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Advanced power plant simulator ( diesel fuel) generation[16 Mar. 2011, 20:42:14]
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Advanced power plant simulator ( diesel fuel) generation, transformation, transport, distribution, and consumption

1. HUB I. Power Plant Energy System with SCADA I ( 1H) :

1.1. General Description.
This unit includes a cabinet with 3 touch screens and their computers; a SCADA I system with computer control electronics, data acquisition board; additionally will include the proper operation software package. All functions are done and controlled by SCADA I.
This cabinet will accept any of the following Power Plant Energy System Simulation.
Included Power Plant Energy System Simulation Software:
Diesel Fuel Power Plant Simulation Software ( PPE/ FD) with ;
a) Simulation of the main control loops of diesel engine,
b) Real simulation of control loops.
c) Procedure for starting and stopping the real Power Plant.
d) Dynamic interaction between students and real control loops simulation.
e) Students can change dynamically the control loops set points and operation parameters.

The software describes the simulation of the energy and electromechanical conversion part of the simulator.

1.2. Screen specifications.

a) Main menu touch screen display ( screen 1) : This screen appears in the left bottom display on Energy Control Desk and from this screen it’ s possible to navigate and explore others operation screens that conform the power plant processes control and operation simulation.

Elements of the main menu screen:
- Diesel Power Plant General Principles.
- Diesel Engine Generator Principles.
- Diesel Power Plant General Layouts
- Diesel Power Plant control principles
- Diesel Power Plant Start-Up and Shutdowns operation sequences
- Mains Diesel Power Plant control loops simulation
- Application exit button

b) Operational touch screen display ( screen 2) : This screen will indicate information at second level related to any one of the elements of main menu screen.

c) General State Diagram Screen display ( screen 3) : This screen will indicate the particular diagram we are working on at any time and any selection.

This system is prepared for future expansions for other available Power Plant Energy System Simulation Softwares:
- PPE/ HY. Hydroelectric and Power Plant.
- PPE/ NU. Nuclear Power Plant.
- PPE/ CC. Combined Cycle Power Plant.
- PPE/ FF. Fossil Fuel ( coals) Power Plant.
- PPE/ GA. Gas Power Plant.
- PPE/ WP. Wind Powered Power Plant.
- PPE/ FV. Photovoltaic Power Plant.
- PPE/ HE. Heliothermic Power Plant.
- PPE/ BM. Biomass Power Plant.
- PPE/ FC. Fuel Cells Power Plant.

1.3. Functions.
Control and simulation of Mathematical Model representing the Primary Energy Conversion. For operation it has a computer with two touch screens placed on bottom plate of desk and one big screen in front side.
1.4. Energy control desk software.

The POWER PLANT SIMULATOR is a simulation and control system software developed taking into account the experience related to Power Plants.
In this system are different configuration and management levels that allow the teacher to design and execute different practices related with the power plant processes control and operation.
Technical requirements
The POWER PLANT SIMULATOR is prepared to work with a minimum resolution of 1024x768. If you work with a smaller resolution, some controls may not be visualised in the screen.
Hardware configuration
The computer placed in the Energy Control Desk is equipped with all elements necessary for achieve a real time simulation of the power plant main processes.
Software start
The software describes the simulation of the energy and electromechanical conversion part of the simulator. It will be launched from Windows Desktop, appearing as three screens in the corresponding displays. If a new start is needed, the program will appear on Windows Desktop.
The actuations on the program will be described basing on the different screens.
Main menu screen
This screen appears in the left bottom display on Energy Control Desk and from this screen is it possible to navigate and explore others operation screens that conform the power plant processes control and operation simulation.
When you push a button on this screen, an operational screen appears in the right touch screen display.
Elements of the main menu screen:
( a) Diesel Power Plant General Principles.
( b) Diesel Engine Generator Principles.
( c) Diesel Power Plant General Layouts.
( d) Diesel Power Plant control principles.
( e) Diesel Power Plant Start-Up and Shutdowns operation sequences.
( f) Mains Diesel Power Plant control loops simulation.
( g) Application exit button.

( a) Diesel Power Plant General Principles.
This screen works like power point slider document and the objective is to introduce you to the principles of diesel power plant operation. Front this menu screen you can access all element of the diesel power plant, and take a theoretical background about the principles of operation individually and in conjunction.
( b) Diesel Engine Generator Principles.
This screen works like power point slider document and the objective is to introduce you to the principles of diesel engine generator principles. You can take a theoretical background about the principles of energy conversion front diesel to electrical energy, what kind of element participate in that conversion and how to control and operate these elements.

