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PT.GIS GLOBAL " EPOCH GPS , Gps Geodetik Epoch 10 L1GPS GEODETIK, GPS GEODETIC GPS, Total station , Theodolite, Automatic Leve Contener, Damtruk, Forklift, Escavator Hitachi, Mesin Tempel yamaha, Mesin Tempel Suzuki, Mesin Te
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Jl.Pejuangan, Mawar III No.15.A
Jakarta Barat 11530, Jakarta

Damtruk.alat alat berat.Mesin Motor station, digital theod olite, gps garmin, al
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Perahu Karet, Perahu PVC, Sport Set, Three Person Boat Set, [10 Sep. 2011, 1:49:18]
Jumlah Pesanan:
Cara PembayaranTransfer Bank (T/T)
JumlahReady Stock
Kemas & PengirimanPcs
Origin: Indonesia
Price: Competitive
Payment Method: Cashier Order
Quantity: Lot
Pack. & Delivery: Standard
Specification: PVC Boat.
Capacity : 160 kg
Rugget : Super TouchTM vynil Construction is high molecular PVC that is UN-AFFECTED by gasoline, oil and salt water, It is high resistant to damage from abrasion, impact and sunligh. It also permit more air pressure for rigidity.
- Three air chamber is hull for buoyance)
- Fast-fill, fast deflate Boston valve on main hul chamber, double valve on other shambers
- One pair French oar with retaining ring
- Double Quick double action air pump - Pump on fore and aft strokes
- Inflatable floor for confort and rigidity
Content : 1 boat, 2 Oar ( dayung) , 1 Pump

Jl.Pejuangan Mawar/ III/ 15A
Kebon Jeruk Jakarta Barat
Mobille 0821-48955545-0812-11668455
email geosurveying03@
Hub Syamsi Lee
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