Anggota Gratis 
Bahasa :
We Provided : supply of fire fighting tools and equipment as follow :
A. Fire Hydrant Ozeki, zeki.
Hydrant Box, Machino Coupling, Branch Pipe and Nozzle, Spray Nozzle, Siamese Connection, Hydrant Valve, Hose Rack, Hydrant Pillar, Fire Hose, Jet Star Fire Hose, Ozeki Fire Hose, Cotton Yarn, Polyester Fibre and Black Rubber Line, Three way fire hydrant pillar, fire brigade connection, Two way fire brigade connection, machino connection, van der heyde connection, two way hydrant pillar one way hydrant pillar, Potter electric vane type waterflow alarm switch with retard.
B. FIRE ALARM, Fire Detector, Smoke Detector, Differential Detector, Fixed Temperature Heat Detector, Gas Detector, Flame Detector, Common Base, Indicating Lamp, Zone Bell, Fire Alarm Control Panel, Fire Signal Receiving SetFire Signal Transmitter, General Fire Alarm Control Panel, Door Indication Light, Electronic Buzzer, Gas Leakage Alarm Panel, Nittan Fire Alarm System, Fire Alarm Control Panel, Manual Alarm Station, Bell and Others, Local Combined Box, Annuciator Panel/ PSD, Photoelectric Smoke Detector, Fixed Temp Heat Detector, Ionization Smoke Detector, Rate of Rise Heat Detector, CNS 8877HC-407, HC-202D series 200, HC-1W, HC-2W, Motor Alarm Bell, Model HC-306L, P-1 Type Control Panle Model 1PK0, Swing & Fixed Type Fire Hose Reels, HC-202D, HC-307D, HC-407D, HC-601-UV, HC-207, HC-206A, HC-54D, HC-306A, HC-208, HC-602, HC-1024, HC-1120, HC-1220, HC-624B, HC-612B, HC-300L, HC-1W, HC-2W, HC-200L, HC-501R
C. FIRE SPRINKLER, viking, micromatic sprinkler, horizon sprinkler, shilhouette sprinkler, pendent, upright, conventional, sidewall sprinkler, microfast sprinkler, special application sprinkler, Micromatic Sprinkler Model M, Sidewall sprinkler, adjustable escutcheon model E-1, Horizon Mirage Concealed SprinklerAlarm Check Valve Model J-1, Water Motor Alarm, F61, Series Standard Flow Rate Switch, Vane Tye Waterflow Switch with retard, outside screw and yoke valve supervisory switch, OSYSU-1 STK. No. 1010106, 1010206, 1MFI-R & 2MFI-R, PL-R4, PSD-nL, 2KH-LS, 2IC-LS, 2SC-LS
D. Water Pump, Portable water pump, Fire Pump
E. Alat Pemadam Kebakaran Portable, Fire Extinguisher Dry Chemical / CO2, portable, wheel carrying, hooseki, yamato, Viking, ABCE Class Fire, CO2 BC Class Fire, appron
Akron, Auto_Matrix, Amerex, Ansul, Angus, ABM, Alpindo, Apron, Bullard, Cobra, Chubb, Duraline, Fire Hose RRC, Firotec, Falcon, Golden Metal, Germany, Haws, Jet Star, Elkhart, Mini Max, Miyako, Nittan, National, MSA, Peacock, Red Guard, Sakura, Sabo, Spectronic, Hayes, Spray Safe, Hatsuta, Viking, Wilson, Zeki, Ozeki, Zieglar, etc..
Onyx NFS-640 Panel
Intelligent 1 to 2 Loop Fire Alarm Control Panel
- Audio EIA-232
- NFS-640 Fire Alarm Control Panel
- RM-1 Remote Microphone
- FSP-851 Photo Detector
- FAPT-851 Acclimate Plus Detector
- CRT-2 Terminal
- PRN-5 Printer
- FSP-851 Photo Detector
- FAPT-851 Acclimate Plus Dectotor
- FSI-851 Ion Detector
- FSL-751 View Detector
- FSD-751 1P Duct Detector
- FST-851 Thermal Detector
- FSH-751 HARS Detector
- RFX Wireless Gateway
- RFX-R Reciever Interface
- SDRF-751 Wirelless Detector
- FMM-1 Monitor Module
- FZM-1 2-Woire Detector
- SD-651 Photo Detector
- CP-651 Ion Detector
- NBG-12LX Addressable Manual Pull Station
- ACPS-2406 Addressable ChargerPower Supply
- P1224MC Horn/ Strobe
- P1224MC Horn/ Strobe
- P1224Mc Horn/ Strobe

