguat sinyal tipe clear cast[26 Dec. 2011, 21:06:35]
* Improve indoor cellphone communication, coverage area 60-200 m2
* Reduce radiation from cellphone, helpful for human health
* Built-in AGC circuit, free of interference
* Unique LED level indicators, easy to find base station
* Extend lifespan of celluler phone battery
* DIY kit, adequate accessories included, easy to install
* CDMA 900 MHz
* Technology Interface: GSM Amplifier
* Frequency: Uplink 824-849 MHz, Downlink 869-894 MHz
* Dimension: ( H) 3.8 cm X ( W) 10.5 cm X ( D) 16 cm
* Bandwidth: 25 MHz
* VSWR: = 2.0 : 1
* Gain: Uplink 45 dB, Downlink 45 dB ( opt)
* Gain Variation Over Freq. And Temp.: ± 3 dB
* Noise Figure: Uplink 8.0 dB, Downlink 8.0 dB
* OICP-3: Uplink 34 dBm, Downlink 20 dBm
* P 1 dB: Uplink 26 dBm, Downlink 12 dBm
* VSWR: = 2.0 : 1
* RF Power Output: Uplink 17 dBm, Downlink 3 dBm
* AGC Dynamic Range: 20 dB ( Typ)
* 5 color LED indicators: Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue
* Power Consumption: 7 Watt
* RF Connector: Outdoor ANT side F( F)
* Indoor ANT side: TNC ( F)
Penguat Sinyal GSM-900 Mhz, Alat ini berfungsi untuk menguatkan sinyal telekomunikasi GSM
Sangat cocok bagi anda yang melakukan voice call maupun koneksi internet dgn menggunakan modem GSM dan tidak mendapatkan sinyal GSM dilokasi tsb atau kondisi signal GSM dilokasi tsb sangat lemah, sehingga anda wajib utk menggunakan repeater GSM ini.
Cara pemasangan sangatlah mudah, hanya dengan memasangkan antena external di luar ruangan dan menghubungkan power listrik ke main unit repeater maka unit sudah dapat berfungsi secara wireless.
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