( c) Diesel Power Plant General Layouts.
This screen works like power point slider document and the objective is to introduce you to the Diesel Power Plant individual and generals control and operation layouts. You can take a theoretical background about how to interpret different diesel engine control layouts.

( d) Diesel Power Plant control principles.
This screen works like power point slider document and the objective is to introduce you to the control principles of diesel power plant. You can take a theoretical background about the different control loops in this type of power plant by mean of description of what variables are measured and controlled.

( e) Diesel Power Plant Start-Up and Shutdowns operation sequences.
This screen works like power point slider document and the objective is to training you on the general sequences that any power plant operator must be follow to Start and shutdown a diesel power plant.

( f) Mains Diesel Power Plant control loops simulation.
This screen shows the real time simulation of mathematical model of the diesel engine as part of the power system and the objective is to explain in detail the simulation of the mains control loops of the Diesel Power Plant and how these control loops interact between then and the real time electrical power system. You can analyse the frequency-load control, voltage-reactive power control, etc.

2. HUB II. Electrical Power System with SCADA II ( 2H) :

2.1. General Description.
This unit includes a cabinet that includes 3 touch screens with computer. A SCADA II System with computer control electronics and data acquisition board, additionally will include the proper software package for controlling all the units of the system from 3 to 10. All functions are done and controlled by SCADA II.

The computer placed in the Electrical Control Desk is equipped with a PCI card that manages the RS485/ 232 communication links between the SCADA system and control, protection and measurement devices of power simulator.

There are also two RS485/ 232 converter cards that manages two communication links.

All the communication signals are distributed in six communication links. Each connector communicates the PCI card and converter card with one external RS485 bus.

2.2. Main elements included.
- Metallic desk.
- SCADA II system ( hardware and software) is included.
- Two touch screens.
- One TFT screen.
- Computer ( PC) .
- Security keys for synchronization and fault insertion are included.
- Synchronising devices for manual synchronization.
- Programmable logic controller ( PLC) with 42 I/ O signals and RS-485 communication interface.
- Magneto-thermal switches.
- Connectors of 6 and 24 pins.
- 4 ports RS232-RS485 Converter.
2.3. Elements included in the electrical control desk.
- Main menu touch screen ( element 1)
- General emergency stop switch ( element 2)
- Operational touch screen ( element 3)
- General emergency stop indicator ( element 4)
- Security key indicator ( element 5)
- Security key switch ( element 6)
- Auxiliary and One line diagram normal screen ( element 7)
- Generator-1 manual synchronization push button ( element 8)
- Generator-1 synchronizer device ( element 9)
- Generator-1 manual synchronization indicator ( element 10)
- Generator-2 manual synchronization push button ( element 11)
- Generator-2 synchronizer device ( element 12)
- Generator-2 manual synchronization indicator ( element 13)
2.4. Screen specifications.
d) Main menu touch screen display ( screen 1) : This screen appears in the left bottom display on Electrical Control Desk and from this screen it’ s possible to navigate and explore others operation screens that conform the Electrical SCADA II of the power simulator.

e) Operational touch screen display ( screen 2) .
Elements of the operational touch screen display:
- Electrical SCADA II operation screen
- Power lines configuration screen
- Simulated turbines software management screen
- Generation Systems operation screen
- Power measurement management software screen
- Electrical Protection system operation screen
- Faults injection management screen
- Alarm and events management screen
- Application exit button

f) General State Diagrams Screen display ( screen 3) : This screen shows the diagram we are working on.

This HUB II will allow:
1) To give the information received from the Power Plant ( unit 1H) and to transfer to all the other modules ( 3 to 10) .
2) To receive information from all modules from 3 to 10, and to make the proper connections at the Power Plant Energy System Unit ( 1H) .
3) Procedure for starting and stopping the electrical part of the Power Plant.
4) Real time control, measurement and protection for generation, transformation, transport, distribution and consumption.

3. Generators ( 3G) :
3G/ 1) Generator I with complete cabinet, including AVR ( Automatic Voltage Regulator) , with synchronization system.

3.1. Elements of the Generator.

Three-phase generation: 6.5 kVA ( 5.2 kW) / 400 V / 9.4 A
Frequency: 50 Hz
Power factor ( cos Phi) : 0.8
ALTERNATOR: self-excited, self-regulated, with brush
Type: Three-phase, synchronous
Insulating class: H

3.1.2. ENGINE
Type: 4-Stroke
Displacement: 406 cm3
Cylinders: 1
Output: 6.5 kW ( 8.8 HP)
Speed: 3000 rpm
Fuel consumption: 245 g/ kWh
Cooling system: Air
Engine oil capacity: 1.6 l
Starter: Electric
Fuel: Diesel

3.2. Some special characteristics.

Battery: 12V - 38Ah
Fuel tank capacity: 23 l
Running time: 17.5 h
Protection: IP 23
Dimensions max.: 1020x645x930
Weight ( dry) : 194 Kg 200Kg
Noise level: 94 LWA ( 69 dB( A) - 7 m) 92 LWA ( 67 dB( A) - 7 m)

3.2.2. OUTPUT
Declared powers at the following ambient conditions: temperature 20* C, relative humidity 30% altitude 100m above sea level.
In an approximate way one reduces: of 1% every 100 m altitude and of 2.5% for every 5° C above 25° C.
For possible modifications or changes to be brought on the engines, with climate conditions different from those above mentioned, please call EDIBON International S.A.