Onyx NOTI.NET Network
Onyx Network Option
- NFS-3030 with 640 Character Display
- NFS-640 with 80 Character Display
- Network Control Annuciator ( NCA)
- NFS-640 Display
- Intelligent Fire Alarm Control Panels
- Network Control Station ( NSC)

Conventional Panels and Comminications
- RP Series Releasing Controls
- SFP- 1024 10-zone Control Communicator
- 411- Series Communicators
- SFP-2402
- SFP-2404

System 500/ System 500 Features
- EIA-485 LCD-80 Display
- EIA-485 ACS Series Annunciator
- EIA- 485 PRN-5 Printer
- NBG-12 Conventional Manual Pull Station
- 6424 Beam Detector
- SP200 Series Speaker
- 1451 Conventional Ion Detector
- DH100 Duct Detector
- P241575 Horn / Strobe
- AFAWS Warden Station
- WFD Waterflow
- DH100 Duct Detector
- KMS Bell
- FPJ Phone Jack

Advanced Fire Alarm Network that Links NOTIFIER Fire Alarm Control Panels
- Intelligent Fire Alarm Control Panels
- Network Control Annunciator ( NCA)
- NFS-3030 Fire Alarm
- NFS-640 Fire Alarm Control Panel
- Network Control Station ( NCS)
- NOTI.FIRE.NET Web Server ( NWS)
- NFS-3030 Displayless

Onyx NFS-3030 Panel
- EIA-485 LCD-160 Display
- EAI-SCS Smoke Control Station
- EAI-Custom Graphics Annuciator
- EAI-ACS LED Annunciator
- SLC-Loop FSP-851 Photo Detector
- SLC-FAPT-851 Acclimate Plus Detector
- SLC-FSI-851 Ion Detector
- SLC-FST-851 Thermal Detector
- SLC-FSH-751 HARSH Detector
- SLC-RFX Wireless Gateway
- SLC-RFX-R Receiver Interface
- SLC-SDRF-751 Wirelless Detector
- SLC-FMM-1 Monitor Module
- SLC-FZM-1 2-Wire Detector Monitor Module
- SLC-SD-651 Photo Detector
- SLC-CP-Ion Detector
- SLC-NBG-12LX Addressable Manual Pull Station
- SLC-ACPs-2406 Addressable Charger Power Supply
- SLC-P1224MC Horn/ Strobe

UniNet 2000
Integrated Facilities Monitoring Network Encompassing a Full Array of Building Systems
Enthernet CLIENTS
- Fire/ Security Graphic Workstation
- Access Control Client
- Photo Imaging Client
- Boolean Logic Client
- Guard Tour Client
- Incident Reporting
- Multi-Brand CCTV Integration
* Local Area Server
- Card Access
- Network printer
- CCTV Intergration
- Ademco Vista Security
- NoTIFIER Fire Panels
- Network Text-Only CRT
- Competitive Fire Interface
- Remote BCI
- Digital Dialer Receiver
- Competitive Fire Interface
- Ademco Vista Security
- Card Access
- NOTIFIER Fire Panels
AFP-100 Features
- VEC-25/ 50 Voice control
- V400R Speaker
- V400R Speaker
- SP200 Speaker / Stobe
- SLC Loop
- FSP-751 Photo Detector

AFP-1010 and AM2020 Features
* EIA-485
- LCD-80 Display
- SCS Smoke Control Station
- Custom Grapichs Annunciator
- ACS LED Annuciator
* SLC Loop
- FAPT-751 Acclimate Plus Detector
- FSI-751 Ion Detector
- FSP-751 Photo Detector
- FST- 751 Thermal Detector
- NBG-12LX Addressable Manual Pull Station
- FSD-7511P Duct Detector
- FZM-1 2-Wire Detector
- Fmm-1 Monitor Module
- FCM-1 Monitor Module
- ISO-X Isolator Module
- SD-651 Photo Detector
- CP-651 Ion Detector
- BNG Manual Pull Station
- S2475 Strobe
- CRT-2 Terminal
- PRN-5 Printer
- Speaker Circuit
- XPIQ Transponder
- High-Intensity UL-1971/ ADA Strobes
- FireFightters Telephone

