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Tn. William Sutanto [Pemilik/Pengusaha]

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Nomor faks Tn. William Sutanto di Jakarta


ITC Mangga Dua Blok E1/ lantai.1 no.50-51
Jakarta 14430, Jakarta

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DVR Standalone 16 Ch KPD 616 MPEG4[29 Dec. 2009, 0:29:50]
Hargalihat harga & kataloq ; klik gambar sblh kiri, klik 1 x lagi untuk memperbesar
Jumlah Pesanan:
AVTech KPD 616
* Include HDD 250GB

DVR 16channel kompresi web MPEG- 4 ( gambar lebih bagus saat diakses via internet)

Dapat merekam secara manual, merekam apabila ada gerakan saja dan merekam sesuai jadwal.

Dapat dipantau dan dikontrol melalui PC, Lan atau via internet. ( support TCP/ IP, PPPoE, DHCP dan DynDNS)

Bisa USB Back up dan dilengkapi dengan remote control

Tidak memerlukan PC

Dapat dipasang 2 hard disk sekaligus

Memiliki kualitas tampilan yang superior karena dapat menampilkan 480 gambar dalam 1 detik ( smooth, tidak patah- patah)

Apabila hard disk penuh, DVR ini dapat menghapus data rekaman secara otomatis ( tidak menghapus keseluruhan rekaman, tapi hanya menghapus sedikit data rekaman yang paling lama) . DVR ini menggunakan hard disk jenis ATA / IDE

Memiliki fasilitas untuk merekam suara, dapat dihubungkan ke external alarm dan apabila terjadi pemadaman listrik dan nyala kembali dapat berfungsi kembali secara otomatis ( tidak seperti sistem CCTV dengan DVR Card yang dipasang pada CPU, yang harus dinyalakan secara manual)

Durasi waktu rekam dengan hard disk 250 GB : 2, 3 hari ( best- 120ips) - 36 hari ( basic- 15ips)

Durasi rekam bervariasi tergantung dari beberapa faktor :
* Perbedaan kualitas kamera
* Perbedaan komposisi gambar ( seperti frekuensi dari pergerakan suatu objek )

Factory Specification
# KPD616, 16 CH MPEG- 4/ MJPEG real time Digital Video
# Recorder. It includes features such as MPEG- 4 compression format, superior real time performance with 480 IPS ( NTSC) / 400 IPS ( PAL) , remote surveillance on IE, advance motion trigger recording, and pentaplex functions.
# All the benefits of this product are created to secure your life every time and everywhere.
# Alarm trigger recording will send images to designated e- mail and FTP address
# Advanced motion detection function ( 4 different adjustable factors of motion detection sensitivity)
# Pentaplex function ( live display, recording, playback, backup and network)
# Web function supports MJPEG compression format for transmitting over the internet
# Web surveillance supports multiple viewers simultaneously
# Support covert screen for live view channels
# 2 HDD base built- in, support capacity over 400GB
# Support static IP, dynamic IP, and DHCP with DDNS function
# Support manual / timer / motion / alarm recording functions
# Record audio with 16CH
# System auto recovery after power reconnected
Specification :

# Video format - NTSC or PAL ( switch able)
# Video Compression Format - MPEG- 4/ MJPEG
# Video Input - 16 Channels. Composite video signal 1 Vp- p 75 BNC
# Video Loop Out - 4 Channels. Composite video signal 2 Vp- p 75 BNC
# Recording Rate - Frame: 720 x 480 pixels with 30 IPS ( NTSC) ; 720 x 576 pixels with 25 IPS ( PAL) CIF: 352 x 240 pixels with 120 IPS ( NTSC) ; 352 x 288 pixels with 100 IPS ( PAL)
Adjustable Recording Speed - Frame: 30, 15, 7, 3 IPS / 25, 12, 6, 3 IPS
CIF: 120, 60, 30, 15 IPS / 100, 50, 25, 12 IPS
# Hard Disk Storage - IDE type, ATA66, support HDD x 2, support HDD capacity over 500GB
# Audio I/ O - 1 audio inputs, 1 audio outputs ( Mono)
# Pre- alarm Recording - Yes ( 8MB)
# Web Transmitting Compression Format - Motion JPEG
# Ethernet - 10/ 100 Base- T. Support Remote Control and
Live View via Ethernet
# Web Interface - Support licensed software AP, and IE browser
# Remote Alarm Notification - E- mail Images, and Images Uploading to FTP Site' s Specific Account
# Network Connection - Support static IP, PPPoE, and DHCP with DDNS function
# PTZ - Support PELCO- D protocol
# Picture Zoom - Support 2X digital zoom function
# Key Lock - Yes
# Video Loss Detection - Yes
# Camera Title - Support up to 6 letters
# Power Source - DC 19V
# Current Consumption - < 42W
# Operation Temperature - 10 ~ 40° C
# Dimension ( mm) - 343mm ( W) x 59mm ( H) x 223mm ( D)

Keterangan :
Wahana Sukses Makmur /
Access Secure
ITC Mangga Dua
Lt.1 Blok E1, No.51
Jakarta 14430
ph. 021.6872- 1333, 6230- 0642, 6812- 8558
Fax.021.6230- 0642

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