SanUp Humidifier 3077.Hubungi email : napitupuludeliana@ Tlp 081318501594[16 Aug. 2010, 10:19:46]
SanUp Humidifier 3077
SanUp Humidifier 3077
* Alat terapi pernafasan dari SanUp Argentina.
Ideal for the passive treatment of respiratory diseases ( bronchitis, asthma, etc) .
Unique model with E.P.V System which keeps the same vapor pressure level no matter the kind of water used.
It provides proper humidity levels when necessary ( dry climate, central heating, etc) . Vaporization time: 8 hours running. Fully safe and silent. Automatic turn off and water level indicator.
Vaporization method
Electric conduction
Operating voltage
Upon request
450 W
Maximum current
2.25 A
Compartment capacity
4 lts
Vaporization time
6 to 8 hours
1.81 lbs
Device dimensions
11.81´ ´ x 9.06 x 6.30´ ´
Hubungi email : napitupuludeliana@ Tlp 081318501594