Gate Valve

Model : OSY-1U Outside Screw & Yoke ( OS& Y) 200psi
* Features :
- Primarily used to Isolate section/ s of Piping System or control a Flow Condition
- Cast Iron body with Resilient Seat
- Epoxy-coated on Interior & Exterior for Extra Proction

* Sizes : 65mm[ 2, 5 " ] to 300mm [ 12 " ]
* Pressure : 13.8 Bars [ 200psi] Working , 27.6 Bars [ 400 psi] Test
* Flange : Flate face to Class 125/ ANSI B16.1/ Pn 16

Model : OSY-1H Outside Screw & Yoke ( OS& Y) 250psi
* Features :
- Primarily Used to Isolate Section/ s of Piping System or Control a Flow Condition
- Cast Iron body with Resilient Seat
- Expoxy-coated on Interior & Exterior for Extra Protection

* Sizes : 65mm [ 2, 5 " ] to 300mm [ 12 " ]
* Pressure : 17.2 Bars [ 250 psi] Working , 34.5 Bars [ 500 psi] Test
* Flange : Flat face Class 300/ ANSI B16, 5/ PN

Model : NRS-1U Non-rising Stem ( NRS) 200 psi, NRS-1U ( PI) Post Indicator 200psi
* Features :
- Primarily used Isolate Section/ s of Piping System or Control a Flow Condition
- Resilioent-coated on Interior & Exterior for Extra protection
- Avaliable with Handwheel or Mating Flange for Post Indikator

* Sizes : 65mm [ 2, 5 " ] to 300mm [ 12 " ]
* Pressure : 13.8 Bars [ 200psi] Working, 27.6 Bars [ 400 psi] Test
* Flange : Flate face to Class 125/ ANSI B16.1/ PN16

Model : NRS-1H Non-rising Stem ( NRS) 250psi
* Features :
- Primarily used to isolate Section/ s of Piping System or Control a Flow Condition
- Resilient Seat allows Ease of Operation
- Epoxy-coated on Interior & Exterior for Extra Protection
- Avaliable with Handwhell or Mating Flange Post Indicator

* Sizes : 65mm[ 2, 5 " ] to 300mm [ 12 " ]
* Pressurre : 17.2 Bars [ 250 psi] Working , 34, 5 Bars [ 500 psi] Test
* Flange : Flatye face to Class 250/ ANSI B16.5/ PN16

Post Indicator

Model : IP-1 Vertical Adjustable Type
* Features :
- Designed to operate a buried or inaccesible Gate Butterfly Valve
- Adjustable Dept of Bury to allow varying dept of pipeline

* Sizes : 100mm[ 4 " ] to 300mm [ 12 " ]
* Adjust.Range : 813 to 1, 422mm [ 32 to 56 " ]
* Operating nut : 51mm ( 2 " ) SQ

Butterfly Valve

Model : HPW ( Wafer Type ) 300 psi
* Features :
- valve can be installed in any Orientation and Flow in any Direction
- External Flag Indicator shows Exact Position of Valve Disc
- Gear Actuator is rated NEMA4/ IP65-Suitable for Indoor and Outdoor Use
- Microswitch
* Sizes : 65mm [ 2.5 " ] to 200mm [ 8 " ]
* Pressure : 21 Bars [ 300 psi] Working , 42 Bars [ 600 psi] Test
* Temperature : 120Â º C [ 600 psi] Working

Model : HPG ( Grooved Type ) 300 psi
* Features :
- Valve can be installed in any Orientation and Flow in any Direction
- External Flag indicator show Exact Position of Valve Disc
- Gear Actuator is rated NEMA4/ IP65-Suitable for Indoor and Outdoor Use
- Microswitch provides Electrical Contact To Monitor the valve' s Open/ Close Position
* Sizes : 65mm [ 2, 5 " ] to 200mm [ 8 " ]
* Pressure : 21 Bars [ 300 psi] , 42 Bars [ 600 psi] test
* Temperature : 120Â º C[ 250Â º F] Working

Check Valve

Model : 2102-6 Singel Door Type
* Features :
- Cast Iron Body with Spring-loaded Disc to Minimise Water Hammer
- Wafer Desighn Requires very Space for Installation
* Sizes : 100mm[ 4 " ] to 200mm [ 8 " ]
* Pressure : 12.1 Bars [ 175 psi Working
* End Connection : Wafer type for Between-flange ANSI B16.5

