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    • Personal Radiation / ....

      Personal Radiation / Monitoring Personal


      RADTriage monitor 20 mSv dan dosis yang lebih tinggi seperti Gamma / x-ray radiasi dalam insiden radiologi atau pengguna pesawat sinar-x.
      Sensor langsung mengembangkan warna....

    • Braumeister - Beer....

      Braumeister - Beer Making Machine Ideal for Everybody' s Kitchen

      The Braumeister has been developed especially for the future and active hobby and home brewer. It has never been so simple to brew oneâ � � s own good beer. Everyone can do it with....

    • Fountain - Blast....

      Fountain - Blast Inhibitor (Peredam Ledakan)

      FOUNTAIN adalah suatu alat peredam ledakan ( blast inhibitor) , berfungsi untuk mengurangi efek merusak, tekanan ledakan, dan ancaman api dari suatu ledakan, sehingga meminimalisasi....

    • Quantum Sniffer

      Quantum Sniffer


      Quantum Snifferâ � ¢
      QS-H150 Detektor Bahan Peledak Portabel

      Quantum Sniffer memiliki paten vortex collector untuk deteksi secara simultan particel dan uap dari bahan peledak....

    • ChemSightâ � ¢ ....

      ChemSight� Hazardous Gas Detection System

      The ChemSightâ � ¢ detector is an infrared ( IR) , line of sight, sensing system for point of entry, fixed security, fence line and perimeter protection that utilizes a simple, non....

    • IDP Conpass-Body....

      IDP Conpass-Body Scanner

      HargaDepends on Type and Option

      IDP CONPASS allows to receive the projection X-Ray image of the checked person and " to see" , what is hidden under clothes; " to have a look inside" of the person. Thus there are no....

    • Ahura First Defender

      Ahura First Defender

      HargaDepends on Type and Option

      Rugged, Handheld Raman Spectrometer for Identification of WMDs, Chemical Agents, Explosives, TICs, TIMs, Narcotics & Powders.
      Accurate Identification of Thousands of Solids, ....

    • IDP-MBSS ( Mobile....

      IDP-MBSS (Mobile Brigade Signal Shield) Portable Mobile Jammer

      Blocks all cellular phone communication and ensure a cell phone free environment in your controlled area. This device is special for outdoor event use. It uses battery for....

    • IDP Under Vehicle....

      IDP Under Vehicle Scanner

      HargaDepends on Quantity

      IDP-UVS comes in portable design with wheels and handle, much easier to operate and move. Has Camera with assistant LED lights for dark conditions, real-time show the result on 4" ....

    • PepperSpray PD-OC3

      PepperSpray PD-OC3

      HargaDepends on Quantity

      Oleoresin Capsicum ( OC) is a naturally occuring agent found in cayenne peppers. It is Safe, Effective, and relatively Inexpensive. OC is an inflammatory agent and causes an almost....

    • Ahura TruDefender FT

      Ahura TruDefender FT

      HargaDepends on Type and Option

      Rugged, Handheld FTIR system for rapid, in-the-field Identification of unknown chemicals. Weighing only 1.4kgs TruDefender FT brings the power of FTIR directly into the hotzone, ....

    • Ahura TruScan

      Ahura TruScan

      HargaDepends on Type and Option

      Rugged, Handheld Chemical Analyzer with Raman Spectroscopy for Fast, Accurate Raw Material Verification.
      A simpler, safer sampling technique of Point and Shoot. TruScan laser....