The machine respects the noise limits, expressed in sound power, given in the a.m. directives.
These limits can be used to judge the sound level produced on site.
For example: the sound power level of 100 LWA.
The sound pressure ( noise produced) at 7 meters distance is about 75dBA ( the limit value less 25) .
To calculate the sound level at other distances use this formula:

3.2.4. SCADA System for Diesel Engine Generation Group:
Diesel Engine Set Supervision
• Generator Voltages.
• Main Voltages.
• Generator frequency.
• Generator currents.
• Battery Voltage.
• Active, Reactive and Apparent power.
• Power factor.
• Counters.
• Motor speed.
• Fuel level.
• Motor temperature.

Diesel Engine Set Control
• Automatic start/ stop.
• Manual start/ stop.
• Automatic synchronization.
• Manual Synchronization.
• Automatic voltage regulation
• Manual voltage regulation.
• Remote start/ stop.
• Emergency stop.
• Automatic battery charger.

Diesel Engine Set Protection
• Fuel low level.
• Oil low pressure.
• High temperature.
• Overvoltage.
• Undervoltage.
• Overcurrent.
• Overfrequency.
• Underfrequency.
• Battery voltage fault.
• Engine set start fault.
• General magnetothermal and differential protection( Back-Up protection) .

3.3. Control and Data Acquisition System.
3.3.1. Control Interface Box:
Control interface box with process diagram in the front panel and with the same distribution that the different elements located in the unit, for an easy understanding by the student.
All sensors, with their respective signals, are properly manipulated for -10V. to + 10V computer output. Sensors connectors in the interface have different pines numbers ( from 2 to 16) , to avoid connection errors. Single cable between the control interface box and computer.
The unit control elements are permanently computer controlled, without necessity of changes or connections during the whole process test procedure. Simultaneously visualization in the computer of all parameters involved int the process. Calibration of all sensors involved in the process.
Real time curves representation about system responses. Storage of all the process data and results in a file. Graphic representation, in real time, of all the process/ system responses.
All the actuators’ values can be changed at any time from the keyboard allowing the analysis about curves and responses of the whole process. All the actuators and sensors values and their responses are placed in only one computer screen.
Shield and filtered signals to avoid external interferences.
Real time computer control with flexibility of modifications from the computer keyboard of the parameters, at any moment during the process. Real time computer control for pumps, compressors, resistances, control valves, etc.
Open control allowing modifications, at any time and in real time, of parameters involved in the process simultaneously.
Three safety levels, one mechanical in the unit, other electronic in control interface and the third one in the control software.

3.3.2. Data Acquisition Board:
PCI Data acquisition board ( National Instruments) to be placed in a computer slot. Bus PCI.
Analog input:
Number of channels= 16 single-ended or 8 differential. Resolution= 16 bits, 1 in 65536.
Sampling rate up to: 250 KS/ s ( Kilo samples per second) .
Input range ( V) = ± 10V. Data transfers= DMA, interrupts, programmed I/ 0. Number of DMA channels= 6.
Analog output:
Number of channels= 2. Resolution= 16 bits, 1 in 65536. Max. output rate up to: 833 KS/ s.
Output range( V) = ± 10 V. Data transfers= DMA, interrupts, programmed I/ 0.
Digital Input/ Output: Number of channels= 24 inputs/ outputs. D0 or DI Sample Clock frequency: 0 to 1 MHz.
Timing: Counter/ timers= 2. Resolution: Counter/ timers: 32 bits.

3.3.3. Computer Control + Data Acquisition + Data Management Software:
Compatible with actual Windows operating systems. Graphic and intuitive simulation of the process in screen. Compatible with the industry standards.
Registration and visualization of all process variables in an automatic and simultaneously way. Flexible, open and multicontrol software, developed with actual windows graphic systems, acting simultaneously on all process parameters. Management, processing, comparison and storage of data. Sampling velocity up to 250, 000 data per second guaranteed. Student calibration system for all sensors involved in the process. It allows the registration of the alarms state and the graphic representation in real time.
Comparative analysis of the obtained data, after to the process and modification of the conditions during the process.
Open software, allowing to the teacher to modify texts, instructions. Teacher’ s and student’ s passwords to facilitate the teacher’ s control on the student, and allowing the access at different work levels.
This unit allows that 30 students of the classroom can visualize simultaneously all results and manipulation of the unit, during the process, by using a projector.