Model : DDCV-116U Double Door Type
* Features :
- Double Door features Reduce Frictional Losses
- Suitable for Water, Oil & Gas
- Wafer Design Requires very little Space for Installation
- Disc is made from Stainless Stell SUS31
* Sizes : 50mm [ 2 " ] to 350mm [ 14 " ]
* Pressure : 16.0 Bars [ 230 psi ] Nominal Working, 17.6 Bars [ 250psi] Seat Test
Temperature : Working-10 to 120Â º C [ 14 to 250Â º F ]


Model : RAF-80FP
* Features :
- Use in Pump Room to Relief off Excess Pressure Beyond a Pre-set Pressure Head to minimase Pump Churning
- Painted with Special Coating for Corrosion-free Protection
- Wide Range of Flow Capacities
- Avalable in Globe or Angle Type
* Sizes : 50mm [ 2 " ] to 200mm [ 8 " ] , other sizes upon request
* Pressure 12.1 Bars [ 175 psi] Working
* Adj.Range : 2.0 to 10.0 Bars [ 29 to 145 psi]
* Coating : Rilsan 911-Nylon 11 ( Red)
* Temperature : -10Â º C to 80Â º C

Inspector Test Valve
Model : BH-07
* Features :
- Use at the End each Branch Pipe to Simulate Flowrate of One ( 1) S[ prinkler Head Activation
- Posistive Positioning of Handle for Off, Test & Drain positions
* Sizes : 25mm[ 1 " ] & 32mm[ 1Â ¼ " ]
* Conection : NPT
* Orifice : 15mm( Â ½ ) Nominal


Model : VSR-F
* Features
- Use to Detect a Water Flow in the Pipework of Wet Sprinkler System
- Also used as a Sectional Waterflow Detector on large Systems
- Vane Type with Adjustable Pneumatic Retard
- Suitable for Indoor or outdoor use with factory-installed Gasket
- Explosion-proofed type Switch Model VSR-EX is available
* Sizes : 50mm [ 2 " ] to 250mm [ 10 " ]
* Pressure : 31 Bars [ 450psi] -50mm to 200mm, 21 Bars [ 300psi] -250mm
* Min.Flowrate : 38l/ min
* Contact Rating :
- NEMA4/ Ip65, when useds with appropriate. Conduit Fittins
- Two sets of SPDT ( From C)
- 15A at 125/ 250 Vac, 2A at 30 Vdc
* Temperature : 4Â º C to 50Â º C

Model : VSR-SF
* Features :
- use to Detect a water Flow in the Pipework of Wet Sprinkler Systems that use 25mm[ 1 " ] , 32mm[ 1Â ¼ " ] , 40mm[ 1Â ½ ] or 50mm [ 2 " ] pipe
- Also used as a Sectional Waterflow Detector on large Systems
- Vane Type with Adjustable Pneumatic Retard
- Suitable for Indoor or Outdoor use with factory-installed Gasket
* Size : 25mm[ 1 " ] NPT
* Pressure : 17 Bars [ 250psi]
* Min.Flowrate : 30 to 38 I/ min
* Contact Rating :
- NEMA4/ IP65, when used with appropriate Conuit Fittings
- Two sets of SPDT ( From C)
- 15A at 125/ 250 Vac, 2A at 30 Vdc
* Temperature : 4Â º C to 50Â º C

Pressure Switch

Model : PS10-1A/ 2A, PS40-1A/ 2A, PS120-1A/ 2A
* Features :
- Used to detect a Pressure Change in a Pipework of Wet, Deluge, Preaction or Dry Systems
- Suaitable for indoor or Outdoor use with Factory-installed Gasket
- Not Suitable for Application In Exploive Environment
- Raise an Alarm on Rising Pressure.Can also Supervise Low Pressure on Decreasing Pressure
- Acuating Pressure adjustable from 0.3 to 1.4 bars
- Explosion-proofed type Switch Model VSR-EX is available

