Many dynamic systems of mechanical, electrical, thermal,
hydraulic, biological and economic type, etc., can be
characterized by Regulation and Control Systems.
allows the user to simulate a wide range of systems
with different degrees of complexity, providing a more in-depth
understanding of the systems analysed.
This Simulation Software is a very helpful tool, since it allows the
user to learn about and to simulate the behaviour of highly
complicated systems, for open or close loop, with a computer
( PC) . The operating system for the software isWindows.
This simulator permits the easy entering of the system to be
studied and the subsequent excitation of the input signal ( with a
wide range of possibilities) , displaying in a window the transient
response of the output and the different intermediate signals, as
well as Bode diagrams for the system; permitting an in-depth
analysis of the simulated system.
The fast entering of the plant to be simulated allows the
simple modification of its parameters
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