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ELTI Gramedia
ELTI Gramedia
Info Perusahaan
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Nama:Tn. greg heri siswanto [Karyawan]
E-mail:Kirim Pesan
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Nomor Telpon:Nomor telpon Tn. greg heri siswanto di jakarta selatan
Nomor Faks:Nomor faks Tn. greg heri siswanto di jakarta selatan
Alamat:Wijaya grand centre blok F no 83
jakarta selatan 12160, Jakarta
Rata-rata Tinjauan PemakaiTidak ada ulasan untuk perusahaan ini - Menulis tinjauan
Tanggal Bergabung:24 May. 2023
Terakhir Diperbarui:29 Mar. 2008
Sifat Dasar Usaha:Jasa dari kategori Layanan Bisnis

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KOMPAS â € “ GRAMEDIA Group has been rendering its services since 1963, starting with the monthly magazine INTISARI. Two years later, in the middle of the 1965, to meet the needs of people for information, the channels of which were lacking at the time, a daily a newspaper by the name of KOMPAS was published under a foundation organization. Establishedby the late Mr. P.K Ojong and our present Chief Executive Mr. Jakob Oetama . Step by step KOMPAS daily made progress, Recently, KOMPAS has successfully become the largest nationwide newspaper in Indonesia with an audited circulation of over 500.000 copies a day. In 1970there was expansion in the business: the opening of the first GRAMEDIA Bookstore in Jakarta. Now there are more than ten GRAMEDIA Bookstore in Java and Sumatra. In 1972 the KOMPAS GRAMEDIA Group set up its own printing plant, under PT GRAMEDIA, in Jakarta. 1973 saw the establishment of GRAMEDIA book Publishing Division, At present GRAMEDIA published around 250 new titles a year with a total print run of over 1.600.000 copies, ranging from children book, novel, textbooks and dictionaries to general book covering various fields of science and English language teaching. Book on computer and electronics are published separately by PT ELEX MEDIA KOMPUTINDO. Another business unit affiliated with GRAMEDIA. Beside among the KOMPAS â € “ GRAMEDIA Group there is another business unit: PT SARANA INFORMATIKA, which issues INFOKOMPUTER- the only computer magazine in Indonesia. 1973also saw the launching of RADIO SONORA especially directed at metropolitan Jakarta.
The children magazine BOBO was also first issued in1973. 1977 brought of the birth of the youth Magazine Division also run various weeklies like MONITOR ( over 700.000 copies a week) , JAKARTA- JAKARTA, NOVAand SENANG. BOLA, another weekly is now the largest sport magazine in Indonesia.
Concerned about the Indonesian local press indrusties nowadays the KOMPAS â € “ GRAMEDIA Group supports some local newspaper, i.e. SRIWIJAYA POST ( Palembang) , SERAMBI INDONESIA ( Banda Aceh) , SURYA ( Surabaya) and BERITA NASIONAL ( Yogyakarta) . In cooperation with other national press industries, KOMPAS- GRAMEDIA Group has also taken the opportunity to publish THE JAKARTA POST, which is now the leading English newspaper in Indonesia
KOMPAS â € “ GRAMEDIA Group keep on progressing due to the professionalism of its management and dedication of its employees More than business unit have been established such as a bank ( BANK UMUM MAJAPAHIT) , hotels ( SANTIKA) , a rattan industry ( PEJALINDO) and a travel Berea ( INA MEDIA WISATAMAS) . Busides , to provide vocational training, KOMPAS- GRAMEDIA Group has recently opened computer school ( LPKT/ PPKT) and developed ELTI ( English language training International) . And in cultural matters. It provides two cultural centers in Jakarta and Yogyakarta . Under the name of BENTARA BUDAYA.

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