3.4. Cabinet specifications:
- Metallic cubicle, with wheels.
- Front panel diagram.
- Inductances for simulating the transient and sub-transient state of the generator.
- Power supply.
- Current transformers.
- Voltage transformers.
- Vector inverter with automatic frequency load controller ( AFLC) .
- Automatic/ manual voltage regulator ( AVR) and automatic/ manual synchronization device.
- Magneto-thermal switches.
- Connectors.
- Power energy analyzers with RS-485 communication interface:
Voltage: Range 20-500 Vrms. Prec.: + / - 0.5% . Phase to phase-Phase to neutral. Current: Range 0.02-5 Arms. Prec.: + / - 0.5% .
Frequency: Range 48 to 62 Hz. + / - 0.1Hz. Power: Active, Reactive and Apparent. Range 0.01 to 9900 kW. Prec.: + / - 1% .
Power Factor: Power Factor for each phase and average. Range -0.1 to + 0.1. Prec.: + / - 1% .
- Digital protection relays with RS-485 communication interface.
- Programable logic controller ( PLC) with 42 I/ O signals and RS-485 interfaces.
- Contactors.
- Power switches and fault state indicators in the front panel.
- Emergency switch included.

4. Transformation ( 4TF) :
• Generator Group Transformer I ( 4TF / 1.a) .
- Three-phase power transformer, 5KVA, with 1: 1 ratio, Dy11 connection, with multi- tapped primary and secondary windings.
- Anodized aluminium structure and panels in painted steel.
- It includes wheels for mobility.

5. Transport ( 5TP) :
• Line I and II cabinet with Transmission Substation ( 5TP / 2) .
- Metallic cubicle, with wheels.
- Front panel diagram.
- Inductances and capacitors for lines parameters simulation.
- Voltage transformers.
- Current transformers.
- Magneto-thermal switches.
- Connectors.
- Contactors.
- It includes tapping points for changing the length of lines and the configuration of PI or T line loss profiling.
- Digital protection relay with RS-485 communication interface.
- Power meter analyzers with RS-485 communication interface:
Voltage: Range 20-500 Vrms. Prec.: + / - 0.5% . Phase to phase-Phase to neutral. Current: Range 0.02-5 Arms. Prec.: + / -0.5% .
Frequency: Range 48 to 62 Hz. + / - 0.1Hz. Power: Active, Reactive and Apparent. Range 0.01 to 9900 kW. Prec.: + / - 1% .
Power Factor: Power Factor for each phase and average. Range -0.1 to + 0.1. Prec.: + / -1% .
- Programmable logic controller ( PLC) with 42 I/ O signals for controlling and state estimation of all line elements and fault injection switches.
- State indicator lamps in the front panel.
- Emergency switch included.
- Etc.

6. Distribution and Consumption ( 6DC)
• Distribution Substation I, Loads and Network Equivalents I ( 6DC / 1) .
- Metallic cubicle, with wheels.
- Front panel diagram.
- Inductances, capacitors, resistors and active load modules for load simulation.
- Contactors.
- Power meter analyzers with RS-485 communication interface:
Voltage: Range 20-500 Vrms. Prec.: + / -0.5% . Phase to phase-Phase to neutral. Current: Range 0.02-5 Arms. Prec.: + / -0.5% .
Frequency: Range 48 to 62 Hz. + / -0.1Hz. Power: Active, Reactive and Apparent. Range 0.01 to 9900 kW. Prec.: + / - 1% .
Power Factor: Power Factor for each phase and average. Range -0.1 to + 0.1. Prec.: + / -1% .
- Voltage transformers.
- Digital protection relays with RS-485 communication interface.
- Dissipator fan.
- Connectors.
- Magneto-thermal circuit breaker.
- It includes tapping points for charging load topology configuration and fault injection with the help of PLC control device.
- Programmable logic controller ( PLC) with 42 I/ O signals for controlling, state estimation of all distribution substation elements and load configuration and fault injection.
- Etc.

• Distribution Transformer I ( 6DC / 2) .
- Three-phase transformer, 2kVA, phaser group Yd1, with multi-tapped primary.

Distributor power plant simulator. agent simulator pembangkit listrik tenaga diesel, pembangkit listrik tenaga uap, pembangkit listrik tenaga air

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