* Connection : Â ½ " NPT
* Pressure : 17 Bars [ 250psi]
* Min.Differential :
- ( PS10-1A, ( PS10-2A) 0.07 Bar
* Max.Differential :
- ( PS40-2A0, ( PS120-2A) 0.15 to 1.4 Bars
- ( PS40-2A) , ( PSI120-2A) 0.35 to 12.1 Bars
* Factory Setting :
- ( PS40-1A) operate on decreas Pressure at 2.0 Bars
- ( PS40-2A) operate on de rease pressure at 2.0 Bars and/ or increase at 3.4 Bars
- ( PS120-1A) opertae on decrease pressure at 2.0 Bars and/ or increase at 7.6 Bars
* Ingress Rating : Ip65, When used with apporate Conduit Fittings
* Contact Rating :
- PS10/ 40/ 120-1A has One set of SPDT ( Form C)
- PS10/ 40/ 120-2A has Two sets of SPDT ( Form C)
- 15A at 125/ 250 Vac, 2A at 30 Vdc
- Temperature : 4Â º C to 50Â º C

Supervisory Switch

Model : OSYSU-1 OSYSU-2
* Features :
- Use to monitor a prarticular position of a OS& Y Gate or Globe Valve, 15mm [ Â ½ " ]
- Suitable for Indoor or outdoor use with Factory-installed Gasket
- Explosion-Proofed type Switch Model OSYSU-EX is available
* Contact Rating :
- IP65, when use with appropriate Conduit Fittings
- OSYSU-1 ( Frome C) respectively
- 15A at 125/ 250 Vac, 2A at 30 Vdc
* Temperature : -40Â º C to 60Â º C

Model : PTS-C
* Features :
- Use Monitor a Particular Position of a Non-Rising Stem Gate or Glonbe Valve
- Suitable for Indoor or Outdoor use with Factory-installed Gasket
* Contact rating :
- IP65, when use with appropriate Conduit Fitings
- One sets of SPDT ( Form C) respectively
- 15A at 125/ 250 Vac, 2A ata 30 Vdc
* Temperature : -40Â º C to 60Â º C


Model : Water Proving Pipe
* Features :
- Proving Pipe is Designed to Test the Flowrate ion relation to the System Pressure in order to Check the wet Sprinkler system' Operating Points
- Direct Reading of the Flowrate against the Corresponding Hazard Group
- Robust Corrosion-resistant Design
* Size : 80mm[ 3 " ]
* Connections : Inlet 3 " Male BSPT Threadded
* Material : Malleable Iron, Galvanised, Mild Steel Body and ABS

Model : Firesure
* Features
- Designed for Accurate Measurement of Flowrate at Pum or Contorl Valve
- Flexibility and Speedier Instalation resulted in Reduced Construction Costs
- Simple & Versatile Bypass Configuration
- Interchangeable Flow Tubes & Restrictors
- Extended Flow ranges Covers all Test Requirements
- Can be installed Horizontally or Vertically
* Sizes : 50mm[ 2 " ] to 200mm [ 8 " ]
* Connection : Between-Flange or Grooved
* Material : Stainless Steel 316 Orifice in polyster-coated Carbon Steel body , Ni-plated Copper tubing, Glass Indicator tube, Viton Seals
* Pressure : 30 bars at 90Â º C
* Accuracy : Â ± 5% of Flow Reading

Model : K ( Venturi Type )
* Features :
- Use in Pump Room or at Control Valve to Measure Flowrate
- Direct Reading with Little Obstruction to Flow
- Require No or Little Maintenance
* Sizes : 65mm[ 2Â ½ " ] to 300mm [ 12 " ]
* Pressure : 34.0 Bars [ 500 psi] Working
* Coating : Zinc-plated
* Connection : Grooved ends
* Gauge : 114mm ( 4Â ½ ) Dials with Dual Scale in LPM and GPM

Flexible Sprinkler Hose

Model : Fastflex
* Features :
- Inexpensive Replacement of Sprinkler Pipe Dropper to False Ceiling
- Flexible Hose allws Easy Relocation of Sprinkler Point
- Available in Braided or Unbraided Hose
* Inlet Connection : 25mm [ 1 " ] Male BSP thread
* Outlet Connection : 15mm [ Â ½ " ] , Female NPT thread, 20mm [ Â ¾ " ] on request
* Internal Diameter : 25mm & 28mm
* Hose Lenght : standard 700mm, 1000mm & 1500mm, other lenght on request
* Bar Length : Standard 700mm, other lenght on request
* Pressure : 12.1 Bars ( 175 psi)

Vortex Inhibitor

Model : Suction Lift / Positive Head
* Features :
- Use to Prevent Air Entering into the Pump when a Vortex is Created at Low Water Level
- Made of Non-corrosive Materials
* Sizes : 65mm [ 2Â ½ " ] to 450mm [ 18 " ]
* Connection : BS 45o4 PN 16 ( Suction Lift) , BS 4504 PN 16 ( Positive Head )

Sprinkler Fitting

Model : Fig 522 Branch Outlet
* Features :
- Designed for Connecting Nozzles / Sprinkler Head in a System
- Ideals for Retrofit of Existing Piping System where Sprinkler Head or Nozzle will be Fitted Directly without having to dismantle the Entire Pipework
- Exellent for either Pre-fabrication or in-situ Installation of Sprinkler Branch
* Size : Pipe 25mm [ 1 " ] to 76.1mm [ 2Â ½ " ] Branch 15mm [ Â ½ " ] to 25mm [ 1 " ]
* Material : Cast Steel Housing, EDPM O-Ring, Zinc-plated Bolt & Nut
* Finish : Galvanised
* Temperature : -20Â º C to 100Â º C

- SLR- 835B Direct Wire Series
- SLR-835 with Base series
- SLR- 24 Photoelectric Smoke Detector Series
- SIJ-24 Ionization Smoke Detector
- DCD-135/ 190 Fixed Temperature and Rate Rise heat Detector
- DFE-135 / 190 Fixed Temperature heat detector
- DSC-EA Rate Of Rise Heat Detector
- sounder Base
- Conventional Base
- SBC Conventional Sounder base
- SRA-24 Reflective beam Smoke Detector
- SPB-24N Point- To-Point Beam Smoke Detector
- HF-24 Ultraviolet Flame Detector
- DH-98 Series Conventional and Analog Duct Detector
- HCP Conventional Panels
- Smoke and Heat Detector Test Accessories
- TTA-1H Universal Heat Detector Tester
- TSE-A100 Self-Contained Smoke Generator Pole
- NRST & NSTT Smoke Detector tester & Removal Tool
- Conventional HA-EOLR
- FireNET Analog Addressable Control Panel
- Analog Sensor series
- ALG-V Photoelectric Analog Sensor
- AIE-EA Ionization Analog Sensor
- ATG-EA Heat Analog Sensor
- TCH-B100 Hand-Held Programmer
- FRCME-S and FRCME-4 Fast response Contact Monitoring Module
- SOM Supervised Output Module
- R2M Dual Relay Module
- SCI SHort Circuit Isolator
- CZM Conventional Zone Module
- Dimm Dual Input Monitor module

Mode / Sprinkler Identification number
- TY1151-Upright 2, 8K, 1/ 2 " NPT
- Ty1251-Pendent 2, 8K, 1/ 2 " NPT
- Ty3151-Upright 5, 6K, 1/ 2 " NPT
- TY3251-Pendent 5, 6K, 1/ 2 " NPT
- TY4151-Upright 8.0K, 3/ 4 " NPT
- TY4251-Pendent 8.0K, 3/ 4 " NPT
- TY4851-Upright 8.0K, 1/ 2 " NPT
- TY4951-Pendent 8.0K, 1/ 2 " NPT

Technical Data
- UL and C-UL Listed
- FM, LPCB, and NYC Approved ( Refer to Table A complete approval information including corrosion resistant status)
Maximum Working Pressure
- 175 psi ( 12, 1 bar)
Discharge Coefficient
- K= 2.8 GPM/ psi 1/ 2 ( 40, 3 LPM/ bar 1/ 2)
- K= 5.6 GPM/ psi 1/ 2 ( 80, 6 LPM/ bar 1/ 2)
- K= 8.0 GPM/ psi 1/ 2 ( 115, 2 LPM/ bar 1/ 2)
Temperature Ratings
- Rafer to Table A
- Sprinkler : Rafer to Table
- Recessed Escutcheon : white coated, Chrome Plated, or Brass Plated
Physcal Characteristics
- Frame : Bronze
- Button : Brass/ Copper
- Sealing Assembly
- Beryllium Nickel w/ Teflont
- Bulb : Glass
- Compression Screw : bronze
- Deflector : Copper
- Bushing ( K= 2.8) : Bronze

Untuk informasi lanjut Penawaran Harga dan Penjualan dapat menghubungi :
For more information, request for quotation and selling unit please contact for the following :
Address :
Lindeteves Trade Centre Lt1, Blok C32 No.8
Jl. Hayam Wuruk No.127
Jakarta Barat
Telp 021-62310892, 021-2957 6875, Hp 0813 1415 7273, 0813 8329 7590
email : k333111000@, k000333111@

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